
I just want you to love me[R18]

Tears slid from Sofia's eyes and dripped onto Alexander's chest. No words were needed; her emotions spoke volumes. 

Alexander hugged Selena—or rather, Sofia—tighter and whispered, "Sofia, you were the one who fabricated my real-world background, weren't you? And the photo in the house, is that from our past?"

"I do prefer it when you call me Sofia," she said, a soft smile gracing her face. "I shouldn't have left that photograph, but it doesn't matter now. The plan has mostly come to fruition. What you needed to obtain, you've obtained. When the time is right, you'll understand everything. But that time isn't now."

"So, what should I do next?"

Knowing now that Selena was Sofia allowed Alexander to completely relax. His tone softened.

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