
Chapter 78 CHAPTER

Katerina's (P.O.V)

I was sitting cross legged in the the tub, the water from the showerhead rinsing over my body as I was deep in thought. It accured to me that Kol haden't gotten his

payback like he said he would. And suddenly all sense of everything was gone, and I was on edge, jumpy, searching for any hidden cameras or boobie traps he might

have planted. I made note that I would have to ask him about it when I got out, otherwise I would freak out at every little thing. Maybe he had forgetten about it? I

mean just minutes ago he was practically begging me to hurt him so that he could feel just a little bit better about himself. I sighed biting my lip. I couldn't do that to

him. I loved him too much to do that to him. I was strong, and with my gift, I would be stronger, and I didn't want to hurt him what so ever, the thought was unsettling,

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