
Prologue: Dragged into Another World (Updated)

[Location: Throne Room - ????]

[?? Years have passed]

"How long has it been"

From a seated throne I was, lost in my thoughts, in a large room illuminated by a large window that was on the wall, with my legs crossed and my head resting on my left hand. The silence is broken when the door in front of me opens and a red haired woman in armor enters the room, she approaches and kneels before me.

-Female Knight: Your Majesty, the time has come, everyone is waiting for it.

-King: Understood, let's go.

I got up from the throne and escorted by the Knight I went to the exit of the room and while the door opened before me, that thought crossed my mind once more.

"How long has it been since I came to this world?"


[Location: Room - House]

[ 0 days have passed]

An annoying sound began to resonate throughout the room, breaking the quiet silence that existed, I began to open my eyes due to the annoying sound that was caused by the alarm on my phone, I stretched out my hand to reach it and turn off the alarm.

"It's already 8:00 AM, the day has finally arrived"

I set the alarm especially for this time, I got up and looked at myself in the mirror stretching and yawning as I tried futilely to tidy up my hair.

(Masato Ryugo -The Hero?- 17 Years)

I left my room and went to take a quick 10-minute shower and then go back to my room and put on some casual clothes without forgetting of course my favorite hooded jacket, I took my suitcase, my phone and my wallet and went downstairs to go to have breakfast.

-Masato: Good morning, it smells good here.

(Takeshi Ryugo -Father/Novelist - 48 Years)

(Yuka Ryugo -Mother/Housewife - 40 Years)

(Kaoru Ryugo -Little Sister- 5 Years)

A quick hello to my family while I had some bread and a glass of milk before heading to the exit.

-Yuka: Won't you stay for breakfast honey?

-Masato: No, I wanted to come early, I was very anxious last night and couldn't sleep.

During the last weeks I had been studying almost without sleep for the university entrance exam and today was finally the day, I was so anxious that I wasn't even hungry.

-Masato: I'm leaving, see you later.

-Takeshi: Take care son.

-Yuka: I'll prepare something special when you get back.

-Kaoru: Good luck big brother!

After putting on my slippers, I went out the main entrance, finally listening to Kaoru's happy cheers, and on my way to the subway station without wasting any time. I knew that the exam would start in two hours but I needed to arrive earlier to see the interior and see what kind of people I would run into, I was already imagining life at the university but I got so lost in my fantasies that I didn't realize when I was already crossing a street and the sound of a horn in the distance made me react.

-Masato: Wh... what the fuck!?

Without giving myself time to think about what was happening, I was crossing the street at a red light and I saw how a truck was approaching dangerously at high speed and my body froze with fear but out of nowhere I felt like someone was pushing me from behind, I didn't know if I imagined it or not but that push made me jump forward allowing me to dodge the truck almost just in time.

-Masato: That was close, if that truck had hit me it would definitely have ruined my day....hehehe...uh...

I felt how a cold sweat ran through my body, fortunately I managed to avoid a tragedy and from here I walked the rest of the way more attentive where I was going. Finally I got to the station and after a few minutes traveling by subway I got to the area where the university was. When I left the station I could already see the building which was only a few streets away.

-Masato: Okay, it's still 8:32 AM and the exam starts at 10:00 AM, there's no rush but I still want to get there as soon as possible.

After a few minutes of fast walking I had finally reached the main entrance of the university, I didn't see many people but it was normal with almost an hour to go before the start. I approached one of the information tables where I gave my name and they handed me a piece of paper with the room where the exam for my group would take place. Before going, I walked around the building a few times and after a while I saw that the time for the exam was getting closer so I decided to go to the room where I would take my exam.

-Masato: Let's see, it was room 206 if I'm not mistaken... and... there is the room.

I had finally arrived at the classroom, it was strange that the door was closed but I didn't give it any importance, I was very excited about this and I knew that I would have no problem taking the exam. In that I got ready to open the door of the room but at the moment I opened it a strong glow that came from inside the room blinded me.

-Masato: Aaarggghh....!! What... what is this!!?

I used my hands to protect myself from that glow and little by little that light began to fade in which I began to rub my eyes because of the slight burning that I felt. After recovering my vision, I realized that I was no longer in the same place as before.

-????: Oh! We have finally succeeded!

I looked at the ground while some strange marks disappeared and I heard a strange voice, I looked up and saw that I was now in a stone room lit by torches, I looked around where there were several guys with robes and hoods but who was in front of me was different.

-????: After many failed attempts, the summoning ritual was finally successful!.

-Hooded Man: That's right my lord, we finally managed to correctly decipher the spell.

"What the hell is going on? Where am I? Who are these guys?"

A lot of questions were going through my head, I thought I was dreaming or something, then the guy in front of me looked at me and approached me with his arms behind my back.

-????: Greetings young man from another world, surely you will be confused so first let me introduce myself.

"Young man from another world? He is referring to me? Does that mean I'm in another world?"

-????: I am Chancellor Edmond Duron and I serve the King of the Kingdom of Tevell, His Majesty King Robert Beldmont XIV.

(Edmond Duron -Chancellor of Tevell- 45 years)

-Masato: Oh....well...I...I...am Masato Ryugo...

He was completely stunned, clearly he must be dreaming because it wasn't possible that he really had been summoned to another world like it happens in animes and mangas, it was an unreal situation for me.

-Edmond: Ah, Masato Ryugo, a name that undoubtedly sounds very strange to us and your clothes are also not common at all, you really came from another world.

The well-dressed man turned around looking at the hooded men who gathered in front of him.

-Edmond: My colleagues, our hard work of reviving the lost spell of the Ancients has finally paid off!

All the hooded men began to celebrate as the chancellor raised his hands in celebration, immediately speaking to one of the hooded men who quickly left the room, then turned around again and looked at me.

-Edmond: Very well my dear Masato, if you are very kind to accompany me, I will take you before King Robert, I am sure he would like to see you.

-Masato: Hold on a moment, what... what's happening, why am I here?

-Edmond: I understand that you have many questions, the only thing I can tell you is that we need you.

-Masato: Do you...need me? And for what?

-Edmond: That is something that the King could explain to you, he will answer all your questions, now if you could accompany me.

It seemed he didn't have much choice but to follow him, whether it was a dream or not, he couldn't do anything else so I nodded and followed the chancellor out of the room.

"I guess I'll have to play along until I figure out what's going on."

As we left the room, two men in armor and carrying spears began to follow us, we reached the outside where the sun was shining and around me there was a beautiful garden, there were women dressed as servants watering the plants and other people working in the bushes.

-Edmond: These are the Royal Gardens, beautiful, don't you think?

-Masato: Y... Yeah they are.

We followed the stone path until we reached the entrance of the huge stone building which must have been the castle, its interior was beautiful, very similar to those seen in movies or TV series, in the surroundings there were more servants and more men with armor positioned and patrolling.

-Edmond: As you can see, the castle is constantly protected by the Royal Guard and attended by servants.

"Those are Knights? They look so cool and...Maids!? They sure look cute in those uniforms"

After passing through the corridors of the castle and going up a circular staircase, we finally reached a huge door that was guarded by two Knights, then the chancellor turned to see me.

-Edmond: Behind this door is the throne room and inside is the King, I know you are not used to the customs of our world so once in his presence you must kneel before him.

I nodded even though I didn't understand anything anyway, the chancellor turned away and the Knights who guarded the door opened it and the first thing that was seen in the background was an older man sitting on a throne and next to him a young girl. The chancellor proceeded to enter and I followed him then the Knights who followed us closed the door and stayed behind at the door, we approached the throne and the chancellor knelt down and as he told me I did the same.

-Edmond: His Majesty, after a long time of experimentation, we finally managed to decipher and perform the Summoning Ritual to perfection.

(Robert Belmont XIV -King of Tevell- 72 years)

-King Robert: Ah! .... finally my good Edmond, ever since you told me about the Summoning Ritual I had been anxiously waiting for this day.

The old king with gray hair and beard closed his eyes as he raised his head in relief, then opened them again to look at me with an imposing gaze.

"For now I will continue acting, it is still difficult for me to believe all this but at this point it was better not to do anything rash"

-Edmond: That's right, your Highness and today I can finally show you the result, as the legend once told it, today the story will be reborn, before you I present the young man who came from another world, Masato Ryugo.

The chancellor got up and pointed his hand at me while he introduced me to everyone, I could see the looks of astonishment, both from the guards and from the girl next to the King. It was something embarrassing and uncomfortable at the same time, at that point I came to think that this was a dream, that maybe I fell for someone's joke when I entered the room or that the truck did hit me.

-King Robert: Very well young man from another world, Masato, surely you are wondering why you are here.

-Masato: Well, the chancellor told me that you needed me...or...something like that.

-King Robert: Precisely, let me first briefly tell you the story of a war we had about 300 years ago.

The king got up from his throne and approached the edge of a small staircase that separated his throne from the floor where we were, he put his left hand behind his back and used the other to rub his beard.

-King Robert: Almost 300 years ago the continent of Vesperia where we live was on the brink of falling into darkness by the hands of the Demon King's Army. It was then that the mortal kingdoms of Vesperia came together to face this threat ending in the great war.

"A war against the Demon King's army, I think I know where this is going."

-King Robert: But his power was devastating, despite the union of several kingdoms, the strength of the Demon King himself had no equal, it was then that one of the Kingdoms used a magic that was created by those we call the Ancients, the Summoning Ritual, with which, like you, a young man from another world was brought.

"Surely that guy must have felt the same as me at that moment"

The king took a brief pause, everyone looked and listened attentively to the king while he finished telling the story, it was hard for me to think that this was a dream, if someone else was previously summoned to fight for this world, risking his life, like someone with some common sense would so easily accept that.

-King Robert: Now 300 years later, a new Demon King has raised a new army which threatens our lives, hidden in the darkest area of the continent waiting for the moment to attack and that is why, Masato Ryugo, we need you, we want you to be the new Hero who defeats this new Demon King.

Upon hearing his request, I jumped up, looked at the king very determined and gave him my answer loud and clear.

-Masato: I refuse!!

After saying my answer a silence took over the entire throne room.

(Updated 04/26/2023)

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