
Ravendwood's Territory

"Finally, we arrived," exclaimed Emma coming out of the weird-looking van, looking quite exhausted.

"Finally? Was my company that bad?" said Gerald, making fun of Emma.

Both Gerald and Emma in the whole day of travel, hadn't stopped talking even once.

It had become quite tiring to constantly hear them speak, in fact, it had reached such a point that even Maelis had been tired of their constant.

But, now that had gotten out of the vehicle, Aiden could finally leave the two of them alone and explore the city without any distractions.

Then, as he was trying to get away discreetly, he quickly got called back by Maelis.

"Aiden? Where are you going?" 

Then, instead of answering he just got back to where he was.

"I know that you want to explore the Ravenwood's territory but not so fast, I need to tell you guys something, and I know that you'll be interested," she said with a certain tone of certainty.

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