
Comments of chapter undefined of The Guardian gods

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I think I have a idea a good idea about what Bjornes next’s move will be after conquering a different port city. He will order for some of his more competent warriors to form mercenary band and have them sell their services to the kingdoms on other continents. This will impress the people of the martial power of their faith causing the people to seek out the mercenary groups for protection, however the big thing will be that this will allow the werebeast mercenaries to form generational communities on different continents and if the demigods demand that the kingdoms expel the werebeast community’s then that will show everyone that the demigods don’t want the human kingdoms to be able to fend for themselves. Also who would the humans be more grateful towards, the werebeast mercenaries who fought and died for their kingdom or the demigods who did nothing but watch from the sidelines.

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I'm so happy. I said nothing because I saw your message about where I think hus place would be in the future. And I just didn't respond because I wanted you to integrate him into the story in your own way even if you forgot about him I wouldn't really care. Cause this story is still amazing.

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who is James

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Can you guys or girl explain to me what what happened to the white bird that was with the god of nature. Have forgotten about him