

As we awakened from our restless slumber, the weight of our mission pressed upon us. I outlined the plan to Rei, and to my relief, she readily agreed, placing her unwavering trust in my intellect and leadership. Together, we set about gathering the necessary materials for our makeshift rope, intertwining aprons into a sturdy line and securing each end to a sturdy tray. The success of our endeavour hinged on our ability to firmly hook the tray onto a suitable structure across the treacherous streets. With each knot tightly secured, I meticulously soaked the rope in soju, ensuring it was saturated and ready for the task at hand. As I inspected the rope one last time, my eyes darted skyward, observing the cloudy morning. I silently prayed for the weather to remain on our side, hoping that rain would not impede our plans.

With our preparations complete, Rei and I approached the back door of the Starbucks, bracing ourselves for the impending confrontation with the lurking zombies. We ventured forth, determined to clear the immediate vicinity of any undead presence. As we triumphed over the The vile creatures of rot and mildew possess an unspeakable visage. Their flesh is decomposing, their eyes are hollow, their mouths are filled with the blood of their victims.

They are bloated, bloated with hunger. Their gaunt faces are bruised and scarred; their eyes glow a burning red. Their skin is a pallid gray, void of colour and life. Blood drips from their mouths and wounds. Their teeth are sharpened to glistening points, mouths salivating with the pleasure of a fresh kill.

The creatures' bodies seemed to be a conglomeration of flesh and fabric. Their bodies were composed of pale, rubbery skin with a slight sheen to it. They possess but one eye, the other obscured by the remnants of clothing. At first glance, the creatures seemed to be human, however on closer inspection, it is revealed that their clothing consists of tattered, bloodied business suits, like the denizens of a zombie stock exchange.

We had ventured to the rooftop for one purpose: to attach our makeshift rope bridge and cross the dangerous chasm below. As I looked on, I could scarcely believe my eyes. The street separating us from our destination was a river of filth and disease, sloshing in an ebb and flow of rotting corpses. I quickly noticed their slow movements, apathetic yet alert, as if drawn towards us by some wicked force. With no other viable option before us, we began our descent into the abyss below. Carefully maneuvering along the narrow pipes embedded in the building's facade, we gradually made our way towards the rope bridge that would bring us across this bleak landscape.

The air around us was still and thick with the smell of death. But Rei and I pushed forward – regardless of fear or danger - determined to see this task through until its completion. We cautiously unfurled our makeshift rope, ensuring it was properly secured to the tray. With one end gripped firmly in my hands, I launched the tray over the nearest building, watching as it sailed through the air with a satisfying swish. As the tray clanged against the opposite building, I began to slowly pull the rope taut, feeling the weight of the tray increase with each passing moment. Finally, with a grunt of exertion, I felt the tray hook onto something solid, signalling our success. Rei and I exchanged a brief, tense look, the gravity of our situation weighing heavily upon us.

With a deep breath, I soaked the aprons in soju once more, then lit them aflame with a match. The flames licked hungrily at the fabric, quickly catching, and spreading along the entire length of the rope. Together, Rei and I heaved the burning rope over the side of the building, watching as it descended towards the street below. It landed with a satisfying thud, the flames creating a bright, flickering spectacle that drew the attention of the zombies. As we had hoped, they began to converge upon the blaze, their undead bodies moving in a frenzied dance towards the source of the fire.

With the zombies preoccupied, our task became easier. We gingerly descended the building, holding tightly onto the rope, ensuring it remained taut and stable. We moved with a cautious, measured pace, our eyes scanning the area for any remaining threats. As we reached the opposite side of the street, I set to work, securely fastening the rope to a nearby lamppost. It held firm, the flames still flickering and drawing the attention of the zombies in the distance. Rei and I exchanged a look of grim determination, both of us knowing the true test still lay ahead.

We moved quickly but quietly, avoiding any areas that seemed heavily infested by the undead. As we approached Chiba University, our hearts raced with anticipation, knowing that our objective was within reach. We reached the perimeter of the campus, surveying the area for any signs of danger. The fence loomed high above us, but we were determined to make the jump, knowing that the reward was worth the risk.

We quickly scaled the fence, emerging onto the grounds of Chiba University. As we set foot on campus, a feeling of nostalgia and familiarity swept over me. This place had been my home for so long, but now it seemed like an entirely different world. The once vibrant campus was now a ghost town, the distant moans and groans of the undead echoing in the air. We made our way through the deserted streets, avoiding any areas that seemed heavily infested by zombies. As we approached our destination, my heart raced with excitement and anticipation. We had come so far and endured so much—this was it. With a deep breath, I took a running start, launching myself towards the fence that separated us from our goal. My heart pounded in my chest as I soared through the air, feeling the wind rush past me. I landed with a sharp jolt, feeling the impact reverberate through my body. But I had made it, and I quickly turned to help Rei over the fence.

Rei and I finally made it to the Chiba bookstore, its buildings sprawling extensively before us. There were entryways without signs everywhere, full of books. We knew that if what we sought was even here, it would be in the medical section. Unfortunately, a multitude of zombies greeted us on the campus grounds. To distract them, I took my alarm clock out of my backpack and set it up near the top of the Chiba university wall, just beyond the reach of the zombies. The sound played momentarily while Rei and I ran for cover in a nearby tree.

The zombies could hear the alarm and made their way towards the sound of ringing, thousands of zombies gathering to one spot while we continued to hide and watch, waiting for the zombies to clear the surrounding areas so we could make our way to Chiba University's bookstore and grab the medical books for Miya. We watched with a mix of anticipation and fear as the crowd of undead gradually dispersed. As soon as it was safe to do so, we emerged from our hiding spot and quickly made our way into the bookstore. Our hearts pounded in our chests as we raced through the cramped library, quickly searching for Miya's book, our desperate footsteps echoing off the walls in the process. Each corner seemed to conceal a new horde of relentless zombies, their hungry moans growing louder with every passing second. Rei swiftly switched from her long spear to a short knife, its manoeuvrability better suited for the narrow space and cluttered shelves.

We fought back with all our might, slashing and cutting at the encroaching undead, but it felt like a losing battle. We realized the zombies multiplied before our eyes, their sheer numbers overwhelming us. We couldn't afford to waste time searching for the medical book we desperately needed. It was a struggle just to stay alive. Zombies came in from every direction, pressuring us from all sides. As the horde closed in, hemming us in from all sides, panic set in. Rei fought valiantly, her blade slashing through decaying flesh, but even her efforts couldn't stem the tide. I wracked my brain for a solution, desperation fuelling my thoughts. We needed a way out, and fast.

"Rei, we need to think fast," I shouted above the chaos, my mind racing. "Use the bookshelves! Push them against the zombies!"

Together, we put all our strength into shoving the heavy bookshelves towards the encroaching horde. The shelves toppled over, creating makeshift barriers, and hindering the advance of the zombies. It bought us a precious moment to plan our escape.

"Rei, climb the shelves! We have to get above them!" I yelled, pointing to the towering rows of books.

Without hesitation, Rei scaled the bookshelves, her nimble movements like a dancer navigating a treacherous stage. I followed closely behind, adrenaline coursing through my veins. We leaped from shelf to shelf, balancing precariously as the zombies clawed and battered the structures, causing them to collapse in their frenzy.

With each jump, our bodies strained to maintain balance, the fear of falling into the waiting jaws of the undead spurring us forward. We reached the end of the bookshelves, our hearts pounding in our chests as we spotted an open door leading to a corridor.

As we sprinted through the door, we found ourselves in a dimly lit corridor, filled with a smaller group of zombies compared to the bookstore. Approximately 25 of them lumbered towards us, their slow and relentless pace an eerie contrast to our frantic movements. We searched desperately for a place to seek temporary refuge, our hands shaking with urgency as we opened doors along the corridor.

Finally, we found a room with a sturdy-looking door. We rushed inside, slamming it shut behind us, creating a temporary barrier against the encroaching horde. We leaned against the door, gasping for breath, the sound of hungry moans and scratching claws echoing just beyond the fragile barrier.

With all my strength, I held the door shut, my body pressed against it as the relentless onslaught of zombies pounded on the other side. I couldn't afford to lend a hand to Rei, for if I let go, we would face yet another perilous situation. I watched anxiously as Rei wielded her spear, slicing through the approaching undead with calculated precision. Realistically, she could only handle three at a time, and now there were ten closing in on her simultaneously. I had to find a way to aid her.

Leaning my weight against the door, I struggled to maintain my grip with one hand while reaching into my backpack with the other. I fumbled around until my hand grasped the cool glass of a Molotov cocktail. Without hesitation, I hurled it towards the floor, aiming for the two zombies closest to Rei. The unlit bottle crashed against the ground, spilling its fiery contents, creating a makeshift barrier between Rei and the approaching undead.

Rei quickly grasped the situation, retreating to light a match before tossing it onto the now-flaming ground. The flames erupted, engulfing three of the zombies in a blaze of heat and light. It bought us a momentary reprieve, but the door I held steadfast was beginning to give way under the relentless assault.

Zombies rammed their decaying bodies against the glass window of the door, their arms reaching desperately into the room, fingers clawing at the air. My feet slid across the floor as I struggled to maintain my grip, desperation etched across my face. The fragile door trembled, threatening to buckle under the relentless force.

In a last-ditch effort, I scanned the room for anything that could aid us. My eyes fell upon a metal shelving unit. With a surge of adrenaline, I released my hold on the door for a split second, just enough time to shove the shelving unit against it. The impact reverberated through the room as the makeshift barricade held the door in place, providing us with a brief respite. Rei took advantage of the momentary lull, swiftly holding off the remaining zombies within the room. Her movements were swift and precise, her spear finding its mark with deadly accuracy. As the last undead fell to the ground, a wave of relief washed over us. But our triumph was short-lived.

As the glass shattered behind us, the dreadful sound reverberated through the air. The zombies outside, consumed by their insatiable hunger, had resorted to desperate measures. We found ourselves caught in a perilous predicament, sandwiched between the four remaining undead within the room and the massive swarm of hundreds converging on us in the corridors. Only the metal shelving unit stood as our feeble barrier, holding the door shut against the impending doom.

As death loomed before us, a chilling scream pierced through the corridors, filling the air with terror. The anguished voice of a man echoed; his fear palpable in every desperate cry. In an instant, the dimly lit passageways were bathed in a foreboding orange glow. Flames erupted with a fierce intensity, their crackling tongues of fire dancing and devouring everything in their path.

Amidst the chaos, a group of three figures emerged, their presence a glimmer of hope in the face of impending doom. One man, armed with a flamethrower, stood steadfastly, ready to unleash its fiery wrath upon the encroaching horde. Beside him, another held a makeshift shield, a massive piece of metal crudely welded together to provide some protection. And in the rear, a third figure held a canister of gas, connected to the flamethrower, ready to fuel the flames.

Together, they approached on a wheeled canteen trolley, their determination evident in their every step. The flames from the flamethrower licked the air, engulfing the trapped zombies within the inferno. Their twisted bodies writhed and contorted, consumed by the destructive blaze. It was pandemonium.

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