
What the future holds...

Another big chapter, they just kind of get like this don't they?









Back at Resko, Dale suddenly opened his eyes, blinking as his senses quickly returned to him.

"... Urg…" He grunted as he moved his hands to his face

'My body still faintly hurts and is rather sore, just moving my arms is a pain.'


Slowly, Dale rose from his old bed, causing it to creak as it threatened to fall, though it was but a bluff as the bed had yet to show any signs of collapse.

Even if it broke, Dale would still sleep in it, though if he lost his Well-Rested Buff, he would definitely move elsewhere.

He moved his right hand to his head, feeling a light headache.

"Ha… Do we have any Ibuprofen lying around?" He asked with a light smile as he looked around

"What time is it?"

Next chapter