
Honor A Mortal

Rowan watched the play of emotion flit through the face of the mortal and he waited for his words to sink in. He thought he was about to get through to her but the next words she said made him sigh,

"Why should I believe anything you say, you are the enemy."

Rowan nodded, "Yes, I am your enemy, I am the one responsible for your death, and countless more, and in time perhaps the death of every mortal and Explorer in this realm, yet at this moment that means nothing to your questions about my nature and the reality around you."

Nyla chuckled, a disbelieving smirk on her face, "You expect me to believe the word of my enemy? Why would I ever want to do such a thing?"

"You won't be doing it because of me," Rowan smiled at her expression, "the thought of doing something that goes against your nature… Can you resist? You do not have much time left in the endless rat race this realm has placed on you, helpless mortals. What would you like your end to be like?"

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