

Nezrakim had only one vocation from the time of his birth— He was to bury the dead.

His father did the same, and his father's father, and their fathers before them. He came from a long line of Sacred Undertakers, and now his calling would end with him, as he was the last.

He was blessed with two sons, but Nezrakim lost his wife and youngest son to the beast horde, his eldest wished for nothing else but to become a Dominator, to hold power like those that conquered their world and made them slaves, a foolish dream, but a dream, nonetheless, and now he was burying his son.

He had carried his body to the top of the mountain, it was a long and slow climb, he was old, and he would never let the height of the mountain mock his faith.

He made his prayers at the top of the mountain, shivering despite the sweat that covered his body.

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