
Chapter 80 CHAPTER

When it finally burringed!, I quickly jumped out of my seat to leave. I sighed knowing I had to go to a class by myself. "Bye Bekah." I said in a dull tone, gave her a quick hug and walked off to find my class. The halls were getting more and more deserted, and I still couldn't figure out which way I was supposed to go. I looked down at my scheduled, stepping down the stairs. A second too late I realized a pencil on the stairs, then stepping to avoid it I ended up falling. Just before I hit the ground, warm hands wrapped around my wrist and sprung me back up into their chest. I looked up to a face that was sort of recognizable.

I took a second to take in his features. Brown hair that fell slightly over his eyes and forehead. Nice, hard jaw line, glowing smiling, braces, green eyes. I cocked my head to the side. "Careful, love. Wouldn't want to break anything would ya?" he asked, and I gasped at his beautiful English accent! I laughed and shook my head, pulling away as he let go.

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