
The First Meeting

[Location: In the middle of the eastern forest near the Capital City - Kingdom of Tevell]

[2 days have passed]

Inside a small room were a man and his son sitting.

-Takeshi: Masato, do you know why I decided to become a novel writer?

-Masato (11 years): My friends at school say that because you don't know how to do anything else.

-Takeshi: Huh?...come on, I know how to do other things.

My father was sitting at his desk and I was sitting next to his in his study, behind him a bookshelf with several books he had written.

-Takeshi: It's because I like to see the world differently, each book I write is a different world and where each protagonist is the hero of his own story.

He begins to leaf through a book that he has on his desk.

-Takeshi: And what I like the most is to see how he should walk the hero's path.

-Masato (11 years): The hero's path?

-Takeshi: Yes, in which each protagonist must go through, how he begins his journey, the challenges he faces, the people he meets and helps him, when they fall into despair and fight with all their might to get up again and finally reach achieve his goal, that is the path of the hero.

-Masato (11 years): Wow, that sounds cool!

-Takeshi: It is, that's why you must also face your path Masato, when you start your journey never forget who you are since the challenges and despair you will face will try to change you.

He gets up from the chair and walks to the window looking up at the sky.

-Takeshi: But, if you never give up and lean on those who are always by your side, you will reach your goal and when you do, look at all the path you have traveled and think that you are paving a path for those who come after you, the image slowly blurs until finally it is completely black.

-Zyrus: Dad.....

I began to feel discomfort on my face, I slowly began to open my eyes and I was received by the rays of daylight, it had already dawned, as I imagined I was still in the same place where I fell asleep, I had had a dream, a dream of a the past.

"I wonder how my parents and Kaoru are, do they know that I disappeared? Are they worried? Are they looking for me?"

I slowly started to move and the pain had already reduced and although it hurt a bit to move I think I was able to handle it, I stood up and started to stretch, my body had been in the same position for too long after a few minutes I could still feel various parts of my body in pain so just in case I have to run away again, I took out another vial and drank the potion.

-Zyrus: Uagh...it still tastes ugly.

I dropped the vial, took the sword and began to check around me, I was somewhat disoriented after what happened yesterday and if I managed to return to the main path I could still reach the village that the old man mentioned so I started walking in a straight line, somehow way I would find something that tells me where I am.

-Zyrus: Ahh...I think I'm already feeling better, those healing potions are effective even if they don't remove superficial wounds.

I could already feel how my body was lightening up and the pain disappeared, although my face and hands had some scratches, I still continued walking through the forest for about twenty minutes until I finally found a different trail, they looked like signs of a battle, there were cuts in the trees , blood on the floor and huge footsteps, at that moment my blood froze.

-Zyrus: That....damn beast was here.

There was no doubt, the gigantic wild boar with the scar on its eye passed through here and apparently ran into someone else, from the marks on the trees it seems that it was with some other humans but there were no corpses so they scared it away or they fled and he began to follow them, the footsteps were heading towards the path to the right, in which case I took the opposite direction, I didn't want to run into that beast again.

"If I never see that damn boar again in my life, even better"

After about fifteen minutes I was finally able to return to the main path, my heart leapt with joy knowing that I was already out of that forest, now I just had to get to a hill on this path and I would be close to the village, I felt hungry while walking so I ate some dried meat that I had left and drank some water from the canteen. The problem was that now all my things were sticky and smelled of fruit.

-Zyrus: It stinks, when I get to the village I'll give my suitcase a good cleaning.

After almost an hour walking I could notice something moving in the bushes, I decided to hide among the trees and two soldiers appeared from the bushes who seemed to have had a difficult fight because of the marks on their armor, both soldiers began to walk towards the opposite direction from which I came, I remained hidden among the trees so that they would not see me and by the way I listened to their conversation.

-Tired Soldier: I can't believe the captain made us follow that damn beast all night, my feet won't take another step.

-Worried Soldier: I know, worst of all is that we lost a few of our men, that beast is very pissed off and I think someone has been stirring it up on purpose.

-Tired Soldier: What do you say? Do you really think someone has been forcing this thing to attack the main road?

The two soldiers stopped right in front of me, I stood still listening to their conversation, so it seems that they have been facing the huge boar.

-Worried Soldier: Well if you think about it, the King of the Forest never leaves his lair during this time of year, now he roams the forest attacking indiscriminately.

-Tired Soldier: Well that's true, also, I don't know if it was my imagination but I think his good eye was irritated, as someone had thrown something there, he told you that must have made him more furious than before.

-Worried Soldier: I agree, whoever is agitating the King of the Forest certainly knew how to provoke him even more, this guy must be quite the villain and as soldiers of Tevell it is our duty to find him and bring him to justice.

-Tired Soldier: Now you sound like the captain. Come on, let's go back to the checkpoint, I need to eat something sweet and drink something hot, this cold is killing me.

After that the two soldiers continued to walk back to the checkpoint.

-Zyrus: Now it looks like I hit the jackpot, I just hope they don't add "Taunt Monstrous Boar" to my list of charges.

"The King of the Forest they called him, with that size I don't doubt why, also someone had been deliberately provoking him, that explains why the soldiers were fighting him, whoever he is I hope I don't run into him"

I was already a little tired from so much walking, I moved a little away from the main path and looked for a quiet place to rest hidden in the trees and bushes. I sat down and drank the rest of the water from the canteen.

-Zyrus: That's it, I am completely without food or water, from here everything will depend on my luck and given the last two days it is not a very good sign.

While I was taking a break I decided to take out the map to see where the hill was, but just like the meat and the canteen, the map was stained and with the crushed fruit, little by little tearing and with some illegible parts, unfortunately it was very damaged. and almost useless for what was now just a piece of garbage, after a while I got up and went back on the road.

-Zyrus: It's already getting dark, I'd better hurry.

-????: Ahhh!! fucking piece of shit!! Why does this have to happen to me right now!?

In the distance I heard someone shout angrily, while crossing some mounds you could see large footprints crossing the main road, among which there is a cart with a small old man kicking the right wheel that apparently had gotten stuck in one of the huge footprints that the Wild Boar left.

-Zyrus: Everything alright?

-????: Do you see that everything is fine!? Don't talk nonsense m'boy, don't you see my cart is stuck in one of these damn holes!?

He was a small old man, about half my height and had a long white beard and mustaches, he wore a very dirty green shirt, torn shorts and sandals, he wore a large hat that covered his eyes.

-Zyrus: Oh... sure, can I help you with something mister...?

-????: Blum, Blum Hodul, slave dealer, just call me Blum.

(Blum Hodul -Slave Dealer- 87 Years)

"Slave Dealer? So, what's in the cart..."

I saw the wooden cart that was stuck, an old gray horse was pulling it while chewing something but it didn't seem to want to help its owner to get the cart out, behind there was something huge covered by an old linen blanket.

-Blum: And yes, you can help me get this damn cart out of this damn hole, I'm going to the capital to sell my latest acquisition.

-Zyrus: Zyrus Corvus, nice to meet you, latest acquisition?

-Blum: Ahh...yes, something I fought fiercely for when the sale of slaves in Zeorian began after its fall to the Empire, well I spent up to my last reserve to acquire it.

"Zeorian, I do remember hearing about it when I was in the restaurant."

While I was checking the state of the wheel, looking for a way to move it from the hole, I couldn't stop thinking about what was under the blanket.

-Zyrus: Really? wow Blum, it must be something incredible, for you to talk about it like that, but what exactly happened?

-Blum: In Zeorian? Well, it wasn't pretty, everything was in ruins, there were still imperial soldiers patrolling and hunting down those who had fled.

The little old man stared at the sky with his arms folded while he told me what happened in Zeorian, I walked around the cart pretending to inspect.

-Blum: It is said that they murdered most of the royal family including the King, many nobles surrendered to the empire but they were executed anyway, there was no mercy with anyone during the attack and all because of an accusation that Zeorian conspired with the demon army, heh!

I heard Blum laugh at the end after saying the reason for the Empire's attack, it was the same as with that man in the restaurant, it seems that most people think that the Empire's excuse about invading Zeorian and the other two kingdoms was false.

-Blum: (Sighs) But well, like vultures that we are, after the main force of the Empire withdrew me and my comrades went to the ruins and some merchants from the empire began to sell to the survivors and believe me there was a lot of high quality merchandise hehe.

-Zyrus: Really? And by high quality, do you mean...?

-Blum: Well, clearly noble women, m'boy, although most of them were already "used", the most valuable were those that were virgins and I, the Great Blum Hodul, managed to acquire one of the rarest beauty, it cost me 75 gold pieces and It was all the money I had.

-Zyrus: Wow, it must really be a rarity to cost so much money.

-Blum: And it was. By the way, how are you doing with my cart? I want to reach the capital before nightfall, if this damn animal decides to walk faster!

Blum pointed at his horse who only let out a short neigh almost as a mockery towards his master.

-Zyrus: Huh? Oh yes, I know how to get it out, move the cart back a bit, I'll be right back.

I went a bit into the woods and picked up various branches and small sticks while Blum struggled with his horse to get him to go back, I returned a few minutes later where Blum was who managed to get the cart back.

-Blum: What do you plan to do with that m'boy?

I put the branches and sticks under the cart just where the wheel had trouble passing the hole left by the tracks of the wild boar, I covered the branches and sticks with earth to make it more resistant and thus making a ramp.

-Zyrus: Alright Blum, now move the cart forward while I push from behind.

Blum nodded and gave the order to his horse, who slowly began to walk, I got behind the cart to push it, I still felt the consequences of yesterday so I tried not to overdo it, little by little the cart moved until it came into contact With the small ramp that I made, at first he had trouble getting up but with a strong whipping from the leashes by Blum the horse gave a strong push which pushed the wheel up the ramp and finally out of the hole.

-Blum: Cut my balls! it worked m'boy! ahaha!

The little old man jumped out of the cart with great joy seeing how his cart was no longer trapped.

-Blum: Well, this is a surprise, you are very clever m'boy, I really appreciate it.

-Zyrus: Don't worry, I understand what it feels like to be stuck without help.

-Blum: I don't know what you mean but anyway, of course I'm not going to let you go without a reward but unfortunately I don't bring any money as you already know but what do you think if...

He approached the back of his wagon and lifted the blanket that covered his cargo showing a huge steel cage and inside there was only one person, a young woman, with long red hair, she looked a little thinner, she wore only a rag that covered her torso and a little below her waist and a necklace similar to the ones I saw in the capital, her legs were bent and resting her arms on her legs and her head covered with her arms, she did not even raise the look as Blum lifted the blanket exposing it to the light.

-Blum: What do you think? a rarity among rarities, a noblewoman from the now non-existent kingdom of Zeorian.

I stared at the woman who was in the cage, I wonder what she is thinking, how she will feel, she looked quite dull, almost as if she didn't feel anything.

-Zyrus: Is she okay?

-Blum: Of course, she's just depressed I think, who isn't after losing her loved ones and her home.

-Zyrus: I see, but I don't understand, what is the reward? are you going to give it to me?

The little old man let out a mocking laugh until he almost finished coughing and hit his chest to calm down.

-Blum: Good joke m'boy, good joke, ah...no, I was taking it to the capital to sell it to the Slave Master there but since you've been a great help I'll sell it to you, I'll even give you a discount, I was thinking of selling it for about...uhh...100 gold pieces, but I'll leave it to you for 90 gold pieces, what do you think?

Zyrus: 90...90 gold pieces!?

-Blum: Of course, I already told you, she is a rarity among rarities, she is not just any noble woman, she comes from a distinguished family of knights from the Zeorian kingdom and she herself is a knight or so I have been told, in addition to the fact that she is still virgin that's extra price m'boy, if you know what I mean hehehe.

It's clear what he was referring to but 90 gold pieces was almost all he was carrying, but on second thought, after everything that had happened yesterday it made me better rethink my situation, if I were to die all this money would only have been dead weight, even so, I didn't feel comfortable with the idea of having a slave subjected, but if she really is a knight or was, it means that she would know how to fight and given the long way I have to travel, I would feel safer if someone accompanied me, who know how to fight and know more about this world.

-Blum: Well, don't complicate your existence either m'boy, hehehe.

He was completely confident that I was not carrying that absurd amount of money, you could tell by his mocking smile and I did not blame him, a common person you meet on the road would not carry such an amount of money, but I was not a common person

-Zyrus: I buy it!.

-Blum: Wh...Wha...Wha!!?

Blum's mocking smile radically changed to one of surprise, I knew the amount I had in the sack, I took out the excess and then took out the sack and gave it to Blum.

-Blum: No... I don't believe it... did you really have all this money with you?

He began to count the coins inside the sack, he seemed nervous to see that I was really carrying that amount.

-Blum: Bu...But where did you get this money?...no...don't tell me, I don't want to know, money is money but...(sniffs) why does it stink like fruit?

-Zyrus: Long story...

-Blum: Hehe I didn't expect this but I'm not complaining either.

He proceeded to put the sack in the cart and then opened the cage where the girl was.

-Blum: Very well, get out of there, I already got you a new master.

The girl got out of the cage and got down from the cart, I could finally see her completely, for a woman she was quite tall, almost my height, she had a slender body but something thin, imagine due to the lack of food and exercise, her breasts were moderately big, she had some strands of her hair that cover her face a bit but without a doubt what caught my attention the most were her eyes, they were expressionless, almost like white.

-Zyrus: There is no problem with her right? I say because of her necklace.

-Blum: Of course not, I already told you, she's just a little depressed, the necklace can only apply to those who accept it voluntarily or are subjected by force, she did it voluntarily, well of course after they captured her, very well let's finish with this.

The old man approached me and with his right fist closed he raised it towards me while I looked at him confused.

-Blum: You've never bought a slave, have you? Well, do the same as me and bring your right fist closer to mine.

Doing what he told me, I closed my right fist and brought it closer to his, I didn't know what was about to happen.

-Blum: Okey then, *The will of this soul once mine I now give to its new master* [Transfer Pact!]

A circle of light appeared on his fist which faded and slowly appeared on my fist, I didn't know what had just happened.

-Blum: Well it's done, congratulations you bought a very rare slave.

-Zyrus: Wait, just like that?

-Blum: What did you expect? since you are new to this I will explain quickly so pay attention

He coughed slightly to clear her throat, I didn't know exactly what I had done but once at this point there was no turning back.

-Blum: The necklace works as a security measure, if by giving her an order she doesn't obey you can emit magic through the seal in your hand to generate a slight electric shock in the necklace and punish the slave, but it also works as a safe, If the slave or someone other than the master tries to remove the necklace, it will automatically release an even greater electric shock.

After that Blum closed the cage and covered it again with the blanket then got into his carriage again.

-Blum: Well I'm leaving, good luck m'boy and have fun hehehe!

The cart moved away slowly while I listened to Blum's mocking laughter until he finally coughed from laughing so much, I clearly understood what he meant, I turned to see the red-haired girl

"What to do with her, I had remembered that I didn't even ask the girl's name, I really don't know if this was a good idea"

Next chapter