
Crossed Paths

[Location: Inn in the Capital City - Kingdom of Tevell]

[1 Day has Passed]

I think I must have fallen asleep without realizing it because I woke up in the morning and I think with everything that happened yesterday, I was more exhausted than I thought, I looked at my phone and it was already 10:23 AM.

-Zyrus: That is not the roof of my room, where am I?

I got up and looked around me and I was still in the same inn I arrived at last night, I was still in another world, it means that everything that happened yesterday actually happened, I adjusted my clothes and fixed my hair using the glass of the window, I looked through it and saw that it was another good day.

-Zyrus: I guess I should get going now.

I took the sword and my suitcase, I was going to go to the restaurant where I met Sara for breakfast before leaving the city, I was about to go out the door when I started to hear a lot of metal noise outside so I went to the window to see what was it about when to my surprise I saw a group of Knights similar to those of the castle walking at a fast pace down the street, there were many, they divided and I saw some of them enter different buildings.

-Zyrus: Shit, shit, shit, this was exactly what I didn't want to happen.

I started to worry, if those Knights were sent to look for me then I have to move quickly, I wouldn't stay to find out what they wanted but I couldn't go out the front door I had to find another way out, I opened the door of the room and began to hear many metal noises downstairs then some of the guests also coming out of their rooms.

"Perfect, they're here, now what do I do?"

Just the door of the room in front of mine opened and a somewhat obese middle-aged man stuck his head out to see what was happening, between the space between the door and the door frame I saw a window that overlooked the back of the room. the inn, there was my exit, without hesitation I ran to where that man was and pushed him apologizing on the spot for entering his room and suddenly I ran into a naked mature woman in her bed who quickly covered herself with the sheets and released a cry of fear, that certainly alerted the Knights downstairs.

-Zyrus: Sorry! sorry! sorry!

Blushing, I apologized to the woman while I opened the window to jump but when I did I saw how high up I was and for a second I felt dizzy, that gave enough time for the Knights to reach the room, upon entering the woman screamed again while the first Knight when I entered the room, he looked at me and pointed at me with his finger.

-Tevell Knight: Here he is! stop it!

Seeing that they were looking for me, I began to panic, the gentlemen tried to catch me but I was not going to let that happen, completely ignoring my fear, I jumped out the window, falling onto a pile of boxes and boards, seeing my hasty action. The Knights returned to exit through the main entrance, it took me a few seconds to recover from the fall, whether it had been due to adrenaline or something else, I ignored the pain of the fall and kept running.

-Zyrus: Damn, why does this have to happen now?

I went through the alleys of the city trying to avoid going to places with a lot of people, I ran without knowing where I was going to the point that I no longer knew where I was, I ended up going down some stairs to a square where there were a group of children playing, I stopped to catch my breath and look behind me to see if no one was following me.

-Zyrus: (Gasping)...shit, I can't let them catch me, I have to find a way to get out of the city without being found.

I started walking among the houses in the area looking everywhere and hoping I wouldn't find any more problems, after a while I only saw children playing and women chatting, this area was very different from the one I came from, it's more...humble , ropes on the roofs with hanging clothes, the houses seem older and damaged, it was then that I heard a whistle near me, my senses went on high alert and I looked everywhere until I saw a hooded person in one of the alleys.

-Zyrus: What the hell?

As soon as I saw him, he made a sign with his hand asking me to come closer, it could be a trap but what other option did I have, he didn't seem to be coming from the castle, so I decided to keep an eye on his movements, as I got closer the hooded person got in in the alley so I followed him very carefully and when I finally had the hooded man in front of me.

-????: I see you're going through some problems.

-Zyrus: Huh?...wait, that voice...

A female voice came from that person, then she took off her hood showing a young woman with short dark blue hair, I had seen her before just as I had heard her voice before her.

-Zyrus: S...Sarah!?

-Sarah: Shhhh! You don't want to alert the Royal Guard, do you?

It was Sarah, the waitress I met at the restaurant yesterday, but what was she doing here? And how did she find me? many questions were going through my head.

-Sarah: The Royal Guard have been all morning asking for a man with a similar description to yours but with another name, saying something about you stealing a relic sword and a sack with a lot of gold, they also went through the restaurant and as soon as I heard it, I knew it was you they were looking for.

-Zyrus: Stolen? but they were the ones who gave it to me, (Sigh) I knew this would happen, but I expected to be out of town by then.

-Sarah: I didn't believe what they said either, someone who robbed the castle wouldn't go into a restaurant like nothing and leave a gold coin as a tip, but surely you have your reasons hehe.

She giggled because of how silly those charges against me sounded but she was right, I did something that the king didn't like or rather I didn't do what he wanted but I was thinking about it and maybe I could handle it better.

-Sarah: Well, that doesn't matter anymore, come, follow me.

She put her hood back on and walked into the alley, I don't know where she wanted to take me but I had no reason to doubt her, I walked after her while also covering my head with the hood of my jacket.

-Zyrus: Where exactly are you taking me?

-Sarah: Where else, outside the city, I know a secret path that will take you out of the city without any guard seeing you.

I was happy that someone helped me, I followed Sarah through the alleys, it was good to have someone who knew the streets here because without their help I would be walking around until I ended up being captured, after a few minutes walking and evading any soldier, We went down some stairs and reached a small illuminated area surrounded by buildings with no exit but in the center there was a water well.

-Sarah: Here it is.

-Zyrus: Here is what? I don't see a way out here.

I was looking around confused looking for the exit she was talking about, it was then that she pointed to the water well.

-Sarah: Here is the exit that will take you outside the city.

-Zyrus: By the well? Do you mean I have to go down for it?

She nodded as she walked over to the well and peered into it.

-Sarah: This well has been unused for years, it was said that years ago a group of criminals used this tunnel to smuggle weapons and stolen merchandise, but believe me I know it leads outside, I've used it before.

Sarah approached a corner and inside one of the barrels she took out a rope, approached the well, tied one end to a hook that was nailed to the outside of the well and threw the rest inside, then grabbed the rope and went inside. to the well.

-Sarah: Come, I'll guide you to the exit.

-Zyrus: Are you sure there is no other method?

-Sarah: What? are you afraid? don't worry, if something happens I'll protect you.

Using a mocking tone to my question, she proceeded to go down the well, the truth is that I was not convinced about what Sarah's intentions were to go so far, I know we had a moment in the restaurant when I left her the gold coin and She helped me with the information but why go to such lengths for someone she barely knows? And more if it is someone wanted by the king, I wouldn't know if I was standing there, I decided to follow her through the well, I took the rope and began to descend, as I went down it became darker until I reached the bottom, I could only see the light from the entrance of the well, at the bottom there was a tunnel that was made through the walls of the well.

-Zyrus: It's dark here.

-Sarah: Wait a second, I'm going to enlighten us.

Inside the tunnel it was very dark and you could barely see anything from the entrance, we both took off our hoods and Sarah went inside while I waited for her at the entrance, a few seconds later I heard a noise and a flame out of nowhere igniting the which appeared to be a torch.

-Sarah: Good, with this we will be able to cross the tunnel more easily.

-Zyrus: How did you do that? about lighting the torch.

-Sarah: Well, obviously I used magic, it's not a big deal but it helps me for small things like this, well let's get going, it's a long road and it will be a matter of time before the Royal Guard searches outside the city.

I nodded and we started to go into the tunnel, I didn't expect that Sarah could use magic, I actually felt a little excited, I even thought that I could use magic one day too, that would be something great and of course, being here I could learn a few things which I will brag about when I return home.

"Magic huh? I'm not sure if I can use it too although it would be amazing if I could"

After a few minutes walking through the tunnel I saw several empty barrels, boxes and chests that the smugglers must have used, the path was a bit narrow but enough for the two of us to walk without problems, I looked at Sarah with a carefree face. if I wanted to know her intentions I would have to ask her directly without going around.

-Zyrus: Tell me the truth, Sarah, why are you doing this?

-Sarah: huh? what do you mean?

-Zyrus: Why go to such lengths to help someone you barely know? to someone who didn't even tell you his real name.

Sarah lowered her gaze and remained silent for a few seconds as we continued walking, then she looked up again.

-Sarah: Let me tell you something about myself first.

I looked at her curiously, I didn't know what prompted her to do that but she looked a bit serious at this moment, she took a moment before speaking again.

-Sarah: My mother and I have been going through a lot of economic problems lately, well, better said, my adoptive mother, what I earn in the restaurant is not enough, tips are disgusting and taxes barely leave us to eat.

Sarah's face deformed leaving a clear expression of sadness.

-Sarah: My mother fell ill last winter, the medicines she needs are very expensive and I don't earn enough to pay for them, so when I saw that gold coin on the table I couldn't believe it, I thought I was dreaming or someone he wanted to make fun of me, it seemed impossible for someone to leave so much money, so I thought it could be a trap.

She stopped and looked at me while she wiped with her left hand the tears that gathered in her eyes to finally show me a slight smile.

-Sarah: When in exchange for that amount of money you only asked me for basic information I really couldn't believe what was happening, I didn't know what to think of you at that moment, but it certainly made me very happy.

She turned around and continued walking while I followed her by her side without her taking that smile off her face.

-Sarah: I used what I had saved to pay for the dish and keep the gold coin, after finishing work I went to buy my mother's medicines and some things to eat and even after that, I had a lot of money left over with which we can live without problems for a long time.

-Zyrus: I really didn't know what I was doing at first, not long ago my life took an unexpected turn and I had to learn to adapt to this change but you were very kind to help me and I thought it was the right thing, besides I didn't think that coin would really help you that much.

-Sarah: Well even after giving you that little help I still felt that it wasn't enough to pay you back, so when I heard that they were looking for you I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to finish paying you the rest of the money.

-Zyrus: Well, without a doubt you can consider that debt paid, because seriously Sarah, if you had not appeared I would still be walking around the city looking for a way out, but how did you find me?

-Sarah: I have several friends in that area of the city and some of them saw you running through the alleys like a headless chicken.

We laughed after that, she was definitely a kind hearted girl, anyone else would have taken the money and forgotten about it but she even risked it to help me escape.

-Zyrus: By the way, what happened to your real mother?

-Sarah: I don't know, I never met her, I was very little when my father passed away so I couldn't ask her and my adoptive mother, well she served my father and she says that one day my mother left the house and never came back, I really don't know how to feel about that.

-Zyrus: Sorry, it must be a sensitive topic

-Sarah: Don't worry, it's something I got over a long time ago.

Maybe I shouldn't have asked that, but Sara didn't seem to have been affected by talking about her family. After several minutes walking we managed to see a light at the end of the tunnel, finally the exit was before us.

-Sarah: There is this way out! come quickly!.

-Zyrus: He... Hey calm down, not so fast, wait for me!.

She ran towards the exit, dropping the torch on the ground and since the adrenaline had already gone down my body began to feel the effects of the fall in the inn but I still managed and began to run after Sarah, after crossing the wall of light that covered the exit we were finally out of the tunnel and therefore out of the city, I saw with my eyes for the first time what was outside the walls, great mountains in the distance, an extensive forest, an enormous lake, I could not deny the beauty of this world so natural.

-Sarah: Finally, we're out of the capital.

-Zyrus: Well, then I can relax a bit at least.

I started massaging my shoulders and hips, the pain was bearable but uncomfortable at the same time, Sarah looked at me worried about what I was doing.

-Sarah: Are you okay Zyrus?

-Zyrus: Yeah, only when I was escaping from the Knights, I had to jump from the second floor of the inn and fell into a bunch of boxes and I'm only just beginning to feel the consequences of that rash action.

-Sarah: I see, come, let me help you with that.

-Zyrus: Help me? how?

Sarah walked up to me from behind her and brought her palms closer to my back as she closed her eyes and she started to say something softly.

-Sarah: *Divine light that appeases suffering, come to me and relieve pain* [Heal!]

A small golden light began to emanate from Sara's hands which she began to apply to me, I could feel a strange sensation running through my body, but slowly I could feel how the pain I had began to fade, after a few seconds the light from her hands faded away

-Sarah: It's done, how do you feel?

-Zyrus: I...I...I feel better, I don't believe it, the pain is really gone.

I started to move my body to check and I really didn't feel any physical pain, magic was undoubtedly something extremely useful.

-Zyrus: Thanks Sarah, I didn't expect you to be able to use healing magic as well.

-Sarah: I already told you, it's not a big deal but it's useful for small things, my mother told me that magic runs stronger in my father's family, although I never thought of becoming a Mage, it's not that I had the time to do it either.

-Zyrus: Well, I still appreciate it.

I started down the hill a bit from where we were and then turned to see Sarah.

-Zyrus: I guess this is where we say goodbye, but to be honest I would like you to accompany me, it would be of great help to have someone with more knowledge about this world, although I know that it is not possible.

I blushed a little as I said that, I looked away trying in vain to prevent Sarah from seeing my face, I was a little embarrassed, it was the first time I spent so much time with another girl outside of my family, not even at school did I spend so much time with my classmates, since they were just that, I could hear a slight giggle from Sarah as she looked at me with a smile and put her hands on her waist.

-Sarah: Be careful Zyrus, don't fall in love so easily or other girls could take advantage of that.

-Zyrus: huh?...what?...no...I don't...ah...

I blush even more when she said that to me and I started to see everyone from the embarrassment of hearing that while I ran my left hand over the back of my neck.

-Sarah: But it's true, even if I wanted to, I can't accompany you, I still have to take care of my mother, besides.

She paused and walked back into the tunnel, turning and pointing at me.

-Sarah: Now you are a wanted man by the kingdom of Tevell, but don't worry Zyrus, because I will use my contacts to delay as much as possible that this information leaves the city.

-Zyrus: Your.....contacts?

-Sarah: I'm a waitress, Zyrus and therefore I know a lot of people in the city, people with influences who can be useful when the moment calls for them.

I wasn't quite sure what she meant by that, but she seemed very confident and if there was a chance to delay my capture outside the capital city even better, Sarah came up to me and took my hands.

-Sarah: Now go and be careful with the monsters and wild animals, stay away from the checkpoints along the way and above all, I hope to see you again.

Without even expecting it, Sarah's face approaches me blushing and she kissed me on the left cheek, completely shocking me for that unexpected moment and immediately afterwards she lets go of my hands and returns to the tunnel taking the torch from the ground and where her figure disappears with the darkness and only the light of the torch is seen until it finally fades, I put my hand on the cheek that she kissed leaving me in doubt if I will see her again one day.

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