



It went on for some moments and Damien knew if he didn't stop her, things could go way south and not in a manner of his control. 

He shut his eyes briefly, willing his control back before he pulled her down on the bed and without sparing her a minute to catch her breath, Damien's lips were already on hers, seizing every breath she planned on holding on to.

Skai felt all the nerves and hormones in her body light up at once. The way his tongue rushed over hers, his lips tasting and his teeth nibbling on those soft lips of hers felt so conquering and possessive like he was claiming his right towards her yet it was gentle and loving. 

How could it not feel good?!

Her body loved and yielded, wanting this.

Skai surprised herself with how much she loved this wild side of Damien and how they each brought it out in her. 

Next chapter