
The sky forge shop and meeting

Akira woke up this morning feeling quite the excitement today was the day he was promised that his manor workshop and store was going to be completed so with a pep in his step he did his rituals and went to Lilis room as he did and barged in Lili was brushing her teeth and looked at him like an idiot but he didn't care and shouted

Akira: Lili get ready because today you'll see you're new home and my amazing sky forge!

Lili had at this point gotten used to this man's nonsense and chuckled because she enjoyed being safe with someone that takes care of her she thinks of Akira as her older brother figure and wouldn't have asked for anything else after all he's given her everything and asked for nothing in return working in his shop will be a privilege that not many people get so this isn't her repaying him

If Akira knew her thoughts he would agree he doesn't mind being a big brother to this cute little gremlin he's always wanted a little sister after all

Lili smiled warmly and shouted with just as much enthusiasm as him

Lili: Let's go!!

As they made it to the district he happened once again upon a familiar scene of Goibniu yelling at the same dwarf and he laughed as he approached

Akira: Goibniu so how was it so far?

Goibniu: Well kid it wasn't bad everything went as planned so far your manor and sky forge as you call it are all done

Akira: That's wonderfull it looks magnificent thank you for your work and also I have the rest of the payment right here

Akira proceeded to pay the man and Goibniu laughed quite boisterously he wasn't worried about the pay but it was nice to know he was a reliable kid

Goibniu: Alright kid well the manor is all yours go ahead we'll continue to work with the others

Akira thanked the man again and asked a few more questions to the man before he was satisfied

As Akira left him they both (Akira and Lili) went straight towards his sky forge climbing the high steps Lili look over the edge and had stars in her eyes this was the single most incredible place she has ever seen it almost made her wonder if it was out of this world

Little did she know that it was anyways as Akira inspected everything he started to put down a multitude of runic formations to protect the area basically a territory that couldn't be walked upon by someone that didn't have permission he was good enough to make it so with a thought he could allow or not anyone he chose

Lili didn't know what he was doing but asked anyway as he explained she understood and was happy that he was taking his employees safety seriously after all the forge was here outside while of to the side of the raised platform was his sales room/workshop and office

Akira was eventually done and he decided to guide Lili into the showroom where she will work as the entered they saw an absolutely beautiful area with crystal clear glass cases, weapon and armour racks that would hold his works

Lili: is this where I'll work?

Akira: that's right and you will be in charge of everything that goes on in here so we're going to have to get you up to speed on the way to run this place you can always ask me for help but I want reliable workers after all.

Lili: I understand teach me now please!

Akira laughed as he gave a lesson on what to do as he was filling these racks with level 5-9 weapons after that he decided to pull a bit of a joke since he created something back when he finished his smithing practise

Akira opened a portal to his GOB and pulled out a regal looking sword with fae letters lining the blade and stuck it in the centre most display

Lili: Akira what is that sword?

Akira: This sword is my greatest creation it's called Excalibur the sword of promised victory

Akira was going to allow who this sword chose to weild it it's only his replica after all and he put the price as 5 billion valis whoever can pick up this sword without trouble he'll probably just give it to them

Akiras in goal here in this world is to let it be better then when he arrived so stronger people and better bonds between them is his ultimate desire

We'll if you exclude trying to win Ryuus affection anyway as Akira and Lili were chatting about it all he felt a disturbance in his runic territory and allowed entrance he could feel the people heading towards him were Tsubaki, Hephaestus, Loki and Ais wallenstein he was happy they came and quickly told Lili to go prepare refreshments

Lili did as told as Akira was taking some chairs and a table from his GOB and as he finished and turned to his guests with a smile he added

Akira: hello girls how are you today?

Hephaestus and Tsubaki were stunned they were running about my shop trying to figure out the meaning of life clamouring like little kids on a sugar rush after all this meeting wasn't for formality and to introduce Loki not for anything serious in their opinion at least compared to the weapons

Akira chuckled with mirth as he turned to the other guests who were looking around and at him with caution

Akira: I supposed you're Loki and Ais wallenstein it's a please to meet you bot-

As he was about to complete his sentence he heard a couple loud screams and looked over just to face palm as Hephaestus and Tsubaki were trying to pull Excalibur from its hold

Akira: Hephaestus you of all people know that's a divine sword with a will of it's own..

Hephaestus was instantly embarrassed and came to the table where Lili brought food and drink and started sipping her tea like nothing ever happened while Tsubaki pretended not to hear me so I just sighed

Akira: Do as you like Tsubaki. Anyways as I said it's a pleasure to meet you both

Loki : it's a pleasure to meet you too Akira first and foremost let me get this out of the way I'd like to invite you to my familia?

Akira: I'm sorry but there is no familia in the city who has even a little bit of what I want so I'll have to decline

Loki sighed as she expected this result anyways she'd like to ask another question

Loki: Akira what familia are you from I can't imagine you not being from a well known god/goddess?

Akira thought there is no way he cares about keeping secrets he's already strong enough to protect what's his so he answered the truth

Akira: I don't belong to any familia nor have I ever been part of one

Everyone in the room was silent they were having trouble digesting this the goddess's knew he said the truth…

Loki: Can you explain how you're level 10 then?

Akira: I have a skill that allows me to level up and update my own stats

Everyone in the room again was dumbfounded this was the best skill on the planet but Akira wasn't done

Akira: If the people in this room agree to a contract for an alliance one where we aid each other then I can give a pretty good explanation that answers nearly everything in your heads right now

Everyone agreeed to the alliance there was no need to think a level ten divine weapon smith will only benefit them at the end of the day

After the contract was signed by all parties Akira said said a word that was impossible yet made too much sense for all people present

Akira: Well now that's done I'm a Demigod….

Next chapter