

"Hello officers, how can I help you?"

Officer Tina Deeter and her partner, Derek Soto, both showed their badge and ID to the receptionist. "Hi Ma'am. We received report of a dead body hanging in one of your apartment unit. Could we go up and check?"

"Urmm, I'm not sure. Can I check with the upper management first?"

"Sure Ma'am. But, we already got the report, so one way or the other, we have to go up there and check. I'm sorry for troubling you, I'm just doing my job."

"Oh no, I understand. I just need to...at least informed my boss first. I don't want my boss knowing from complaints of the tenants."

"I understand Ma'am."

The officers took a few steps back, giving privacy for the receptionist. Moments later, the receptionist hung up the phone. She went to the officers, explaining that her boss had given the green light, and they were off to the elevator.

"The eight floor right?"

Officer Soto flipped through his notebook. "Ummm...yeah, yeah. The eighth floor. Witness said that it was the one in the middle."

"Well, there are about four units in the middle. Which one was it?"

"We're...not so sure either." Officer Tina confessed something. "Maybe we could narrow it down somehow. Is there any tenants in these four that's a single or recently single resident?"

"Huh. That does help. Hold on." She checked on the list in her phone. "There it is. Apartment 805. A Mr. John...Doe?"

Both officers couldn't help but chuckled. "Seems a bit spot on, don't you think?" Officer Soto added.

"Yeah, I know. Well, these neighbourhood are a little bit more private. We won't even have to meet them, unless there's problem with their properties. Even than it was mostly unit numbers to the supers. Hold on, let me open the door for you."

The entrance, when opened, faced directly to the balcony. Usually, it's a very good thing. Seaside unit, ocean view the minute you walked in. Couldn't asked for more. This time however, it's...counterintuitive. Since there's a dead body between the entrance and the beautiful New York ocean view.

The receptionist had to lean to the door frame, otherwise she might collapse to the ground. Officer Soto realised this, so he said to the receptionist. "Ma'am. Why don't you go and update your boss again. We'll take it from here, okay?"

The receptionist's face was frozen. She could only nodded, before slowly walking out of there.

"Tina, have you reported it?"

"Yeah, I did. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just...not a bad place to die, huh. Good final view."

"That's what you're thinking. Come on, glove up. We need to do quick sweep the area."

"Oh, right right."

The officers split up. Each taking one side of the apartment. Checking for anything that might harm the officers and ME that will be swarming the place. Officer Soto came to a locked room.

"Hey Tina."

"Yeah, what?" Officer Deeter said in the distance.

"D'you find a key?"


"A key? Is there any key in here?"

"I dunno. Probably in his pocket."

"Oh great."

Officer Soto reluctantly went to his pocket, rummaged around for a key, and he did found a key. He tried it into the lock door, it did unlocked the door. And then, he wished he didn't.

"Hey Tina!"

"What! You don't find a key."

"N...no. Just...just come here."

Officer Deeter joined Officer Soto in that home office, and she also regretted contaminating his eyes. She immediately can empathized with the receptionist earlier. Coz her face was also frozen with horror.

There, plastered on the wall, was a collage of women. A collage of multiple pictures of women going through the worst abuse and torture imaginable. Both of the officers did not want to look at it any longer, but their eyes were transfixed on the picture. They just stood there in silent, in stunned silence. Finally, Officer Deeter managed to break under the horrifying spell.

"You better update the precinct. And call FBI too. Tell them... it's The Chef."

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