
Returning Home

[Rune Knight Outpost, Three days later]

— Dannis Martell —

A few more days had passed, with me being confined to the bed that entire time. My injuries were still healing, every part of my body bandaged to the point I looked like a mummy.

The doctors told me while there will be no permanent side effects, most of my injuries would most likely scar. I didn't really mind, but I made a mental note to get everything cleared with Porlyusica when I get back to Magnolia. 

After that, I figured there was one more thing I needed to do. Gildarts was out gallivanting somewhere, probably flirting with one of the cuter Rune Knights stationed here while Mavis disappeared for a while. 

So I asked a passing rune knight and asked if he could take me to where Crust was. He happily did so. When I arrived in the room, he was laying on the bed, leaning back against the headrest.

"You look like shit, Martell," he said, his voice gruff.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "You're one to talk. How are you holding up?"

Crust glanced at the stump where his arm used to be, then back at me. "I'll manage. They're fitting me with a prosthetic soon. Should be up and running in no time."

There was a moment of silence as we both absorbed the gravity of what we had been through. The room was filled with the soft hum of the infirmary, a stark contrast to the chaos of our recent battle.

"I'm here to thank you," I said, breaking the silence. "You saved my life."

He snorted. "Yeah, cause you were the one who bought me time to get the people out. I know the rumors about you, Martell. The Dark Swordsman, the Devil Hunter. Some even said you were a devil yourself."

He then grinned, showing his sharp teeth. "Fuck all that. It takes a special kind of guts to run straight towards one of Zeref's demons and not even hesitate. You're alright in my book."

I couldn't help the smirk that appeared on my face. "Thanks. You're not so bad yourself."

We bumped fists, a gesture that felt both simple and profound. 

Some people say that fighting side by side is the path to creating unbreakable bonds. On this day, a strong friendship was forged, born out of the fires of battle and the mutual respect we had earned.

"I heard how that damn bastard got away." Crust said before his grin widened. "But he left with plenty of scars. Next time we see him, that damn demon is going down."

The edge of my lips twitched upwards. "Agreed."


— Mard Geer —

"The ones who chased after Grilthos were a mage of Fairy Tail and a rune knight captain. The Dark Swordsman, they called him. Devil Hunter too. An S-Class wizard of the guild."

"I want his name, Crawford."

"O-Of course, Mard Geer-sama. Just give me a second here…" The sounds of clicks and taps could be heard that he assumes to be the Chairman's Super Archive Magic at work. "Aha! His name is Dannis Martell. Funny enough, he's only recently been promoted to S-Class. Just a few months ago. Quite impressive for one so young."

"Hmm, indeed. And what about this rune knight captain? Are you sure he's not even worth mentioning?"

"Yes, Mard Geer-sama. Crust is nothing more than a captain with passable skills. From the reports I've received, he was only there for more of a support role. Prioritizing the rescue of civilians. The Dark Swordsman was the one who fought seriously against Grilthos."

A dark chuckle resounded in the throne room of his headquarters. "Humans, so utterly naive and persistent on protecting the weak. I could never understand this trait amongst you. Do you share this particular belief, Crawford?"

The man on the other side of the lacrima let out a cackle. "Kikiki, of course not Mard Geer-sama. I could care what happens to those fools."

"As expected." An amused smile graced his face. "That would be all, Chairman. Mard Geer is grateful for your loyalty."

"Of course, Mard Geer-sama. Anything for Tartaros."

The lacrima deactivated as Mard Geer leaned back on his throne and rested his head against his fist. The amused smile then grew to a dark grin.

When he told the Chairman to have a hunt sent for the rogue Etherious, he definitely did not expect for things to turn out this way. To think that the Eclipse-Born would reawaken once more, in this era no less.

To him, it merely served as an omen that this era is one where Master E.N.D would be reborn. 

Grilthos might have been a traitor, but this news more than makes up for his betrayal.

The Tiger Etherious went completely off the radar when he first escaped from the Cube. Despite Mard Geer's power, even he was incapable of detecting him when Grilthos actively wanted to hide.

It was the reason why he always opted to not fight at full power, knowing that even the slightest bit could clue Mard Geer in as to his location.

Mard Geer was pondering his plans that he had made with the other two larger dark guilds in the underworld, Oracion Seis and Grimoire Heart, when he suddenly stumbled. 

A great dark power had reawakened in the world, one he recognized. Imagine his surprise when he felt another familiar power that surged like a beacon in the same general area of the first.

That was when he realized that Grilthos was finally found, and not just that, but he fought someone worthy of him to call on his true power, to become Etherious. 

Finally being able to locate the enigmatic tiger demon, it was child's play to pierce through his mind's defenses and enter it, whispering his new discovery and the order to retreat.

Mard Geer was entirely truthful in that exchange, he had lost all interest in Grilthos and genuinely doesn't care what he does with the rest of his life. 

He was genuine in his offer to no longer hunt him down, it didn't matter really. Grilthos was already declared a public enemy of the humans after all. It won't take long for news of his death to reach his ears.

With the Eclipse-Born being reawakened, he has another potential recruit in play. One that had much larger potential than Grilthos. He couldn't wait to meet him face to face.

Dannis Martell, the Dark Swordsman, the Devil Hunter. 

A cruel grin marred his face. 'I wonder just what it would take to make you tick…'

But first things first, more urgent matters need his attention. There were still some preparations to be made before they made their debut. A massive change would come to the underworld.

It was time for some of these humans to know their places.


[A week later]

— Dannis Martell —

A week had passed and now, I was finally heading back home to Magnolia.

Gildarts had escorted me back to the gates before we separated, the older man immediately heading back to the guild to inform the master everything we had found out. 

As for me, I was craving some semblance of normalcy, so instead of the guild, I opted to head back home.

I took the familiar steps I always go through whenever I find myself back in Magnolia, passing through the small river that runs through the city. I approached the door to the house, only to be met by the sound of laughter and the clatter of pots and pans. I paused for a moment, a smile tugging at my lips. 

Opening the door, I was greeted by the delicious aroma of home-cooked food. Stepping into the house proper, the Strauss Siblings were all busy in the kitchen: Mirajane at the stove, Elfman was chopping vegetables, and Lisanna was setting the table. 

For some reason, the sight of it brought peace within me. 'Is this what it feels like to have people waiting for you at home?'

"Hey, everyone," I called out, stepping inside and closing the door behind me.

"Dannis!" Mirajane exclaimed, turning away from the stove with wide eyes in surprise "You're home!"

Elfman looked up from his chopping, his face breaking into a shy smile. "Good to see you, Dannis."

Lisanna rushed over and gave me a quick hug. "We were starting to worry about you. We heard about what happened from the master."

I ruffle Lisanna's hair, feeling the warmth of their concern. "I'm fine, really. Just a bit banged up."

A small frown marred Mirajane's features as she took in my appearance. "You still look pale. Are you doing okay? How are your injuries?"

I rubbed my right shoulder, feeling the stiffness that still lingered. "My right shoulder is still a bit stiff. I can't move it much yet."

Mirajane's expression softened, and she pulled out a chair from the table. "Sit down and join us for dinner. You need to rest and eat properly."

I smiled, grateful for her care. "I'd love to."

Dinner was a lively affair, filled with laughter and conversation. Mirajane kept a close eye on me, making sure I ate enough and didn't strain myself. Elfman and Lisanna shared recent events from the guild, apparently both Natsu and Lisanna hatched a dragon egg that had a cat inside. They also told me about a new member that joined the guild recently, a masked man called Mystogan.

'So he decided to join, good for him.' I thought.

For a little while, the weight of the world that had steadily piled on my shoulders reduced, replaced by the warmth of family and home.

After dinner, we all gathered in the living room, talking and catching up. It felt good to be surrounded by my friends, their presence a comforting balm to my weary soul. I finally felt myself relax.

Eventually, as the night wore on, everyone began to head to bed.

"You should get some rest too, Dannis," Mirajane said, her eyes soft with concern.

"I will," I promised. "Thank you, Mira. You too, Elfman, Lisanna. It's good to be home."

As the house quieted down, I made my way to the bathroom. I took off my shirt and stood in front of the mirror. The reflection that stared back at me looked tired and worn. 

I eyed my new scars and injuries. The ugly bite marks around my shoulders, cuts that had not yet fully healed around my stomach and abdomen. Deciding on a whim, I activated the devil-slaying magic and watched as black tattoos appeared on the left side of my face all the way down to my arm. They were black lines, shaped akin to flames that marked my skin, a reminder of the power I now held.

I sighed, feeling the weight of everything settle back onto my shoulders. There was still so much I didn't understand about my new abilities, so many questions left unanswered.

As I was examining my injuries, I heard a soft knock on the bathroom door. "Dannis, are you okay?" Mirajane's voice was gentle, filled with concern.

"I'm fine, Mira," I replied, opening the door to find her standing there.

She looked at me for a moment, her eyes running across the scars and the marks of the devil I now bore. "You went through a lot, didn't you?" I could tell she was curious, but it seems she realized now wasn't the time to talk about it.

I nodded, feeling the truth of her words. "Yeah. But I'm getting through it."

She reached out and placed a hand on my arm. "You're not alone. You know that right?"

Her touch was comforting, and I gave her a soft smile. "I know. Thank you."

She returned the smile with one of her own, her eyes filled with warmth. "Good. Now get some rest. You need it."

I nodded. "I will. Goodnight, Mira."

"Goodnight, Dannis."

As I headed to my room, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. The road ahead was still uncertain, but perhaps things would turn out okay in the end. For tonight, that small hope was enough for me to fall blissful sleep.


AN: Not much happened here, just a moment of levity for Dannis. Hope you enjoyed it.

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