
Partner or Thief

When merchants first brought bronzewares to Rockford City, the nobles were all amazed by their utility. They didn't know that the shiny metal ornaments they had could be repurposed into useful tools beyond being a mere décor.

This bronze, although a different kind metal, had the luster of gold and durability far better than stone. Their city flintsmen were mystified of the processes that can shape them into articles like knives, let alone give them a durable edge that lasts longer than their stone axes.

News of the bronzeware spread like wildfire, and now every noble household of Rockford City that could afford it wanted some for utility and even for heirloom. This compelled Sean Haroldson to trace the origin of the wonder metal back to its source, the Town of Solus.

Entering Solus, Sean was unsure if he ended up in the right place, after all the shabby mud and straw structures he saw along the way didn't reflect his image of a society that can produce the wonder material. Yet everywhere he went, he saw men and women carrying articles of bronze. How could a town be so rich, yet be backwards?

At the town center, he spotted a ginormous structure under construction, about a month before completion. With the enormity of the structure, he concluded that only the chief could afford erecting the place. It must be a building with a function of a gathering hall for the people to see their chief.

Based on what he witnessed, he could surmise that the rise of bronzewares must still be at its infancy. He must seize the opportunity, so he could bring more bronzewares to his people and coins to his coffers in return.

At the chief's house, a maidservant welcomed him, wearing only ordinary but dignified clothes decorated with embroidery. Seated at the living area, he was offered barley tea and rye crackers as snack. She said he could wait there until the chief came back.

Sinking at the fur covered seat, he observed that the place although far smaller than his, had a few interesting decorations. The most curious of all was a strange looking bowlike weapon hanged on the wall above the skull of a gigantic wild black buffalo, the biggest of its kind that he saw.

"Are you interested in the buffalo? Our master hunted that using that compound bow above. I wonder what he'd bring home next time. I'll never run out of things to dust at this rate." The maidservant complained.

"A bow hunting game as big as that? We'd use throwing spears and a few strongmen to corner the beast to death." Sean replied.

"He's Julius of Solus after all. In the past, the chief did a few incredible feats on his own. With his strength, this shouldn't be a problem for him." The maid servant said.

"I thought I heard of the warrior's name before, Julius of Solus. I was far north of here, but I heard of that name for sure, but I couldn't remember the stories." Sean replied.

"Shame. The chief would have told you the stories himself when drunk. He'd narrate it again and again." The maidservant sighed.

As the family made their way back home, their shadows grew significant in length. Julius had Lina piggy backed, while the rest walked. Opening the door, he saw a well-built man sporting a mohawk and a heavy beard sitting on a chair in the living area. With several rings of gold and silver in his hand and an ornate coat, his presence is simply impossible to ignore.

Julius reached to the man, "You must be Chief Haroldson of Rockford. I'm Julius, the Champion and Chief of Solus."

Sean shook his hand, "Sean, nice to meet you! Now I remember, you're Julius of Solus, the young champion who brought back the heads of the southerner chiefs in the last campaign."

"Have rumors spread that far? I remember only bringing the head of one chief though." Julius replied, finding himself a seat next to the guest. He inquired, "For a bigshot such as yourself coming here, I'm sure you're not here for my stories. Why visit my humble town?"

"Oh, Julius, so direct to the point." Sean chuckled. "I'm here for a simple business. It's about bronzewares. Nobles in my city started fighting over the articles. I hope I can negotiate a simple deal with you, so we'll have enough bronzewares for everyone."

"I hope I can help you Sean, but you see, there's a lot of demand for bronzeware. I have only so much to give to the merchants who flock here. I don't believe I have the capacity to supply a city such as yours." Julius confessed.

Sean rubbed his hands. "Perhaps there's something I can do to help you."

"I'm sure there must be something." Julius pointed to his son. "Here's my boy, Linus. He's in charge of the foundry. If there's anyone who knows how to increase production, it's him."

"Isn't he but a 10 year old brat or even younger?" Sean narrowed his vision, sizing the boy up.

"That 10 year old brat came up with a plan that helped me destroy the mountain bandits that plagued us for generations. He also devised that bow in the wall. He made it possible for that weapon to kill game that large. He must be blessed by Lord Enqui himself." Julius bragged.

"You're embarrassing me, Pops. But it's true I came up with those ideas. Also true that you executed them perfectly. You sell yourself short, Pops." Linus remarked, and then he turned to Sean, "Yes Chief Sean, your big city might just have what we needed so we can prosper together. I need two things, raw materials and labor."

Sean furrowed his brow. "The manner you spoke does not fit your image. I'm mistaken, my child." After the pause, he continued. "If it's manservants you need, I can surely supply you with as much as your little town needs. But what of these materials you speak of?"

"Grain, I hope you can provide for the servants you bring. And rocks, not just any other rock but the green ones like this, and lots of them." Linus handed Sean the ore sample.

"Child, you have good fortune. The north has a mountain of these rocks you speak of. Tell me how much of these things you need, and I'll give them to you. In exchange, train my men in bronze craft."

Linus felt a chill at the back of his neck. The man was shrewder than he thought. He'd give him a prize of a few pennies for trade secrets. But this moment itself is an opportunity that is hard to let go.

"Old Sean, do you see us as partners, or do you see us as prey? If I told you my secret, I might as well stop producing bronzewares." Linus told Sean.

"Not at all, my child." For a moment, Sean felt the sweat on his palm. "If you can get what you want, and I got what I wanted, then aren't we both satisfied?" he tried his best to persuade Linus.

Julius nodded, finding the deal reasonable. His action seems to have caught Sean's attention, and the ire of Linus at the same time. Finding Linus' glaring eyes, he said "Don't mind me. I leave all the matters of negotiation to my son. I trust him that much." He felt cold sweat run on his face.

"Old Sean, I want partners, not thieves. You can enrich yourself overnight with my secret, but by Enqui's wisdom, I have more to give. Aren't you tired of drinking from that cup, wait for a second." Linus ran to Lina and came back, bringing a porcelain cup.

Holding the beautiful white glazed porcelain cup, Sean's hands trembled. "You have more than bronzeware?"

Linus responded, nodding.

"I'm sorry, I must have misjudged you." Sean scratched the back of his head apologetically. Continuing his speech, his eyes narrowed. "To keep me here and not kick me out at this point, you must also need something from me. Tell me child, I'll see if it's something this old man can give you."

"Old Sean, if we're partners, we can enrich each other. Yes, I'll allow our craftsmen to train your men, but I'll only give them back to you after five years. But I know that will not be enough to quench your thirst, so I'll give you more. You can become an exclusive distributor for our goods up north." Linus said.

"Exclusive distributor? Can you please explain what that means?" Sean inquired.

"That means, only you can distribute our bronzewares, porcelain, and other future products up north. I'll refuse to sell to merchants there and refer them all to you. In addition, I'll give you the market's cheapest rates guaranteed, so you can choke the competition should they arise. You can pay the value in gold, silver, copper coins, grain, green rocks, labor or whichever resource you have that I find useful." Linus explained.

Sean's was on fire listening to Linus' explanation, his palms sweated profusely. "Alright child, you have a deal." He reached to Linus, shaking his hand.

Without the two noticing, the sun had already set. Sean and his men had to spend the night with Julius and his family.


The rooster crowed and the sun soon blanketed the horizon with its blinding flash of light. A group of warriors equipped with metal weapons journeyed south, carrying a banner bearing the coat of arms of the City of Nexus. In their wagon, they brought with them alcohol, textile materials, and other precious gifts, and most importantly, a city noble.

I would like to give Daoist6E5grn a big shout-out for the votes. That made my day.

I was busy at the office working (because of deadlines, ugh) so I had little time to update, but this little thing motivated me to write something even if I was in the midst of being buried in paperwork.

Thank you. I hope more readers will come to support my work.

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