
Chapter 249 - Class

She was after all one of the strongest people in this world which was based on what she had previously not that impressive if some race named, the Lumithars had been able to create the system that they were currently using.

"So, Aiden," she said, the tone of her voice becoming extremely serious as she looked right into Aiden's eyes in a threatening manner. "What class did you get when you awakened two or three months ago?"

She knew based on his earlier reaction that this must be a big deal as he kept trying his best to dodge this question.

He knew that he couldn't really hide anything from Melinda since she could basically do whatever she wanted to him which was why whenever she had brought up the subject, he tried to talk about something else in the hopes that she would forget.

However, at last, it seemed that it wasn't the case and that Aiden was essentially doomed to answer her yet another question.

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