

The situation turned with a loud sound of growl that came out of her stomach. 

Leigh was being stubborn about going to see a doctor. She was being reasonable as there was no need to see a doctor again when she has already come back after seeing one. 

But Roff appeared unreasonable. He kept talking about how he didn't believe other doctors and that she needed to see the one he was recommending. 

They both struggled to win but, in the end, Roff gave up after hearing Leigh stomach loud growling sound. 

Now they both were sitting on the dinning table. While Roff was staring her as she ate, Leigh was gobbling up the packaged food that got cooked up within a few minutes. 

"Easy there, no one is going to snatch your food," Roff shrugged. 

Leigh was too busy to respond and she ended her appetite after slurping the remaining food in one go. 

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