
Chapter 14 Not a Virgin!

Grace’s POV

“You know,” I said, once again clinging to Jack, as we walked down the mountainside. It was steeper than what I originally thought and I found myself wondering how the hell Jack had managed to carry me all the way up here in total darkness and still make it seem easy as pie!

“I always thought I was out of the loop because I was never interested in politics,” I breathed, finding my footing after another almost fall. “I didn’t know I was out of the loop with reality because I didn’t believe in magic and myths.”

Jack held my hand and helped me down. Although he did most of the walking, while I just slipped and stumbled my way down. Hell, at this point I might as well just sit down and roll to the bottom of the hill. That way my injuries would at least be less embarrassing!

“But I was thinking,” I continued, annoyed how out of breath I was, while Jack only seemed to be amused. “How can I be a witch without knowing it?”

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