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Orochimaru was stunned at how Manda died just like that. Orochimaru did not even sense the attack coming. Now he was really interested how this happen. That attack was not normal chakra. Chakra composition is not like that. Something is not right here.

This is what Orochimaru was thinking. While Orochimaru was thinking this, Jin just sneak on Orochimaru with his instant teleportation technique and directly appear behind Orochimaru.

"Recoilless Kick" and this time the power was not held back at all. The Orochimaru directly went flying towards the sky and if he was not partial immortal then he would have already have died.

Currently Orochimaru look really like the Team Rocket, in fact the only thing which was not right was that Orochimaru did not form a star which team rocket usually made when flying out due to failing a mission or getting electrocuted by Pikachu. Otherwise everything else was on point.

"7 out of 10. Not bad if I say so myself." said Jin.

While this was happening, Naruto was already coming back to consciousness. Yamato, Sakura and Kabuto watching this fight and was currently was almost about to pop their eyeballs out.

"What the hell is that kick" ask Yamato because he was not very close to Jin and did not know his strength.

Sakura was more aware of Jin's power but that did not prevent her jaw to drop and her eyes to widen. "He just kicked Orochimaru and ended the fight" said Sakura.

"Lord Orochimaru was defeated by just Taijutsu and a kick" mutter Kabuto looking horrified.

"Alright, alright. It's time to go. We better get going Okay" said Jin. Bringing out everyone from their musings.

While this was happening. Jin also directly went behind Kabuto and pierce his heart with a kunai.

This was an unexpected move from Jin and others were also surprised by this. Jin only did that because he knows that Kabuto in the future is much more troublesome than Orochimaru or even the current Pain and Obito.

That is why he might or might not be killing anyone but he needs to take care of Kabuto here and how when he is in front of him.

Of course, he already knew that Kabuto is not dying here so easily and thus he not only just stop at piecing Kabuto's heart but also use a ki attack to completely destroy Kabuto's head. Beheading him at the same time.

Others were also horrified by this but Jin just say one thing to them.

"Believe me, this guy is much more troublesome than Orochimaru. Not only he is the eyes and ears of the snake sannin but he is also working with Akatsuki. Killing him here is the best thing. Even if we capture him right here, there is a possibility that Orochimaru come after him and this will create for problem for the village. Not to mention this will also bring more of the Akatsuki's attention towards the hidden leaf than we already have. Believe me, we don't need that." said Jin.

Sakura and Yamato wanted to say something but after thinking everything what Jin told them and how easily Jin was able to take care of Orochimaru but till is so wary of Kabuto, they did not say anything.

After taking care of Orochimaru and Kabuto. The team went directly towards where Sasuke was. This was the time when Naruto was pretty much running and leaving everyone behind.

"Why the hell is this guy so excited" ask Jin in an exaggerated manner.

"How can we cannot? We are going to bring back Sasuke home" said Sakura looking forwards to meeting Sasuke maybe even more than Naruto. Jin could practically see the excitement in her eyes.

"Don't be so excited. Remember that Sasuke leaves the village on his own decision. The simple fact that we found Sasuke does not mean that he will come with us with a smiling face" remind Jin of the reality of the situation to Sakura.

This brought back Sakura from her high horse. Naruto of course did not hear this and thus he kept running ahead of everyone.

"Jin is right. Even if we find out Sasuke we need to be vigilant and we cannot leave let our guard down," said Yamato.

Soon the group came to an open clearing where Sasuke was pretty much waiting for the group.

He was wearing the same clothes as in the anime and was looking further arrogant. Jin did not wanted to talk to this asshole anyway and thus let Naruto do all the talking.

The talking was also went just like the Anime but Sasuke was for focused on Jin than Naruto and Sakura who were doing most of the talking.

The same thing went which happened in the anime. Sasuke instantly appear near Naruto and was almost about to kill Naruto.

Jin insists on helping Naruto thinking about how Naruto avoided this attack in the anime. Something even he found weird but he did none the rest.

But just the moment Sasuke was about to impale Naruto with his sword, Jin finally acted and stop Sasuke's sword with his staff.

And then tried to kick Sasuke away but Sasuke easily dodge the attack.

"I was wondering when you will make a move," said Sasuke.

"I was not about to but If Naruto dies here then Lady Hokage will make me clean the entire village on my holiday. I absolutely can't have that so sorry" said Jin and he was not kidding either. Tsunade did threaten him with this just did not mention Naruto's dead as an issue of punishment.

"Hey, what do you mean? Will you not help me if Ba chan has not threatened you like this" shouted Naruto.

"How did you hear that" ask Jin with narrowed eyes. Now thinking that it was Naruto who suggest this punishment to Tsunade.

"I don't have time to play your games Naruto," said Sasuke.

"Hey, what should I do? Should I just kick his ass and bring him with us" ask Jin.

He had no way to say what will happen if he change Sasuke's future like this but he does not care that much either way.

"Talk after you show me that you have the ability to do that," said Sasuke in a mocking manner.

"This guy might not remember the beating Naruto gave him in the chunin exam or he just doesn't know that Naruto was trained by me" thought Jin.

The environment was tense and a fight was about to break out.


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I am honestly not sure what to do about sasuke here but let see. I don't want to follow the cannon here.

kamidemondcreators' thoughts
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