
Chapter 3: Limes (Almost Seven)

(Author's Official Statement: I would just like to confirm that the ondol idea part came from the Manhwa/Novel called, Greatest Estate Designer, — It is the most hilarious Manhwa/Novel I've ever read but I suggest for you to read the Manhwa version. Anyways, I've had this fanfic already planned on my mind years ago during the pandemic but hadn't got the chance to write this fanfic because of all school works and family problems.

I just wanted to remind you all that this is only a fanfiction not a Novel.

This fanfiction idea had been going on in my mind after knowing that there wasn't much Naruto fanfic with Mc who's a business woman/man so I decided to write one on my own to satisfy my imagination.

And one day I came across the Manhwa, Greatest Estate Designer, a year ago, and that was where I got the ondol idea came from. And with the latest chapter I posted after this. I know that some of you guys are probably thinking that I got it again after reading a chapter that Lloyd, Mc of Greatest Estate Designer, turned the infertile field into a fertile one, but no, I didn't get the idea of the fertile idea from the Manhwa. I have a mother, who took Agriculture as her college course, and an aunt who mae agriculture as her business— I got the infertile idea after hearing their conversation and decided to eavesdrop.

And also, English is my second language so please excuse my wrong grammatical sentenced and mispelled words.)




Konoha Year 57, Second Month, First Week, Third Day.

(First Person PoV)




After ordering Eli to suck up all of the remaining infertile section. I ran straight ahead towards the area where I first made the Engineering Unit Team.

As I expected, everyone was here, training.

"Gather around everybody!"

At my orders, everyone gather around.

"As you all know, today is pay day!"

Everyone nodded at my words.

[You're soooo gonna regret this.]

What it said, I agree.

"The pay you're receiving might be lower than what Shinobi's earn, but I promise you all! That once m—'our' business, which shall now be called the Tobias Industry!"

I ignored the dissatisfaction faces that the Unit shot me and continued speaking.

"... Your salary will be two times higher!"

Everyone cheered.

"So, Inosuke!" I called out as Inosuke stepped forward. "Take all of the rakes in the warehouse and follow my orders through this paper." Passing the rolled paper on his hands, I gave him a smile that says, 'You're in charge for now', and ran away.

'So, what do I do now?'

The paper consist orders to the Unit to pluck out the weeds, roots and plants out from the infertile section. And also a direction towards Sakumo's field property.

Anyways, I'm basically going broke with the salary I'm giving the whole Unit tonight and buying limes and a knapsack sprayer.

[Weren't you suppose to collect the remaining pay from the Nara's and Akamichi's?]

Fuck! How could I forget!?

A few months ago, the Nara's and the Akamichi's only payed 600k Ryo's that only covered their clanmens paayment but not theirs. For whatever reasons that I couldn't careless on knowing, and even if they planned on not paying the rest of the pay, I'd sue them with no hesitant. I don't care if they're the Clan's longtime buddy 'cause they certainly aren't my buddy.

'Thanks for reminding me,'

[I'm your Virtual Assistant, after all.]




"You don't hold back when it comes to pricing, huh," A lazy deep voice said.

"Well a payment is a payment after all, Shikaku!" Chōza said to his childhood friend and comrade, "We should be thankful for his creations that we didn't suffer much from the cold during last winter."

Not really paying attention to the two Clan friend's conversation, I sealed all the money in the storage seal that I, luckily, picked up during the Club fiasco.

"Thank you very much! I hope for you to order again!"

Ahh, seems like I don't have to worry about my finance for a while.

I walk through the streets, heading towards the market to buy some knapsack sprayers. The role of the sprayer of turning the infertile field into a fertile one is a very important one.

After all the weeds are being picked out my my employees, they'll be spraying the limes all over the field.

[Why limes?]

Deciding on humoring me, huh? Well then, I shall play your little game.

'Liming is the most common and effective method to reduce soil acidity. Or in other words, a method that'll turn that ugly (Infertile) field into a pretty (fertile) one. Lime requirements of crops grown on acid soils are determined by the quality of liming material, status of soil fertility, crop species and cultivar within species, crop management practices, and economic considerations. Soil pH, base saturation, and aluminum saturation are important acidity indices that are used to determine liming. Liming improves soil pH, Ca, and Mg contents and reduces Al concentrations in the soil solution. In addition, liming improves beneficial microbe populations in the soil. Furthermore, liming improves P concentration in the soil solution by reducing P immobilization by Fe and Al in acid soils (Fageria and Baligar, 2008). All these beneficial effects of liming improve the root growth of crop plants....'

'.... Although, because the field has been neglected for years now, the liming method might take a whole two years and a half to be fertile.'

[So what you're basically saying is that lime is a soil conditioner and lessens the soil acidity by neutralising the effects of acids that has been implanted on the soil over the years that has been neglected. Lime is your savoir 'cause it'll improvement the soil structure,]


[Also, how does an infertile field that has been neglected for about fourty years can be fertile in just two years and a half? That's take a hundreds!]

'Correct, but the soils I inspected yesterday weren't just any other soil. It was unique unlike other soils, so I assume that the field was modified by Senju Hashirama, himself, using his Kekkei Genkai.'

[....That's made sense....]

Right. Like you understood what I had just said.

"Excuse me," I bothered the old woman who's besides me, "Can you point me where they sell limes here?"

"Oh sure dear, just go ahead towards the Street XXXX, Block 24, a farmer should be selling one of those."

After thanking the woman, I left the market and went ahead towards the street that the old woman provided me. Thankfully, I recognize the path as the person residing in the street was one of my costumer who ordered the ondol type B.

"Hanazawa-sann~" I called out.

Moments later a man, about in his mid 40's, came out from a house. His eyes narrowed towards my direction before it perk up in recognition.

"Tobias-san! My savior," I awkwardly smiled at the cringe nickname that my costumers have given me, "What can I do for you?"

"I heard you sell limes?"

"Ah, yes, yes, I am, indeed selling limes."

"I'd like to order ten thousand limes." Pouting my lips, I asked, finding the man's staggering amusing, "Is there a problem?"

"Oh, not at all!" He instantly said, "I've been meaning to get rid of my limes for quite some time, the business hasn't been going well, ya'know?"

I nodded, not really understanding what the man was saying.

"And you gave me ten percent discount," he mentioned. Why do I have a great feeling about where this is coming from? "So please take all of the limes as a gift."

"Fufufufu," I laughed, heartedly, "I appreciate your gift."


"There's no but," I say, "I'll come back for a few hours after you're done packing up all of the limes. I'm quite busy as a bee, you see, and also, by any chance, do you know some people who sell knapsack sprayers with a 22.5 volume?"

"You can visit the farming market, see if they have any of those."

"Thank you."

I bought three knapsack sprayer, which costed only three-thousands Ryo's.

Despite feeling exhausted for running errands for my Industry, I continued to push myself.

Thankfully, the market, where I bought the sprayers at, also consist of free delivery to a first timer costumer. After telling them the desired location — where I want them to deliver the sprayers— I stole a signed and rewrote it saying 'Tobias Industry is currently hiring ten people! 50k Ryo's salary per month.

"It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, civilian or shinobi, retired or not! What matters is that you're dedicated to the job!"

Unexpectedly, there were a lot of people started who wanted to signed up. I picked out ten random people, and each gave them a paper consisting of my orders.

"Go back to your home a soon as possible, wear appropriate clothes for farmers and go to this place here in this location in the paper. After entering the given location, you can see people working on the field, all you have to do is shout out; 'Who's Yamanaka Inosuke', and if a someone did step forward, I want you to give them the paper that I each gave you'. Happy working with you!"


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