
Resolving An Old Mystery Part 3





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{Lone Saint

In the sight of the decaying conditions of her Church, Ju-Arkesios fears for the growth and safety of her Saintess.

As the one chosen to bear the Fate of a Champion, prove that Strength isn't the sole thing you're capable of and that you can also lead others to greatness.


Protect the Saintess and help her grow her influence and abilities until she can proudly stand as the representative of God 2/???

*You successfully recovered the Sound Box belonging to the Saintess Ancestor, helping her uncover a part of her history she only heard about from her dear Grandmother, helping her connect and understand a part of herself and her family's origins.

*Still shaken by the revelation of her past and the truth about her bloodline, the Saintess worldview is beginning to change as she finds herself now at the center of a possible Revolution.

Next chapter