
Return to Xahan

"So how are you going to convince her, then?" Jonah asked, folding his arms across his chest. 

The carriage rocked back and forth as it crossed a bump on the road, causing Atticus and Jonah to jerk a little in their seats. The scenery outside passed by in a blur, the carriage moving at a way faster speed than what was normal; Atticus used his magic — now enhanced — to help boost the horses a little so that they could save on time.

"I don't know yet," Atticus admitted. "Do you have any ideas? What do you think of dancing?"

"You're the lady killer, not me," Jonah said, snorting. Atticus killed ladies in more ways than one. "Normally, you could just charm your way into making things alright but that might be impossible for you now. She needs to see some genuine sincerity and effort."

"That makes it seem like you're implying I usually don't," Atticus said with a deadpan, to which Jonah only replied with a pointed look.

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