
Peace of Youth

"You guys made it!" Smiling widely Shen Yi jogged over to them, her enthusiasm seemingly pushing away the people around her. In reality, it was just a bit of soul power pressure that made people instinctively move out of her way. It was impressive she could do such a thing with a smile as bright as that.

"Mhm. It's nice to see you again." Smiling amicably, Gu Yuena not so discreetly nudged Mu Xi, a look of realization crossing the older woman's features. Grabbing Xie Xie by his collar she ignored his questions and shouts and dragged him away. Raising a brow at the sight everything clicked into place as Shen Yi was face to face with a somber Xu Xiaoyan.

"Thank you for helping me, Miss Shen Yi!" Bowing deeply, Xu Xiaoyan had never been so sincere in her life. She had been stabbed in the chest by a poisoned dagger, the only reason she hadn't died or been injured for longer was because Shen Yi had healed her.

"Ah, well, it was my mistake that let a spy sneak in so it was my fault to begin with. Really, I should be apologizing to you." Awkwardly trying to lift the girl, Shen Yi felt that the younger girl's thanks were wasted on her.

Motioning to the side with his head Wulin and Gu Yuena were soon sitting beside their classmates with ice cream in hand. Both Xu Xiaoyan and Shen Yi were far too harsh on themselves and much too stubborn to accept the other's words so they'd be here for a while.

"Y'know, I actually thought she was fine." Raising a brow at Xie Xie's abrupt words and his sorrowful tone, Wulin wasn't sure where he was taking it. He could see why Xie Xie would think so though. Xu Xiaoyan was a talented actor, so talented Wulin almost wanted to recommend she switch careers.

Besides the first few days, Xu Xiaoyan had worn a smile only slightly dimmer than that which she always wore. She acted no different than normal albeit slightly more exhausted but who could blame her with the tragedy she endured? She wasn't meant for combat, not in the way Xie Xie was let alone the rest of them. 

Xie Xie was selfish and more than willing to bloody his hands if it meant he could live but she wasn't like that. She didn't want to hurt a fly, always holding back in fear of hurting people in the middle of combat. She wasn't made to fight and after that day Wulin wasn't even sure she could stomach being on the battlefield.

"She's stronger than we think. She'll get over it." It was unusually apathetic for Gu Yuena but they had spent long enough with her to know what she meant. Xu Xiaoyan may struggle but inevitably she would overcome this obstacle and continue to stay by their side. They just had to support her until that happened.

Nodding his head absentmindedly Wulin couldn't help but raise the corner of his lips. When Xu Xiaoyan had joined Gu Yuena and him out for dinner he had seen for himself the fortitude of the girl he had underestimated.

He would be the first to admit he looked down on her. Her skills weren't as sharp as Xie Xie, not as heavy as Mu Xi's, and far from as delicate as Gu Yuena's. She didn't have a strength and she was far too innocent for his taste. But she looked up to him and tried her hardest so he did his best to support her regardless.

That night out had shown him that he hadn't truly understood her at all. She was far braver than he gave her credit for, far more willing to take that next step than he could ever know. She may not be fit for combat but she was deserving of her spot beside them.

"She said—Hm?" Looking at the fist of his girlfriend that had struck his stomach impassively he tilted his head slightly—a habit he thought was long dead—as he looked at her in confusion. It wasn't painful or anything but it was still a blow she had put her full force into. Even Mu Xi may have struggled if she was in his place.

"Let her tell them herself. Geez, and I thought you were finally becoming a gentleman." Shaking her head with her hand on her forehead, Gu Yuena looked exhausted and disappointed at the same time. He hadn't considered it but he could see why Xu Xiaoyan would want to make the declaration herself. It was a choice that would forever impact her life after all.

"I'm not a gentleman?" Humming to himself he leaned against her, his head resting on her shoulder as he looked at her gently. He couldn't be gentlemanly, his mother hadn't taught him that, but he knew well enough how to be cute.

"…I guess it's fine. I'll just have to hold onto your reigns tightly." Instantly crumbling as Wulin gently nuzzled against her neck Gu Yuena burned in embarrassment as Xie Xie snickered behind her, a fire 'coincidentally' bursting to life on top of him.

"I was joking! I was joking!" Shooting to his feet Xie Xie swung his arm to put out the flames growing along his right arm as his clothes were absorbed by the flames. Smirking in unadulterated amusement and glee, Gu Yuena dispersed the flames, his clothing untouched even after being encased in fire.

Mumbling something under his breath while checking the condition of his outfit Xie Xie felt a chill spread through his body, his body turning illusive as a massive spike of ice jutted out of his chest. If he hadn't reacted as fast as he did he would have died!

"Want to call me a crazy woman again?" Despite smiling innocently Gu Yuena's violet eyes were filled with nothing but anger as more icicles hovered around her. Laughing awkwardly Xie Xie slowly materialized his hand a gently pushed the icicle out of his chest.

"Nope!" As soon as the object was gone he vanished, space distorting as he reappeared on top of a nearby home. Sticking out his tongue at her Xie Xie entered the Reverse World, running away while he still could.

"Ugh! That stupid hatchling." Standing up with veins prominently displayed on her tightly clenched hands Gu Yuena disappeared in a flurry of silver specks of light. He had gotten better than she expected at manipulating space and it had cost her greatly. Now she had to chase down that stupid hatchling!

'It's peaceful.' Closing his eyes for a moment, Wulin felt as though all was right with the world even as Xie Xie's screams of terror echoed through the city. Yes, it was peaceful. In the past, he wouldn't have appreciated this peace but now it was quite nice.

"She's going to kill him." Mumbling to herself with a sigh Mu Xi couldn't believe the class she had gotten herself stuck in.


Hey there, hope you liked the chapter.

While I feel like I'm needlessly dragging things out before the time skip I really want to emphasize that they are children. They aren't perfect, they fool around, and they're stupid at times. I'm not writing perfect characters and isn't that their charm?

If you want more chapters, head to patre*on.com/TrapOverlord for up to 25 extra chapters. It isn't required but it'd be much appreciated.

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