
Arrogant Clone(Edited)

Asuma had taken some time to deliver the goods to Zeus, but they eventually arrived. A few days after the incident, Zeus woke up to see a scroll and a few books hidden beneath his bed. Of course, he had sensed Asuma coming at night but decided to ignore him so as to not appear like a completely abnormal kid.

'Finally, let's see what we have here.' Zeus grabbed the scroll like some wild beast latching onto its prey. He ripped it open and promptly read through it. However, the more he read, the bigger frown appeared on his face.

The scroll first described the basic usages of chakra, which included strengthening and the ability to walk on walls, as well as water, both of which Zeus had known how to do long ago. Fortunately, the scroll proved not entirely useless when he got to the part describing ninjutsu.

All in all, there were twelve hand signs, each of them meaning completely different things. A certain combination of them would cause different specialties. For instance, Rooster and Bird hand signs were paramount in Wind Release. Zeus decided to experiment with them later on, for they seemed fairly tricky.

Finally, Zeus reached the juiciest part of the text. Basic Genin Ninjutsu - something that he could try to learn right now. The first one on the list was called Transformation Jutsu, and it basically enabled its user to change bodily characteristics. It could actually be even used on inanimate objects, but that was described to be much more complicated.

'I bet I can do it from the get-go.' Zeus put the scroll a few feet away, looking around for an object to transform into. Eventually, he settled on the vase in the corner of the room since it was of similar height. He walked up to it, inspecting it closely and touching its surface.

When he felt ready, Zeus put the scroll beneath him and repeated the hand seals, closing his eyes for more concentration. Everything happened in an instant as he barely managed to keep the mental image of a vase in his mind. However, something went very wrong.

'Did I die?' Zeus thought to himself, feeling everything that had gone wrong with his body. His legs were replaced by his hands, while his head somehow discerned like it was beneath him. It was all strange and bizarre. Peeking towards the mirror, he saw himself as a discolored vase, which appeared like it had experienced better days.

Promptly, Zeus pushed his chakra away and, with a cloud of smoke, turned back into his usual self. He fell with his back to the ground, staring at the ceiling, traumatized. He mumbled. "Yeah...why would I even want to transform? This seems like a useless ninjutsu. Why would I ever need it? The other one is probably so much better."

Zeus forgot this moment of shame just like he did with his poop incident. Grabbing the scroll from the floor, Zeus quickly read the other ninjutsu. In order to properly forget this incident, he had to at least succeed at completing the other jutsu.

'This one seems much more useful.' Zeus thought, remembering the required hand signs. It was called Clone Jutsu, which would enable Zeus to create a copy of himself. However, it was stated in the scroll that this jutsu was quite difficult and required some practice.

Closing his eyes, Zeus concentrated on performing everything perfectly. He was quite confident this time, for he used to sometimes create copies of himself with the use of lightning. It operated on the same principle, most probably.

Zeus felt a big portion of his chakra reserves disappear, as he opened his eyes. To his surprise, his clone looked identical to himself, implying that he had succeeded. However, Zeus couldn't express his joy since his clone was staring at him with a frown.

"The fuck you looking at? Got a problem?" Zeus stepped forward, staring back at his arrogant clone.

Zeus's clone snorted, looking away in disinterest.

"Ungrateful bastard, I am your creator." A vein popped up on Zeus's forehead. "Look at me when I am talking to you."

The clone looked back, its eyes still containing the former arrogance. Seeing that, Zeus snapped. Pulling his hand behind his back, Zeus pushed some chakra into his fist, causing a few lightning threads to dissolve in the environment. Then, he punched his clone's face, causing him to puff away into smoke immediately. However, Zeus's clone had no actual substance behind it, forcing Zeus to fall head forth against the ground.

"Fucking hell." Zeus cursed beneath his mouth, rising back to his feet. "Why is this clone acting so cocky if he is so weak?"

Zeus spent a few more instances in silent pain. Despite the clone being somewhat unnatural, he had succeeded. Perhaps he needed to repeat this a few more times in order to make his clones less expressive. Well, it wasn't like he had anything else to do anyway.

'Still, this scroll... I thought it was going to be more useful.' Zeus sighed, regretting his prior choice. He should have asked for something more serious from Asuma, but there was no room for remorse. At least he had those hand seals depicted with clarity, and he could try to start creating his own ninjutsu.

There was also a pile of history books beneath his bed, which seemed interesting. Despite living here for two years, Zeus knew little to nothing about this world, so it was a great time to get oriented with this place.

All in all, Zeus was going to have his hands full for the next few days.

Additionally, Zeus was sure that there were a lot more useful techniques hidden somewhere in this building, so he may need to try stealing them once again. Especially, the jutsu called "Shadow Clone Technique", which he had seen in that pile earlier, for Zeus didn't really enjoy clones that could be used solely for deception.

"Though, reading is quite exhausting." Zeus fell onto his back, looking at the ceiling as he suddenly smiled. "That makes up for a great excuse to steal some chocolate from Asuma's secret stash."

With that, Zeus sneakily strolled out of his room, saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.


Insert Gif: Munching on a chocolate bar.

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