
ch. 10 The Legendary Healer

"Fire Swarm!"

Janel's magic swept through the stone chamber. The huge flame swallowed them all, like an angry mob, however, it didn't go as planned.

As the fire down down, it traveled a blue barrier blocking Janels magic completely, saving all of the ghouls from a fiery death. Looking at the back of the ghouls, John saw what appeared to be a giant Ghoul that held a staff in it's hand and was actively directing the ghouls!

"They have a Thrall in the back! I'll take care of it!" John yelled out as he ran into horde of Ghouls.

"It's too dangerous!" Bryan screamed, but was too late as John charged forward into the pack of ghouls.

Five Ghouls had already left their position and surrounded Bryan, preventing him from helping John.

"Janel! Hurry and support John with your magic!" Bryan yelled out as he blocked the claws slashing at him with his shield.

Raisng her staff, Janel started manipulating her mana and conjuring a fireball, only for a sharp piece of ice to pierce through her shoulder.

"ARHHH!" Dropping her staff, Janel cradles her injured shoulder as she had to pull out the shard of ice from her wound as it began to freeze her arm

The Thrall in the back had witnessed Janel summoning a fireball, and in order to cast magic she needed to stand still, a perfect target for the thrall.

"Shit!" the once calm Bryan cursed, as he backstepped and stood infront of Janel, protecting her from any further attacks.

Although he wanted to help John, he had to stay back and protect Janel. She was his friend and guild mate and they had barely met John for the first time, the choice was obvious for him who to protect.

Faced with multiple B ranked ghouls, John immediately knew he couldn't hold back in the slightest.

'I can't spend any time on the ghouls, or else the Thrall could use his magic on me!' Johns experience of grease magic was etched into his brains, and swore that he'd always eliminate the magic wielder first.

Coating his blade in aura, John slashed at the ghoul closest to him only for it block its attack with his arm, causing it to get chopped off. Taking advantage of the situation, a ghoul tried to attack and swiped at John with it's claws, forced him tododge backwards.

As John moved back, he could see the armless ghoul reached down, picked up it's arm, and held it back into it's stump. After a few second, the arm had completely fused back onto the ghoul!

'My bloodloss enchantment is useless if they don't have any blood! Fuck it, I'm going with plan A' John had previously thrown together a quick plan, but he immediately thought it was too risky and instead tried to kill the ghouls to get past.

Dashing forward, John sliced off the arms of an attcking ghoul, stabbed it in the chest, and continued running! Using the ghoul as a meat shield, John ran through the pack of ghouls until he finally reached the back.

Throwing the ghoul off of Roel, John slashed at the thrall only to be blocked by a barrier. Without wasting a second of time, he sliced once again and was able to cut the thralls staff in half.

'This guy might be in a B-ranked dungeon, but hes not the boss and is still weaker than the C ranked Troll Scholar!'.

With the staff gone, the thrall was left defenceless to John, who immediately decapitated it.

"Heal!" Using up a little more mana to remove his fatigue, John gained it all back by absorbed the mana from the dead thrall.

"Bryan!" Hearing Janel cry out. John turned around and saw that the duo was surrounded by ghouls, as Bryan was heavily injured standing up with a puddle of blood beneath him.

Using her off hand, Janel was able to pick up her staff and cast fireball. Whether it was because she was mentally distraught, or the fact that she was heavily wounded, but the fireball was barely enough to damage three Ghouls in front, while drawing the attention of every ghoul in the process.

Faced with such a situation, John took a deep breath and closed his eyes. John focused solely on his swordmanship memories and blocked everything else, whether it's was his past lifes skills to throw Javelin or this life's worry about his dying father, everything besides his swordmanship disappeared.

Running forward, John aura covered blade decapited two ghouls at once and stabbed a third in the side of it's temple. With the bodies thumping to the floor, a nearby Ghoul turned to look, only to have it's eye get pierced by Roel and have their brain get scrambled.

Dodging and twisting, John dodge the claws and teeth of multiple ghouls at once while simultaneously dismembering their limbs. With their arms cut off, John went back on the offensive and started his slaughter once again.

The Injured Bryan and Janel desperately defended but couldn't help but watch in awe as they saw John flawlessly make his way through the crowd of ghouls effortlessly. Slaughting his way to the front, John killed the vary last ghoul and looked down at the Injured duo.

Looking into the eyes of their savior, they couldnt help but shivered under his gaze as the oppressive feeling of death hung about him, like all that occupied his mind was slaughter.

They knew that John had just saved them, but standing before him with such cold and malicious eyes made them wonder if he truly wanted to save them...

Blinking his eyes, the cold and vicious eyes disappeared and he crouched down next to Bryan.

Closing his eyes in fear, Bryan felt an overwhelming warm and soothing feeling as his pain started disappearing.

Opening his eyes, he saw John healing his injures, and it was only then did he remember that John was not a warrior hunter, but a healer!

The white light covered the wound, stemming the bleeding, and began to heal the nearly fatal wound.

"This level of healing power…?" Janel spoke in shock. From the time it took to stop the near fatal attack from bleeding, she knew his healing power had surpassed that of B-rank Healers.

After 15 minutes of healing, John lifted his hand off of Bryan, to reveal that all of the blood had stopped flowing but the wound was still heavily open.

"Youll be fine long enough so that I can heal Janel." Placing his hand on Janel's shoulder, the bright light once again shined.

"That's amazing. This is the first time I've seen this kind of speed," said Bryan.

His and Janel's Guild had a few Healers in it and they had formed parties with them before. Therefore, he knew the approximate amount of healing power a Healer around their level should have, but he had never felt such powerful healing power.

"You're likely the best B-rank Healer, rivaling A rank healer. Also, you have a amazing combat skill and your increased senses that surpasses Detection Magic… you're truly amazing." marveled Janel.

"Based on what I just saw, you seem to have superb swordsmanship… John, are you sure your a Healer and not just a warrior who can heal?" Bryan asked.

John smiled. He recalled his past life and his previous low level of healing abilities.

"Well, you know what they say about me, I am the Legendary Healer!"

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