
ʋօʟʊʍɛ 2, Part 6: Happy Years - Not "Half“, just 'sister'

~9099 words

-- Mild NSFW in Julian's perspective. --

I will mention it again so proceed with caution.


A year has passed by. Eris's education was progressing smoothly. Her talent for the sword seems to be pretty good. Before she was 10 she had already reached the standards of the intermediate rank. The intermediate rank can be said to be able to contend with an average knight.

Ghislaine said she can reach the advanced rank in a few years' time. She was only 9 years old and yet... Is our Ojou-sama a prodigy? What about me? If you ask me, I'll turn away my eyes.

Not out of shame. Comparing her to Julian would be a crime since even Paul called him one in a century genius when it comes to the sword.

However, by normal standards, she can be considered as a high prodigy. Her talent and affinity with the sword were enough to put many grown-ups and knights to shame.

However, Eris in regard to language, well you can say it's going fine. Particularly because Ghislaine talked about her terrible past ordeals because she couldn't read. She was unable to do anything because of that, got deceived by all sorts of bad people, and in the end ended up as a slave for sale. That's why Eris desperately tried to learn by heart.

The improvement in math isn't very apparent. I'm not sure what sort of things will happen to Eris in the future, but this world doesn't seem to need the usage of advanced math, so I feel that it's best to take things slowly. In 5 years to be familiar with the 4 basic arithmetic operations, I'll make this my goal.

The magic lessons are progressing smoothly too, but there's a feeling that we'll be reaching the bottleneck soon. She can basically use all the elementary ranked magic, and she's familiar with all the magic systems other than earth magic, and in comparison, Ghislaine only learned fire magic.

They both attended the same classes, but why is there such a difference? Is water, wind and earth magic something that Ghislaine isn't familiar with? In any case, there are some things in the magic textbook that cannot be used even if you chant it.

Regarding this part, I also did not work hard in memorizing it, so I don't really understand. Also, I tried to let them learn voiceless incantations, but the return is meagre. Sylphy immediately caught on to it. Perhaps this is an issue of age. Or perhaps Sylphy has that sort of talent.

I don't really know, maybe I have taught them something useless. It's about time to go into the intermediate ranked magic, but Ghislaine and Eris are both sword fighters. It should be enough to learn the elementary ranked magic to clear some unimportant miscellaneous stuff.

I think this is fine if it's done this way. I believe one day it will be of use. Although I feel that in regard to every subject, it's progressing smoothly, but it seems that Etiquette classes has run into a problem.


Well, Eris' 10 years old birthday is fast approaching. The age of 10 years old is special, and according to noble customs, the 5 years old, 10 years old, 15 years old birthdays will be done with a grand party to celebrate the birthday.

The mansion's courtyard will be open, and receive the citizens' gifts, and will also invite the nobles from the city to participate. Because Sauros is a boorish officer, the earlier plan was to have a self-help buffet style party with plenty of wine. But Philip intercepted the idea, and changed it to a dance party, reasoning that it's easier to allow the nobles to attend it.

When it comes to the party, the one with the biggest headache is Eris. At any rate, she's unable to dance. She can't even do the easiest dance steps. "This is too big of a problem if the main actress is unable to dance." Edona said this during the staff meeting day held at the beginning of the month.

I asked about Eris when she was 5 years old, and received the reply that dance classes are only necessary after the Asuran nobles are reaching 10 years old. This means there was no need to learn dancing. The sword and magic schedules were all suspended to hold an emergency training session for Etiquette classes.

The sword training in the morning still did not change, and after having lunch, a little bit of magic was practiced, allowing the food to digest, and after that every class was practicing dancing. The more I see Eris' appearance, the more I feel that she's under a cheerless and irritated mood.

"Pardon me for asking, does Rudeus-sama know how to dance?" Edona who just turned up after the magic training ends, asked me.

"No, I can't do it."

"Then if you can't, please join in the practice. Rudeus will also attend the dance party also right?"

"A-ah-. I will, participate?" I looked at Eris, and she nodded in a matter-of-factly.

"Of course, Rudeus will attend." She said in an oddly polite way. Is this due to the Etiquette classes? Eris used some strange words. No, it's not something important.

"I seem to be required to attend."

"Then if you need to attend, it wouldn't be too good if you don't know how to dance."

"No, it will be okay if I stay in a corner and act as a young child." Edona didn't even show a strained smile. She always has a gentle smile on her face that doesn't break. I noticed that other than this expression, this person doesn't show any other expressions. In other words, a poker face.

"If one is attending a party for the first time, that person might feel more nervous than the usual self. There might be a moment where one steps on the dance partner's toes, furthermore the guests might feel discouraged looking at Ojou-sama's tender age. To resolve the tension, if it's possible, I wish you will become..."

Edona looked at me several times, but she still had a smile on her face. After beating around the bush, you just want my help, right? Eris' dance lessons were progressing with such difficulty.

There's no helping it, even though I don't want to lend help in something that I'm not familiar in, but since she already puts it that way I can't refuse. No matter what, I'm still the head teacher.

"I see, alright I understand. But I won't pay for the fees okay?"

"Of course, but in reverse I will be troubling Rudeus-sama." Because of this dialogue, I also joined the dance lessons.


Edona's teaching methods are really too lousy, no, as a teacher it's roughly like that. You must do this, that's how you do that, in any case you should remember it. Something like this. What's important, what's the crux, and points to take note of, all of that aren't taught. I also met a teacher like that during my middle school, whatever, I'll just think of my own if I don't understand, since I'm not a child anymore.

"I got it." After 3 days, I have grasped a few different dances. The so-called dance is only to match the rhythm and do the fixed footsteps. You don't even need to practice for the simplest dance. Maybe it's because I actively used the experience when I played dance, dance revolution during my middle school, there's not much of a problem.

"That's magnificent, Rudeus-sama really is a genius."

Eris frowned when she saw Edona praising me. Something that she is unable to do for months has been easily done by someone else. Her heart cannot remain calm for sure. But I haven't been slacking for the past 3 days learning the dance steps. I have been observing Eris's problems. And I finally understood clearly.

Her dancing is too fast and rigid.

Even though dancing is very compatible with the Sword-God style, but things are contrary to expectations, one is supposed to do a graceful step according to the rhythm, but she does it in the fastest speed possible, completely disrupting the dance partner's rhythm.

Eris' base instincts feel repressed by the rhythm that is disrupting her. No matter what it is she will insist on her own steps, without being affected by others. This is a talent in combat, but it might disrupt one's self during dancing.

After all you need to match your dance partner's actions. Edona had secretly told me, that she has never met such a talentless student, but the truth isn't like this. If she's capable of moving at high speeds, it means that she's able to dance, it's just the method of teaching her isn't very good. Even though correcting it is a little troublesome, but I have a card up my sleeve.

"Eris, close your eyes, let your own rhythm control your body movements."

"... What are you thinking of, when you're asking me to close my eyes!"

"... Rudeus-sama?"

Edona's poker face crumbled slightly.

No! it's not like that. These people are so rude, you're actually suspecting a gentleman like myself!?

I truly have no intention of sucking those succulent lips when she closes her eyes, damn it!

"I'm going to use a magic trick to let Eris dance."

"Eh! Is there a magic like that?"

"No, it's a magic trick, not magic. It's a miraculous phenomenon."

Eris tilt her head in question, but she listened to me regardless and closed her eyes.

And then, like a predator, I kissed on her lips.


Nah, just kidding.

During the sword lessons, she has seen countless rhythms, high speed, finely tuned, sharp, but there's no orderly rhythm. Since you can't make an accurate prediction, it's easy to disrupt the opponent's rhythm, and I definitely can't do that sort of whimsical natural rhythms.

"I'll clap my hands now, please use your dance steps in place of evading an attack and follow my lead."

With that I clap with an orderly, pan~, pan~, pan~.

Eris matched me step by step by moving her body. This continued for a while, and I added a noise in a random interval.

"Haii! Haii!"

The timing was before the clapping, and Eris slowed down for a slight moment, and only reacted to the claps.

"T-this is!"

Edona raised her voice in surprise. Eris continued to do the dance steps. Even though it's still a little fast, it's not at a pace that cannot be followed.

"You did it, you did it Ojou-sama!"

"Really!?" Edona grasped her hands and expresseed a rarely seen excited smile, shouting. Eris opened her eyes in delight and replied with a large smile plastered on her face.

"You're not done yet, don't open your eyes, you need to remember that feeling, okay?"

"Remember what, it's just seeing through the false actions and avoiding the attacks!!"

That's right, this is also taught in the sword lessons. In Ghislaine's "evading the attacks" lesson, she demonstrated a false movement with a noise, and we needed to avoid the real attack without getting confused by the false movements. Compared to reacting Ghyslaine's false movements that's full of bloodlust, following my simple sound is much easier compared to that.

Just to add on, on this topic my results are better than Eris. She's too honest and easy to fool with false movements.

"Eris, the things you learn on a lesson, can be applied to other lessons. Sometimes if there are things that you can't do well, try thinking if other lessons have something similar, please think about this okay?"

Eris opens her eyes wide, an unusual thing, but she did not argue and nodded. With that, dancing should have no issues.

"As expected of Rudeus-sama, you only spent 1 year and managed to teach Ojou-sama math."

Edona seemed to be certainly impressed with me. You actually said that. Did you consider Eris learning math to be utterly hopeless?

Hm, but I did receive a lot of trouble for that. Still, half of that success belongs to Ghislaine and I can't be conceited.

"I say, Edona, I think this is a revelation, the sword has similarities with dancing."

Edona shows an expression of disbelief, I have seen a miracle, ohhh the god out there, you're actually in front of me right now with expression, right? You're exaggerating too much.

"But, there's a dance that specifically swing the sword."

"Ara, is there something like that?"

"Y, yes, I read it on a book."

Sword Dance is a common thing in my Chuunibyou knowledge, but it's possible that this world doesn't have something like that.

"Did that literature book write where it comes from?"

"T, the book says it's seen in a desert country."

"The desert... Is it the Begaritto continent?"

"I'm not sure. Unexpectedly, it might belong to the demon races in the demon continent. I heard there are many small tribes, and there are people who can use the sword and dance." I said something irresponsible.

"I see, with such an accumulation of knowledge, Rudeus-sama is really a fountain of intelligence."

Edona used her poker face, seemingly accepting my made up stories.

"That's right, Rudeus is amazing!"

I don't know why Eris proudly replied that. That's great, praise me more. I'm the type that will improve if you praise me, fuhahahaha!


On the day of the party, I took my position at the corner of the courtyard. At the beginning of the party, Philip and his wife were handling the visiting middle class and lower-class nobles to the Greyrat's family. I should say that these two are fighting, no matter how it is they won't show any sign of weakness.

In the case of Sauros receiving the guest, they are frightened by his wild attitude and loud voice, and there are quite a lot of people scuttling to escape. The final chance to catch the people escaping, is the place where the main actress is at.

Eris has no authority, doesn't understand politics, and regardless of anything she will say "Please refer to Otou-sama".

There are a few good-looking youths introducing themselves, as well as middle aged people introducing their sons to her. There are a few children who are about the same age, but almost all of them are fat. They must be living in comfort at home, I feel like I'm seeing myself as I once was before. When I feel a sense of familiarity, the party starts.

As planned, I'm Eris's first dance partner. We're going to do the simplest dance for children, but because she's the lead, we are standing right in the middle of the courtyard. Just treat it like it's during practice, hopefully we don't fail.

"W... w... w... what the heck...!"

Eris is extremely nervous and moves stiffly like a robot. I decide to mix slight feints into my steps. Afterwards, Eris quietly mumbles [what the heck.] And returns to her usual condition. After the dance is over, Edona finds me to speak with me. Looking at Ojou-sama from afar, one can see that she's not tense anymore.

She asks me what I did, and I reply that I did the same thing during practice. I added that it is originally the training for the sword. Hearing that, the amazed Edona laughs secretly. Since my mission is accomplished, I can go out and seek food. There's some highly uncommon food here.

Examples include an unknown fruit that's made into a sour pie, or a meat dish that uses the entire cow's head, and beautifully arranged cakes.

When I was eating these foods with relish, my eyes met with Ghislaine. She was not hinting anything to me in her eyes, but she was drooling. I'm also a guy who can understand the situation. I packed some of the food with a napkin and had a maid send it to my room.

The bodyguards and maids can eat something better than the usual fare, but there wouldn't be any food like what's here right now. When I am about to finish transporting the food, I suddenly spot a young adorable girl in front of my eyes. She took the initiative to talk with me, announcing her name and saying a small speech.

She seemed to be a girl from the middle-class nobles, but I forgot her name. She invited me to dance, and after I told her I only knew some basic dancing, we move to the free courtyard area. I felt that I danced pretty well. After the dance, another girl came up to me and asked for another dance.

What the... hey, am I popular?

While I was self indulgent with that, the girls keep on inviting me one after another. There's even a Obaa-san who's over 30 years old, and even a kid smaller than me who doesn't even know how to dance. Other than the people with a really large difference in height, I basically danced with every one of them.

I'm a Japanese person who knows how to say NO, but after saying OK to the first person, it's not convenient to refuse other people. Even though I have the mind to do it, but I'm not really good at remembering faces and names, and it is exhausting.

When everything is about to end, Philip came over to me to explain.

It seems that Sauros heard someone inquire about the identity of the youth who danced with Eris in the beginning, and Sauros proudly revealed that the youth was a person holding the name of Greyrat.

Which means, it was all Jii-san Sauros' fault. Even though it's something like that, I can't blame him. That child who successfully squashed Ojou-sama's tension, is that Sauros-sama's illegitimate child? He must have felt happy when he was asked that.

At first it was planned not to reveal my Greyrat's surname, but after 3 rounds of wine it can't be helped. This means I'm treated as a branch family member, where I will become famous sooner or later, and they send their daughters or granddaughters to me.

But I asked Philip, if that's the case isn't it strange to send them when the party is about to end?

He sees me packing the desserts with the napkins and waits for me to finish before talking. Whatever I do is reflected in someone's eyes. I ask Philip on how to handle the girls who come up to talk, and he says that I can just vaguely respond to it. Looks like he doesn't want me to participate in politics in the future.

Or is he planning to let me rely on someone else to become a political power. But I don't have any interest in that, so today's popularity is just a bubble dream. No wait, but if I become someone amazing, I can eat all kinds of cute girls using money.

"But I suggest you don't do anything that will disgrace the Greyrat's name."

That sudden inspiration that I have is immediately doused by Philip's icy remark. The person who comes to find me last is Eris. To add on, she's not wearing the lively outfit like her usual self, it's a water-blue colored dress. Her hair is tied up with flower ornaments adorning her hair, and she's considerably adorable. Because it's the first party, guests after guests keep greeting her, and I think she's quite spent. I'm not sure if it's because the main actress is herself or because the party is very successful, she's a little excited.

"May I have a dance?"

In front of me isn't the usual Eris who's loud, unlady-like, cheeky, and rude.

Inviting me to dance is someone who wouldn't lose to any of the girls who have approached me so far, and is acting out the part of a graceful lady.

We come to the middle of the hall, and the music playing is something that we have never practiced before, with a slightly difficult, brisk rhythm to it.

"Ahh, uuuu..."

Eris immediately shows her discomfort. This is all because you forced yourself to act mature. Eris casts a glance at me to plead for help, and I add in feints that match the music. Even though it's different from usual, a rhythm like this should actually be easier for Eris. Since these dance steps are vague, I'm not sure if Edona will be surprised or angry when she sees it. We held our hands together, and step in and move back like we're practicing sword training.

This is very irregular combined with the music, and it must be quite unique to the viewers.

But, Eris is completely into it, and she smiles.

The girl who constantly wore a sullen expression was laughing with an expression that matched her age.

Just being able to see that made attending this party worth it.

The dance ends and is followed by applause.

Sauros comes running and lifts us both onto his shoulders, and merrily runs laps around the courtyard while laughing. What a spirited grandfather. Seeing that, the people around start laughing too. Yeah, this has been a fun party.


When the party ended, I called Ghislaine and Eris up to my room.

Actually, calling Ghyslaine is enough, but when I invited her, she's together with Eris, so I brought her along as well. Seeing there's delicious food on the table, Eris's stomach growls. She was nervous and excited during the party, so she didn't eat anything at all.

I brought out the cheap wine that I bought from the city from the cupboard. Even though it's prepared for Ghyslaine, Eris says that she wants to drink it as well, so I prepared 3 cups, cheers.

This country requires one to be above 15 years old before you can drink, but I'm going to put that aside today. Sometimes it's good to let loose.

"The timing is just right, so I'm going to give the two of you gifts." I bring out two magic wands from the dresser beside the bed as I talk.

"W-what is that?"

"It's considered as a birthday gift I guess."

"Ehh, but I want this!"

Eris points towards the things that I practiced making using magic, using earth magic to create many intricate models. There's a dragon, ship, and one might say a 1/10 sized figurine of Sylphy placed there. Not to praise myself, when I was 20 years old back in the past, I was into making models, and even created my own coating paint.

But the painting materials are expensive here, and there's no spray paint equipment to apply it. But since I did it with passion to create a panties for the model, the overall structure is quite detailed. Even though it's something like that, it's still done by an amateur... By the way, a 1/10 sized figurine of Roxy is sold to a merchant for 1 gold coin.

She must be touring the world right now. Well, returning to the topic.

"This is my teacher's custom of giving disciples a magic wand. But since I didn't know how to make it and I didn't have the money to buy the materials, so I'm a bit late with that. If it's acceptable, please take it."

Ghyslaine stops after hearing that, stands up and kneels down on one knee with respect. Ah, I know this, this is the pose of Sword-God style for showing respect to the teacher.

"Yes! Rudeus-sensei. I receive this with much gratitude."

"Umu, there's no need to be so formal." Ghislaine accepts it with humble respect and looks at the magic wand, seemingly happy.

"I can call myself a magician now." Ah, is that it, you can call yourself that now? I didn't hear Roxy talking about it, no, in any case you're still elementary ranked, you're not counted right. Or can you call yourself a magician if you start practicing magic? My teacher has never explained it to me in detail.

"Erm, Eris do you want this?"

I half jokingly bring the 1/10 Sylphy's figurine to my hand, but I see Eris shakes her head.

"No! I want, that magic wand! I want that magic wand!"

"Okay, here." Eris stretches her hand to take it, but perhaps because she saw Ghyslaine's attitude, she immediately corrects her posture, and receives the magic wand with both hands respectfully.

"T-thank you very much, Rudeus-sensei."

"Umu, please take good care of it." Eris glances at Ghislaine next, and after Ghislaine notice her glance, she pauses for a few second blankly, then shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, my race doesn't have a custom like that, and I didn't prepare anything."

I was thinking of what it was, it's actually asking for presents. Come to think of it, this was happening when I was moving the food back. Ah, Eris sits back at the sofa with disappointment.

The servant giving the owner presents, even though there's no custom like that, but receiving nothing from her favorite Ghyslaine-oneechan, she's indeed a little pitiable.

Let me correct the situation a little.

"Ghislaine, there's no need to prepare something special, if there's anything on you, or a lucky charm that can be used as a present too."


Ghyslaine thinks for a while and then removes a ring from her finger. A ring carved out from wood, with the signs of age on it, I'm not sure if there's any magic added to it or the material itself, there's a green light slightly emitting from it.

"This is a charm that my tribe passed down, if you wear this it's said that you won't be attacked by evil wolves at night."

"Are you really giving me that?"

"Yes, it's just a superstition." Eris carefully receives it, wears it on her finger and hugs her hands tightly to her chest.

"I-I'll take good care of it."

She's even happier compared to receiving the magic wand from me, well, since it's a ring, girls, probably will like it more. At this time a question arises from me.

"Superstition, huh? That means Ghislaine has been attacked by evil wolves at night?"

"Yes, that was a difficult night to fall into sleep. Paul invited me to swim..."

"Aaah, it's best not to say anything else, I can guess what happens next."

Not good, if this topic continues, my stock valuation will fall, damn this Paul, that wanker is always in my way.

"Is that so, well, you probably won't want to listen about the things that your father did."

"Isn't that right, here, go right ahead and eat. Even though it's already cold, enjoy the food. You're my students so there's no need to restrain yourself."

Eris's memorable birthday passed by without incident.


The second day I find Eris lying beside me.

Wooah, I have become an adult, nooo.

... How's that possible.

Thinking back about it a little.

She suddenly wanted to sleep and collapsed in my bed in exhaustion.

Seeing that, Ghyslaine said she should also go back, and in the end left Eris behind and returned to her own room. You're not a man if there's food in front of you and you still don't take it.

Gehehehe, it's time to be a baaaad boy.

I licked my lips in an evil manner and approached the edge of the bed.

Then I saw Ghislaine's ring being worn on her finger, and she was hugging the magic wand tightly that I gave. Eris' figure with a satisfied smile, sleeping away. The Big Bad Wolf with the despicable face had been drawn away.

"That charm is really useful..."

I mumbled without touching Eris one bit and slept quietly on the edge of the bed. It's still quite early now, looking out of the window, the day was just about to break, but it wa still very dark. I went outside to walk for a bit. Even though it's not bad to look at Eris's sleeping face, once she wakes up I'd get punched.

I don't want to get beaten. I walked silently outside the room to the slightly cold corridor, pondering on where to go next. The mansion's main gate will not open until a certain time, so I can't go out and there are very few choices.

I have basically searched everywhere for the past year, but there are some areas that I still don't know, for example, there's a tower isolated from the mansion. Even though I was told not to approach there, I'm still interested in it. Or perhaps, I might be able to receive something good, for example I might get someone's panties that has been dried by the wind.


Thinking about the good stuff, I climbed up to the top of the mansion, after searching around at the top, I finally find a spiral staircase that pleased me.

That's probably the entrance to the tower.

As I climbed up, I heard something enticing like "nyan, nyan" voices, so I climbed up without trying to make any sound. Sauros was at the highest level, in a room that I'm not sure can be entered, doing something very naughty with a Nekomimi maid.

I see, so that's the reason why you don't allow people to come here...

I wanted to enjoy things till the end, but Sauros discovered me. The maid had already discovered me from early on. After the maid finished the business; she immediately passed by me and climbed down the staircase.

"... Is that Rudeus?"

He's different from the usual voice, small and stable, sage mode?

"Yes, Sauros-sama. Good morning." I just wanted to greet him with the noble's formalities, but Sauros's hand stopped me.

"No need, what are you doing here?"

"Because I saw a ladder, so I wanted to climb up."

"Do you like high places?"


Even though I said that, if I look out from the window, my legs will tremble. Like and satisfaction is different, even if I conquer the world and make the highest tower, my room will be built on the first floor.

"Come to think of it, what is Sauros-sama doing here?"

"I'm praying to that gem."

Ahh? This mansion's praying culture is quite decadent, I think to myself but I really don't mind that. He's usually so strict but he's also a Greyrat's member. Birds of the same feather, eh?


I looked outside the window, and there was a red gem floating in the air. It was pulsating with a faint light, and I could see some changes from inside. What's that? Amazing! Is that floating in the air by magic?

"May I know what that is?"

"I'm not sure"

Sauros shook his head.

"That was discovered 3 years ago, but, it's not something bad."

"How can you be so certain?"

"It's better to think that way."

I see. That's true, since you can't grab a hold of it. If you think it's something bad, it's bad for the health. Why not think that it's something good and pray towards that, maybe gem-san's mood might turn for the better.

Let me pray too, please drop me a pretty girl from the skies.

"Rudeus, I'm going to ride horse to travel for a while, do you want to come?"

"I'll go too."

Sauros just did it once, but he seems quite spirited. Today's a free day, it seems I'm permitted to play for a while. Oh yeah! ...... Sounds like it will be very tiring.

"Come to think of it."


"Is Sauros-sama's wife not here?" I heard a gritting sound, and discovered that Sauros was grinding his teeth, and I felt cold sweat on my back.

"She's dead."

"I see, I am very sorry for asking something like that."

I apologized earnestly. He just did the birds and the bees with the Nekomimi maid, I might have made him remember something unhappy. Looks like it's best not to ask why Eris doesn't have any siblings.

"Then, let's go."


Today will be a rest day, and I'll let Eris work hard from tomorrow onwards.


Name: Eris Boreas Greyrat.

Profession: Granddaughter of the lord of Fittoa

Personality: A little violent

Talking to her: She will listen with attention

Language: Able to read things almost perfectly

Math: Remembers the multiplication tables up to 9*9

Magic: Roughly knows the elementary rank

Sword: Intermediate ranked in the Sword-God style

Etiquette: Will not be embarrassed at a party

The people she likes: Grandfather, Ghislaine

The people she hates: Julian.



Name: Rudeus Greyrat.

Profession: Tutor of the Granddaughter of the lord of Fittoa

Personality: Will fuck a pile of manure.

Talking to him: Like talking to a sex-crazed gorilla.

Language: Able to read anything perfectly

Math: Perfectly knows simple and advanced arithmetics.

Magic: Saint Ranked in Water (officially) and in Earth (unofficially). Advanced in Fire and Wind.

Sword: Intermediate ranked in the Sword, Water and North God style

The people he likes: Women.

The people he doesn't like: Men.

Favourite sibling: Julian.



-- Mild NSFW ahead --

-- proceed with caution --

Another day dawned, crisp and clear, enveloping the Greyrat household in a soft, golden glow.

The air outside was warm, a gentle breeze carrying the fragrant scent of blooming flowers through the open window.

Julian sat in one of the decently crafted wooden chairs around the dining table, his chin resting thoughtfully on his knuckles, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon.

His face bore a mask of stoicism, although not as the one as before.

His face wasn't screaming boredom, but rather tiredness.

Subtle bags under his eyes hinted at the lack of sleep he had been enduring lately, a consequence of the responsibilities thrust upon him as the elder brother of two baby sisters.

Through the open window, the wind danced playfully, scooping up leaves of varying hues and tossing them into the azure sky. Dull golden, pale yellow, and fiery red leaves mingled and fell like a rain of colors, gracing the immaculately trimmed lawn of the Greyrat estate.

Julian released a quiet sigh, a momentary respite from the constant demands of his new role. His gaze turned toward the crib, where his two baby sisters lay sound asleep, their cherubic faces exuding innocence and blissful oblivion.

They slept so peacefully after inflicting every kind of hell on Julian, their tiny chests moving up and down slowly, in a synchronised rhythm.

While he felt tired and burdensome, he wasn't against it. The prospect of having a normal family where he was treated just as a cherished child rather than a weapon for personal use was something he never experienced before, sadly enough. And neither had he experienced the feeling of being an older sibling.

These new experiences were welcomed, an addition that boosted his attempts at a rather peaceful life.

As Julian lost himself in contemplation, the serenity of the moment was abruptly shattered by the resounding thuds of cloth hitting furniture with surprising vigor. Lilia, the dedicated housemaid, was on a mission, attacking the household dust with the tenacity of a warrior in battle.

Her slender figure moved with a graceful finesse, her hands wielding the cloth like a seasoned duelist brandishing a weapon. With each strike, her bosoms swayed and swirled like a captivating dance, defying gravity with every soft jiggle.

Left, right, left, right----like a pendulum, captivating Julian's attention for a fleeting moment. He couldn't help but nod mentally to himself, acknowledging her feminine allure with an air of detached admiration. It wasn't in a lustful way in which Rudy used to watch her. But rather in an appreciative manner.

'Just an appreciation of her natural beauty, nothing more,' he reassured himself with a wry expression. It wasn't attraction; it was merely an unexpected observation of Lilia's well-endowed attributes. Such thoughts had never crossed his mind before, but he couldn't deny the appeal of the spectacle before him.

It truly felt magical to him.

As quickly as the thought entered, Julian averted his gaze, not wanting to be caught in a compromising position. After all, being the twin brother of the lecherous predator, Rudeus Greyrat, came with its own share of misconceptions, and he certainly didn't want to add fuel to that fiery rumor mill.

'Right.... observation,' he mused to himself, trying to rationalize his unintentional ogling. It was all innocent curiosity, harmless and fleeting, he convinced himself. His wandering gaze found solace in the intricate patterns of the wallpaper plastered on the wall behind the shelf, determined to steer clear of any potential misunderstandings and to divert his attention.

Amidst the awkwardness of the moment, Julian glanced back at Lilia, half-expecting her to at least give him a disapproving look. To his surprise, she merely smiled, her attention focused on her work, seemingly unbothered by the minor distraction she had inadvertently caused as she continued working, not correcting her stance or trying to hide the source of distraction from him.

'Perhaps she is used to the occasional wandering eye,' Julian thought. And he wasn't wrong, considering the household she served.

As Lilia finally finished her vigorous cleaning spree, she let out a dramatic sigh, wiping beads of sweat from her forehead like a soap opera diva.

Meanwhile, Julian, determined to maintain his focus on the outside world, found himself trying to drown out the not-so-subtle noises coming from upstairs. It was high noon, yet it seemed like his parents wasted no time getting down to business as soon as the little ones were tucked away for a nap.

Upstairs, Zenith was atop Paul, moving her waist back and forth as she felt Paul's rigidity inside her, that made her pubococcygeus muscles twitch around its girth. The arousal made it moist and tighter, suffocating Paul's almond that made Paul groan out loud.

Upstairs, Zenith took her place atop Paul, their bodies entangled in a fervent embrace. She was laying over him as Paul held her in an embrace, her firm bosoms expanding against Paul's chest as he pulled her in with a gentle, yet firm force.

With a mesmerizing sway of her waist, she luxuriated in the palpable presence of Paul's firmness nestled deep within her. Paul moved his hips up and down, forcefully, each thrust resulting in a thundering clap. Zenith matched her pace with Paul as well, her waist undulating like a serene wave on a beautiful beech.

The sensation ignited a symphony of contractions, as her pubococcygeal muscles twitching and gripping around Paul's substantial girth, heightening the intensity of their shared pleasure. In the midst of their passionate encounter, the profound arousal cascaded through Zenith's being, prompting a natural response of heightened lubrication and an exquisite tightening around Paul's manhood. The resulting sensation was a delightful fusion of moisture and friction, creating an intoxicating and electrifying connection.

Paul's movement increased while Zenith's back slumped down on him, the translucent liquid dripping down his scrotum.

Caught in the irresistible throes of ecstacy, Paul groaned audibly, unable to contain the rapture coursing through him.

It was a seemingly endless loop of "shushes" and "giggles", followed by ragged "right there"– noon rendezvous that Julian's parents couldn't resist.

With a playful eyeroll, Lilia sauntered over to Julian's side, as if she had just emerged victorious from an epic cleaning battle. She couldn't help but join in on the silent amusement that surrounded them. After all, when your part of a lively household like the Greyrats, life was never short of amusing surprises.

However, not wanting to come across as rude to her Young Master, who's temperament was a mystery to even his parents, she tried to hide her blush and amusement from the activity going on.

"They know how to keep things chaotic in the household." Julian remarked silently.

"Pfttt--" Lilia stifled a laugh, placing her hand on her lips, as if she had uttered some kind of blasphemy. Julian looked at her, dead in the eye, and for a moment, uncertainty bubbled inside her. However, he just pointed towards the chair next to him, motioning for her to sit. "E-Eh? Uh, Thank you, Master Julian."

"Drop the 'master'. You raised me as much as my mother did. No need to be formal with me." He spoke as his voice got muffled with a "take this!". Julian's shoulders slumped as he sighed.

"Ahaha. You are too polite Mas-"

Seeing Julian stare at her, she corrected herself, "Ehm, Julian. You're too polite. I owe a big deal to you."

"Hm? Not really. I didn't do anything."

"I know you're the one who informed Master Rudeus ahead of time about something being wrong. Hence, due to that, I was able to give birth here where the child can grow up in presence of her father....." she paused, reminiscing over it, "...although I am surprised you knew about it."

"It wasn't that hard. Father doesn't shut the doors properly when he is over excited. Also, there is a distinct difference between your and mother's voice." Julian replied in the most nonchalant way, revealing he has been keeping tabs on the pitch of his mother and maid's moans.

"Ah.... I see," she was unable to say something else, embarrassment clutching her being. As if on cue, the passionate activities upstairs seemed to reach a new crescendo, Julian couldn't help but feel like the bed was about to launch into orbit with the rigorous thrusts it must be enduring. He raised an eyebrow as he heard a suspicious creaking sound from the ceiling.

Meanwhile, Paul and Zenith had switched positions. Zenith's long, pale legs were over Paul's shoulders as he lowered his head from between them. Burying his face between her bosoms, he licked away at her skin, scooping the beads of sweat from her cleavage as well in the process. His movements had slowed out in the process, however his will had not as he continued to go on without breaks.

The sheets were drenched in Zenith's love, as he sucked on the lower portion of her left breast, leaving a mark on her that illicited a yelp from her, while his whole body's weight pressed against her. Despite the crushing weight on her, Zenith found more fun in it, founding extraordinary fun in this painful position.


Julian let out a melodramatic sigh, feeling like a helpless spectator to his parents' wild antics. It seemed his father had taken up the mantle of a "Thrusting Thunderbolt," seizing every opportunity to embark on a high-speed love train with his mother.

"All of this must be disturbing for you...." Lilia spoke, despite having the initial intention to make the situation less awkward, she still blurted out something that wasn't alleviating the situation.

She was a healthy woman after all as well. There was no way she could listen to this "thing" and still not feel aroused. Especially, if its someone she has slept with and conceived his child. Julian understood this as well.

"Hm? No. It is not. Although, I'd hope they respect other's privacy." Julian spoke as one last thud resounded that came from Paul aggressively thrusting his hips while reaching his climax, Zenith's wrapped legs around his waist, not letting him move. Her toes were curled as she held him by his neck, her nails digging deep inside his back as she felt the viscous liquid fill her insides.

The noise had stopped altogether by now and Lilia breathed a sigh of relief, "Well. It is master's house. They can do as they please."

"Hm. You've got a point..." Julian paused for a while before looking at the crib.

At Aisha in particular.

"How are you holding up?" He asked.

"I am grateful that you are concerned about my health. I am absolutely fine." Lilia replied, dodging the true essence of his question. She knew very well what he was asking about but chose to ignore that aspect.

"I can see that much myself," Julian replied and turned to face her, lazily watching her while his face rested in the palm of his hand. "I meant, how are you 'actually' holding up?" He asked again, this time with a detached rigidity in his voice. It wasn't intentional. It was just how he usually used to talk. Rather the soft tone was something that he used to do intentionally.

Surprised by the initial change in demeanor, Lilia was taken aback but she composed herself. A part of her wanted to release all the pent-up feelings she had inside her. But the other part of her knew she was undeserving. Her selfishness had already once "almost" ripped the whole family apart.

"I understand what you mean. But don't worry," she replied with a bright smile, her eyes fixed on Julian and her gaze determined, "I am holding up just fine." Looking over to Aisha, her determined smile turned into a bittersweet one, "I have something to do and something to look forward to. My life has a purpose now. Hence, I've never been better than now."

Julian nodded in a silent affirmation as he closed his eyes. "Good for you." He replied, the detached tone still lingering. Lilia looked in Julian's direction who had stood up and was now standing beside the crib of his two baby sisters.

Is something bothering you, Ma-, Julian?"

"Hm. Probably." He replied, vagueness in his eyes as he saw Norn slowly open her eyes. Her blonde hair was disheveled all over her forehead. Her green eyes met Julian's, but he placed his one hand over her eyes and combed her hair with the other. Slowly making tracks with his fingers, he made Norn fall back into sleep.

"What is it exactly, may I ask?" Lilia asked, curious now. There was never an instance when Julian was troubled by anything. He used to accept everything as it was and improvise later. So, when he admitted to having something that was troubling him, she instantly got curious.

After all, she was a woman.

The smell of tea tickles their instincts.

"How do you plan on raising Aisha?" He asked. The question felt like a bolt from the blue. She knew where the conversation was going.

"I am quite happy that Master and Miss let me raise my child here. She would be-"

Julian interrupted her, "That isn't the answer I was looking for. You are smart enough to understand what I mean. So, I will ask again. How do you plan on raising Aisha?"

Lilia's grip over her skirt tightened, "I want to repay for the favour Master Julian and Rudeus bestowed on me. I owe my life and Aisha owes her to you two. I plan on raising her to serve you two as your maid."

Julian fell silent. He knew what she was doing. He just wanted to confirm it. To him it was strange from the beginning. The lengths to which humans would go to repay for a favour that is granted in time of utter peril. He wanted to ponder over it but brushed the thoughts off.

"And why would Aisha be a maid to us?"

"Because she owe--"

"Isn't that what siblings are for?" Julian's interruption shocked her.

Her initial observation of the brothers was that Rudeus was possessed by some Lust Demon and Julian was born deprived of the ability to feel anything. Even after he fell or seriously bruised himself, his expressions would stay the same. The times when he pretends to be happy..... it all seemed forced.

For Rudeus to act in a way to protect Lilia and Julian to say something like what he said just now was a baffling experience.

"I-I...." Lilia couldn't form words.

"Aisha is my sister. Just as much as Norn. Why would I turn my own sister into a maid?"

"But I am not your mot--"

"But you've taken care of me as a child. With equal sincerity of a mother, if not more."

Lilia was basically speechless at this point, unable to form words neither think. She knew she couldn't win in an argument against him. Not just him. She couldn't win even against Rudeus. The two little boys whom she had taken care of since their birth were unusually smart.

Eerily so.

"Let her do what she desires. If she wants, she can stay with me. But........ as a sister. She is never welcomed as a maid." Julian spoke with finality in his voice.

Lilia smiled.

Even though she failed in a promise she made to herself, she was still happy. She wouldn't have to worry about her daughter if its him. As long as he was around and alive, nothing would happen. The thought alone seemed absurd. Depending on a 9-year-old was hilarious. But not all 9-year-olds are like him.

'Scratch that. No 9-year-old is like them.' She thought as a matter-of-factly.

"Thank yo-"

"No need to thank me. Like I said, Aisha is my sister. Half-sister is a term you have come up with. I consider her as my real sister. Just like Norn. Besides, she made me feel like I have a sibling. Rudy never acted like one."

What he said was true. Rudy and Julian never interacted much. In their "Early Years", Rudy was always busy with magic, while Julian was busy in honing his sword skills. Julian left home early. And when he returned, Rudy had left for 5 years without the permission to contact anyone.

Lilia could just smile in response, since her right to "Thank" him was just revoked by him.

As they shared a moment of silence, Paul walked down, wearing his shirt inside out. "Yoooo, Julian. Ready for our sparring session?" He spoke in a happy tone, wearing his belt.

If an outsider were to just listen Zenith's screams and then watch him in this state, they'd definitely assume he just beat his wife. After all, Paul had the face of a thug.

"Mind shutting the door next time? Norn woke up." Julian murmured near Paul.

"Haaah! Jealous?! HAHA"

"I won't be so proud. But I guess it can go down the history as "Best 30 seconds of my life" for you, so I won't say much."

His comment made an arrow stab Paul's heart. 'Rudy used to hold back, WAAAAH!' Paul cried mentally. After the exchange, both went outside where they were met with Sylphy. Making her tag along, all three of them went to the nearby field to spar.

Sylph was wearing unusual clothes today. Rather than the usual robe, she was wearing casual clothes like that of Julian, consisting of same coloured baggy pants and shirt.

"Is this ok?" Sylph asked in an innocent tone.

Julian looked down at her, "Oversized clothes don't look good on you. Rather you don't look in oversized clothes."

Pouting, she pursed her lips, "I don't look what?"

"You don't seem visible in oversized ones. You're so smol."

"Ughhhh......" She could just grumble in response.

"You should exercise a bit. Maybe you'll grow."

"Is that possible!!!??"

"It is. If you do certain exercises targeting certain muscle groups, they can. Not much, but at least you won't seem so helpless."

"C-can you teach me?"



Sylph was suddenly interrupted as Paul looked over his shoulder, "Ahh, Julian?"

"Yes, father?"

"I have a mission for you... rather a request. I couldn't reject it..."

Julian's facial expressions changed a bit, losing the playful one around Sylph.

"What is it?"

"Well, the mission is a request from somewhere..... I couldn't reject. But at the same time, I can't go as well."

"What is it?"

"You know how monsters have started to get more aggressive and are spawning a lot more than before, yeah?"


"Well, a friend of mine needs assistance..."

"A friend? So, a woman you slept with. Do you have a child with her?"

"Wait wha---, No no. I mean, yeah, of course I slept with her." He said that with a proud face, "but she exchanged multiple sex for a favour."

"Why should I go if you're the one who did the deed?"

"I would've gone but....."


"It's the rural side of Milbotts Region. A region ruled by my family... Notos Greyrats."

Julian fell into a brief moment of contemplation.


Name: Julian Greyrat.

Profession: Babysitter for his baby sister. A-Rank Adventurer.

Personality: Will not use anyone for his personal goals and the least manipulative person on the face of this world.

Talking to him: A pain in the ass. Answers in circles and never lets you win an argument....unless he is bored.

Language: Able to read anything perfectly

Math: Perfectly knows simple and advanced arithmetics.

Magic: Advanced Ranked in Water, King in Earth, Saint in Fire, Advanced in Wind.

Sword: Saint ranked in the Sword and North God style, Advanced Rank in Water-God style.

The people he likes: No one in particular.

The people he doesn't like: No one in particualr.

Favourite sibling: Aisha and Norn.


Next chapter