
The Hate that is Taught.

[Location: Town of Navia - Kingdom of Tevell]

[6 days have passed]

After a first session of hard training, the two of us went back to town to eat something and on the way I drank a healing potion to take away the pain from Celes's strict training.

-Zyrus: Ugh...I still can't get used to the taste of the potions.

-Celes: Well, if you wish, after the next training session I can teach you how to use the Heal spell.

-Zyrus: I appreciate it, but I think I still don't have the condition to support two types of training yet hehe.

On the way we heard some screams coming from the market sector where we were passing and we could see how a crowd of people gathered around.

-Zyrus: What is happening?

We got closer and tried to get through the crowd to get a better view and when we managed to get through the wall of people we finally saw where the screams were coming from.

-Boldor: Little vermin, you think you'll get away with it!?

-Wolf-ears girl: aahh!...I...I'm sorry!

We could see a huge axe-wielding guy looking quite upset as he yelled at a small wolf-eared girl with medium long black hair, wearing a rag and slave necklace lying on the ground.

-Zyrus: But what the hell is happening?.

-Celes: Tsk...

-Bow Bearer Hunter: It seems that girl collided with Boldor while he was in a bad mood.

-Zyrus: Boldor? You mean the huge bald guy with an axe who's just wearing straps on his upper body and showing off his muscles?

-Bow Bearer Hunter: Y...Yeah, thats Boldor "Stone Fist", Rank B Hunter, he is strong but has a bad temper.

(Boldor "Stone Fist" -Rank B Hunter- 35 Years)

The scene showed that Boldor very upset while that girl trembled in fear at the imposing guy who was pointing at her while he slowly approached her.

-Boldor: You really thought I wouldn't notice what you were trying to do, you little piece of shit!

-Wolf-ears girl: I...I...I'm...I'm sorry, it was...it was an acci...accident.

-Scoundrel with broken arm: ehhh? an accident? We all saw how you tried to rob our boss.

Behind the huge guy there were two other guys who stood apart from the crowd, one looked like any criminal but had a crippled arm and bandages on his nose and the other looked like a mage who also had bandages on his nose and was missing some teeth but he was he looked a little weird with his pale skin and disturbing smile.

-Bootlicking Mage: The boss is in a very bad mood today looking for a woman and you try to steal his belongings, what a nerve.

-Scoundrel with a broken arm: Is it enough that we have to endure the plague of beastmen walking through our streets but now also to commit crime?

The crowd began to talk among themselves, clearly the opinion about the non-human race was not good.

-Wolf-ears girl: Bu...but...I'm telling you, I didn't steal anything.

The poor girl was almost crying, but suddenly things only got worse.

-Angry Man: Yeah! We are already tired of enduring these beasts!

Just a spark was enough for the fire to start, the whole crowd began to denigrate the poor wolf girl at the same time the huge guy was already almost on over of her, eclipsing her with her imposing body.

-Boldor: I'll do you all a favor and eliminate this little pest.

The huge guy raised his foot to try to crush the helpless girl while the crowd cheered and denigrated at the same time.

-Wolf-ears girl: Please, Master, help me!

The girl, already in tears, turned to see a man with long hair, a refined mustache and dressed in elegant travel clothes who looked at the poor girl with a slight sadistic smile.

-Egocentric Man: That's what you get for trying to steal from a Hunter, well, if you die I'll just have to buy another slave.

Seeing that neither his Master tried to help her, the poor girl was completely paralyzed.

-Celes: Ghh!

-Zyrus: No...

I saw that Celes had the intention of intervening but I stopped her by putting my hand on her shoulder, she turned to see me worried and I shook my head, I understood how she felt but we couldn't attract attention, I know it was something hard to see but we could do nothing in our current situation.

-Boldor: Die!

-????: Stop!

-Boldor: Huh?

At that moment a voice was heard further to our right, in the middle of the crowd a young man with a sword appeared and behind him appeared a wizard girl and an archer girl who went to face Boldor.

-Sword Bearer Boy: I won't let you hurt this girl!

-Archer Girl: Yeah, she's just a little girl.

-Wizard Girl: You're not ashamed to bother a defenseless girl, you disgust me!

The three youngsters confronted Boldor who, seeing himself surrounded, felt intimidated, moved his foot away from the girl and looked at the youngsters.

-Boldor: Tsk...this is none of your business, you little brats.

Seeing his boss in trouble, Boldor's two lackeys came to support him.

-Scoundrel with a broken arm: Yes, get out of here, this is a matter of justice.

-Bootlicking Mage: Exactly, this little brat tried to steal from our boss and must pay for her crime.

-Wizard Girl: Uhh? What robbery attempt do a lot of clowns talk about?

-Archer Girl: Yeah, she didn't try to steal anything and you has no way to prove it.

-Sword Bearer Boy: You just want to take this opportunity to take it out on someone.

The crowd had fallen silent as they watched the group of youths argue with the gang of thugs.

-Boldor: Heh! If any of you want to take her place, I have no problem.

-Wizard Girl: We all know you're in a bad mood because a girl kicked the butt of all three of you.

-Boldor: What did you say!?

At that moment it was getting out of control, after that last comment Boldor got even more angry and pulled his axe from his back, his lackeys were preparing to fight like the three young people who also took out their weapons but at that moment, several footsteps and a scream were heard from afar.

-Captain of the Guard: Enough!

Everyone turned to see while from the eastern part of the crowd cleared up and the town guard appeared along with their Captain to stop the conflict, both Boldor and his lackeys were scared to see them.

-Captain of the Guard: If you want to fight, do it outside the city where you won't bother anyone.

The whole group put away their weapons and the crowd began to disperse as they saw how the guards spread to take control of the situation, we moved away a bit but we stayed a few more moments just to see how this ended.

-Captain of the Guard: Boldor, why am I not surprised to see you in the middle of another conflict?

-Boldor: No...it's...well...

-Wizard Girl: This animal tried to kill a defenseless girl just to vent his frustration.

-Scoundrel with a broken arm: You...You're wrong, sir, this...this girl wanted to rob our boss, he...he just wanted to teach her a lesson in humility...right?

-Boldor: Eh..?...oh...yes...yes...that's...hehe

The Captain of the guard turned to see the little wolf girl who was still on the ground and with tears in her eyes.

-Captain of the Guard: Did you steal something?

The girl looking at the Captain with fear shook her head.

-Captain of the Guard: Then go.

The little wolf girl got up from the ground and ran back to his Master, who only made an annoyed gesture and continued on his way, moving away with her who looked back and said goodbye to the three young people who helped her, the Captain turned to see to the rest of the group very seriously.

-Captain of the Guard: The next time I see any of you causing trouble in town, I'll personally make sure you have your Hunter licenses permanently revoked.

-Sword Bearer Boy: But we-

Before the boy finished speaking, the archer girl put her hand on his shoulder to stop him, to which he simply resigned himself to accepting the warning and the three of them withdrew.

-Captain of the Guard: And your Boldor, another conflict and your license will not be the only thing that I am going to revoke you.

The huge guy just swallowed in fear at the Captain's intimidating threat, in the end both Boldor's group and the Captain and the guards withdrew.

-Zyrus: Well, at least things ended well, I guess

-Celes: My Lord....I...

-Zyrus: It's okay, I understand.

I saw Celes discouraged for not being able to do anything, so I gave her a quick touch on her shoulder and looked at her with a smile.

-Zyrus: Come on, let's eat something and get back to training.

She agreed with a forced smile on her, after that we went to a restaurant to eat something and forget about the bad time that happened in the town.

-Zyrus: Are non-human races always treated like this everywhere?

-Celes: Many times it depends on what people think, but the teachings of the Holy Church have undoubtedly fostered hatred of non-human races.

-Zyrus: Does the Holy Church really hate them so much?

-Celes: It's not hate itself, the teachings talk about the superiority of humans over other races and that any non-human race should be enslaved or eliminated.

I didn't understand why someone would teach to despise others just because they are of a different race to think that this level of discrimination would exist. Just seeing all those people yelling with a lot of hate against a little girl who surely didn't understand why she has to go through all this really made me sick.

-Celes: When I was still serving in Lady Katelyn's mansion, there were elves and beastwomen working there, but no one in the mansion treated them badly or despised them, even Lady Katelyn was very fond of them.

Hearing Celes talk about it made me think about the way people in this world think, people like Katelyn who have their own way of thinking don't act according to the Church's teachings, but all those people in town, I felt their I hate people with minds that are easily manipulated and then seeing that trio rush to the aid of the little girl made me realize that there are also people out there who use their common sense about common law.

"It's not that I don't really want to do something about it, it's just that I don't want to get involved in a problem that I can't get out of."

After finishing eating, we both returned to the same place where we were training, I did a few stretches to warm up and start training again but I could see Celes still discouraged.

-Zyrus: If you're not in the mood to train, don't worry, I'll just repeat what you taught me this morning.

-Celes: Huh? no...no, I will help you, if you are committed to training it would be disrespectful not to do my part too, My Lord.

She lightly slapped her face to react and put her mind back to training.

-Celes: Alright, this time I'll teach you combat moves so pay attention.

We took the wooden swords and she showed me some combat stances which I imitated, followed by that we practiced a few attacks, blocks and evasions, we kept repeating that followed by meditation and rest from time to time until the sun started to go down.

-Celes: Well, let's finish for today.

Zyrus: (gasping)...finally, I'm exhausted and my arms ache.

-Celes: For the first day, you did well, you managed to assimilate everything I taught you very quickly.

-Zyrus: Hehe, well I'm good at paying attention.

After resting for a few moments, the two of us prepared to return to town to eat something and then return to the inn.

-Zyrus: Celes, give me your honest opinion, do you think I have what it takes to fight?

She took a few moments to formulate her response and then looked at me with a smile.

-Celes: Well from what I could see today, you have a great capacity to learn, it only took you a few attempts to perfectly imitate the movements that I taught you, you have intelligence, self-discipline, you are persevering and I see the desire to learn, but still that is not enough.

She grabbed my right hand and began to fondle it feeling the muscles in it.

-Celes: You still lack the physical condition to use a real sword and your hands are still very soft. You should also improve your awareness of your surroundings, while you were training I could see you tripping over rocks many times and above all improve your stamina or you will run out very quickly in combat.

I could feel Celes' harsh and honest opinion about me and my first day of training, although I had good things, I still had to improve others that were also important.

-Zyrus: Well, I understand, I'm not someone who has trained since I was a child, give me a break.

We both laughed as we returned to town, it seemed difficult to think that I could laugh after everything that had happened since I arrived in this world from which little by little I learn more and it is more difficult for me to understand the why of some things.

"It's been almost a week since then, I just hope things are going well back home"

We stopped by the restaurant for something to eat and then went back to the inn where we got a surprise.

-Zyrus: Hey, aren't they...?

-Celes: Yes, it's them.

At the counter where the innkeeper was, she was talking to the trio from this afternoon who helped that little wolf girl and faced Boldor and his group.

-Innkeeper: Oh, but they are the shy couple.

-Zyrus: Are you still with that?

-Innkeeper: Oh and I see you gave her a gift, good job hehe.

-Sword Bearer Boy: Do you know them, Myrna?

-Myrna: Of course, they are the shy couple who do not dare to express what they feel for each other.

-Zyrus: We are not a couple, we are partners who help each other, there is nothing romantic going on here.

It was clear that the Innkeeper hadn't lost hers... "charm" but I was surprised to see that the trio and she knew each other.

-Wizard Girl: don't listen to her, she likes to say nonsense like that.

-Celes: I remember them, they were this afternoon in that problem with the Boldor group.

-Sword Bearer Boy: Yeah... that, I couldn't really sit idly by watching that guy hurt a defenseless girl.

-Wizard Girl: You're always the same Shawn, when you see a girl in danger you run to her rescue.

-Shawn: What? don't say that Krista, people can get the wrong idea.

-Archer Girl: That's how our leader is after all.

-Shawn: You too Ashley?

The trio really seemed to get along, good friends teasing each other, I didn't know why but I felt homesick somehow although it was strange since I don't remember having that kind of relationship with my classmates, then I wonder why?.

-Myrna: (Coughing) Since we are all friends here I see the presentations are in order, this trio is Shawn and his harem.

-Shawn: My...Myrna!!

-Krista: S...Stop talking nonsense!! stupid pervert!

The three youngs were embarrassed to hear the innkeeper speaking again without holding back.

-Shawn: It's... It's better if we introduce ourselves... hehe

-Krista: My God... I can't believe this pervert is so shameless.

-Ashley: Come on...come on, you know she likes to say this kind of thing...hehe

"There is no doubt that this girl knows how to make people nervous"

-Shawn: (coughing) Well, I'm Shawn Hendrix, Rank D Hunter.

-Ashly: Nice to meet you, my name is Ashley Newell and I'm also a Rank D Hunter.

-Krista: I'm Kista Laurent, Rank E Hunter and Advanced Level Magician and don't forget it.

The young swordman with short silver hair and a headband, sword in his back, wearing iron armor with a red cloak. The archer girl with medium long brown hair with red beret and a light outfit with a skirt wilding a wooden bow and finally the mage girl with long curly pink hair with a pair of silver earrings, a blue elegant mage cape and hat and staff with a purple crystal in the top.

"What a group, they look like the heroes taken from a 90's rpg video game"

-Celes: Rank E? not D like the others?

-Shawn: It's just that she became a Hunter long after we did.

-Zyrus: Well our turn, I'm Zyrus Corvus, I'm not a Hunter and I just started training with the sword.

-Celes: My name is Celestine Roseberd, but you can call me Celes, I am a Rank F Hunter, I just got my license yesterday.

-Myrna: And I'm Myrna Lynch, everyone's friend and single if you're interested in knowing hehe.

(Shawn Hendrix -Rank-D/Swordman- 17 Years)

(Ashly Newell -Rank-D/Archer- 16 Years)

(Krista Laurent -Rank-E /Mage (Advanced Level)- 16 Years)

(Myrna Lynch -Innkeeper- 18 Years)

-Myrna: Well, since everyone knows each other, what if-

-Zyrus: I'm going to stop you right there.

Before Myrna comes up with another unnecessarily awkward sentence, she preferred to avoid any further discomfort.

-Zyrus: We are only going to take the two rooms from yesterday, today was a very exhausting day for me and I want to rest, here is the money, good night.

-Myrna: But I-

-Celes: Good night everyone, it was a pleasure meeting you.

-Shawn: Ah .. yes .. likewise.

We said goodbye to the trio and the Innkeeper before something strange came out of her mouth, the truth is, after the long training session and that incident in the afternoon, I would prefer to end this day, Celes said goodbye and entered her room and just like that I enter mine.

-Zyrus: How tired I am.

I looked at my hands after taking off my gloves, they were red and it hurt a little to close them, well I should have expected something like this, I just hope that for the next session Celes won't be so rude, although I know she won't be like that.

"Why did I feel that way at that time, I don't remember having any friends to hang out with in or out of school, but now that I think about it, I don't remember having any friends, although I used to get along with my classmates, I never had a group of friends during my school life and yet I still felt this strange nostalgia"

My mind wandered about that for a while, despite the fact that my memories were not entirely clear, that nostalgia was something that I could not get out of my head, if I ever had a group of friends like that trio no matter how much I checked my Nothing similar appeared in any of my memories, maybe I was overthinking it too much.

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