
Trying to Escape

As Max's knees buckled, he collapsed to the ground, his body smoldering amidst the relentless flames. The searing heat continued to devour his weakened form, each breath now a struggle. His vision blurred, his senses dulled by the overwhelming pain coursing through every fiber of his being.

Duval, the merciless assassin, approached with slow, deliberate steps, his scarred face mere inches away from Max's battered visage. Sadistic pleasure gleamed in his eyes as he reveled in his impending victory. The flames danced in his hand, gathering into a fiery sphere, ready to deliver the final, decisive blow.

"Admire your own tenacity, warrior," Duval sneered, his voice dripping with malicious delight. "But know this, your resistance ends now."

A feeble chuckle escaped Max's parched lips, mixed with a tinge of bitterness. He mustered the remnants of his strength to meet Duval's gaze, defiance still flickering in his eyes. Through gritted teeth, he managed to whisper words that carried the weight of his undying spirit.

"I am sorry... I couldn't return to you," he uttered in a weak voice, filled with regret. "I hope you all made it safely to the other side... Be safe."

With those heartfelt words, Max's strength finally failed him. The flames surged forth from Duval's hand, engulfing his smoldering form completely. The searing pain intensified, scorching his flesh and seeping into the depths of his very being. In the midst of the inferno, Max's consciousness waned.

The world around him began to fade, the flames merging with the darkness, as Max succumbed to the overwhelming agony. His final thoughts were of those he held dear, a fervent hope that they had found solace and safety beyond his reach.

And so, as his body succumbed to the merciless blaze, Max's spirit departed from the mortal realm.

Exhausted, Duval wiped the sweat from his brow. "Ha... This guy was strong even though injured... Well, it's time to finish the mission. Let's get it over with," he muttered to himself. He turned his gaze towards the direction where Auric and his companions had fled and followed their trail.

A few minutes earlier, as Auric and his group raced away from the town, they had already crossed the river and destroyed the bridge. The bridge, a colossal structure supporting the cliff on both sides, now lay in ruins behind them.

"Aunt Lu, where are we going?" Auric asked urgently, his voice filled with concern. He was currently cradled in the arms of Sir Thomas,who carried him swiftly through their escape. Both Lumina and Thomas possessed far greater power than Auric, and their speed far surpassed his own. Unable to keep up, Auric found solace in Thomas' embrace. Thomas utilized wind magic to increase their speed, while Lumina, who was also carrying Ellie, even though Lumina was a healer, she had enough strength to carry herself at that speed relying on her own strength as a B-rank adventurer. And the assistance of the wind magic from Thomas was greatly appreciated, as it enabled them to traverse difficult terrain effortlessly.

"We are heading into the mists of Eldrak," Lumina replied in a solemn tone, her voice filled with determination.

Hearing her words, both Auric and Thomas widened their eyes in surprise. Before Auric could voice his concern, Thomas interjected, caution in his voice. "But Lady Lumina, that place is dangerous. I don't think we will be able to survive there until we find a way to escape!"

"Don't worry, I have a plan," she reassured them. She turned towards Auric and asked, "Auric, do you have the ring your mother gave you?"

"Yes," Auric nodded, showing her the black ring covered in unknown symbols, which his aunt had said were runes. It adorned his right thumb.

"Good," she said.

But suddenly, she stopped running, freezing in place like a statue. A shocked expression appeared on her face, and tears welled up in her eyes. Auric could sense a wave of murderous intent emanating from her, even though she tried to conceal it.

Summoning his courage, Auric asked, "What happened, Aunt?"

"Y-your uncle is no more," she wept. "He was killed by a third assassin. In his final moments, he warned us that the assassin is coming after us! We must hurry; there's not much time before he catches up to us."

Tightening her grip on her ring which they exchanged during her wedding, she composed herself and quickened her pace. Thomas followed suit, and they all pressed forward.

Auric couldn't help but get very sad, but he tried his best to contain his emotions. Thomas, too, felt a pang of bitterness upon hearing of Max's demise.

Auric wondered how his aunt knew about Max's death. Though he suspected it might be related to an artifact, he didn't want to confirm his suspicions by asking her directly.

Unbeknownst to Auric, Lumina had received the news through the bond they shared via their rings. The artifact, known as the Lover's Ring, allowed partners to monitor each other's well-being. It could reveal their partner's life status when in danger, and if the person died, the connection would sever. Additionally, the ring enabled monthly telepathic communication. It was a remarkable creation, conceived by humans.

As Max collapsed, he managed to send a message indicating the presence of a third assassin and his inability to overcome the threat. He expressed his remorse for leaving them behind and regretted his failure to protect his family. Max implored them to hurry, for the assassin was closing in.

Lady Lumina intentionally omitted the fact that the assassin was specifically targeting Auric. She didn't want him to blame himself for the danger they faced.

On their way, they skillfully avoided monsters, smearing mud from a nearby stream to mask their scent of blood, as well as the distinct aroma of the abyss.

Despite their exhaustion from an arduous journey, they could see the Mist of Eldrak ahead—a forest shrouded in dense smoke, one of the most perilous places on the continent and part of Drakoria, the homeland of the dragonborn. It was a mere kilometer away now.

However, their progress was abruptly interrupted.

Out of nowhere, Thomas, who was running alongside them, abruptly veered to the side.

Boom! An explosion shook the surroundings, engulfing Thomas's previous location in a cloud of dust.

"Well, well, quite the reflexes you have for a mere knight...," a voice echoed from within the smoke, and the silhouette of a person gradually emerged, approaching them.

Thomas placed Auric gently on the ground, drawing his sword with determination. He recognized the imminent danger this person posed.

"Lady Lumina, please go. I'll try to hold him off," Thomas urged.

Lumina solemnly nodded. Before Auric could say anything, he was lifted from the ground and placed on Aunt Lu's shoulder like a sack. Ellie found refuge on her other side.

With tremendous speed, Aunt Lu raced towards the forest, but suddenly, she abruptly slowed down.

Cough! Blegh!

She spat out blood!

Auric was overcome with fear as he witnessed a blade protruding from his aunt's stomach.


He cried out desperately.

"Boy, don't scream. I am not dead yet," Aunt Lu gritted her teeth, her voice filled with determination as she continued to run. I have to save the kids!, she thought.

A few seconds earlier, at Thomas' location...

As the smoke cleared, revealing Duval who had arrived, he clashed blades with Thomas. In the midst of their confrontation, Duval seized the opportunity and hurled a knife towards Lumina, who was fleeing.

"Hah! You rats think you can escape from me again? How naive. You didn't escape the town because you wanted to; you escaped because I allowed you to," he sneered.

Tension hung heavy in the air as the knife sailed through space, propelled by an unseen force. Thomas, the valiant knight, reacted with lightning speed, attempting to intercept the projectile with his outstretched hand. However, fate conspired against him, and the blade narrowly evaded his grasp, grazing him by a hair's breadth.

"YOU BASTARD!" Thomas thundered, his voice filled with rage as his gaze locked onto Lumina, who continued to run towards the forest despite her bleeding wounds.

Duval sneered in response to Thomas' enraged outburst. The scar etched across his face contorted with sadistic pleasure as he reveled in the imminent clash. He taunted Thomas, his voice dripping with malice.

"Heh~ So you wish to fight me... Very well, come then. I shall stain my blade with your blood."

With unwavering determination, Thomas charged towards Duval. His grip tightened around the hilt of his sword, while his wind magic swirled around him, bestowing an ethereal power upon his strikes.

The clash erupted with thunderous intensity. Thomas unleashed a flurry of swift and precise strikes, his sword cutting through the air with deadly intent. The wind magic under his command enhanced his movements, empowering him to deliver devastating blows. Each swing of his sword carried a gust of force, creating a whirlwind of destructive power.

Duval, ever the cunning adversary, skillfully evaded the onslaught of Thomas' attacks. He moved with the agility of a cat, his black daggers becoming a blur as he parried and countered, dancing nimbly amidst the battlefield. Flames sprang to life at his command, intertwining with his lethal strikes, adding a sinister edge to his every move.

I thank Daennis_Kh for the gift!!

Aditya_Singh_7272, Bryan_Olivar, Anime_Creator_DK, MoreMercury76, thanks for supporing the novel!!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Shiroi_kagecreators' thoughts
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