
Chapter 75: B Team. Out!

"Ohhhhhh." Kendo groaned as she finally opened her eyes, and light flooded in.

Kendo immediately recognized that she was lying on a bed, in some kind of infirmary.

She sat up and saw her classmates laying on beds nearby. All of them having their injuries treated.

"Owwww." Setsuna groaned, as she too started to wake up. "Did anyone get the number on that fucking bus that hit me?"

Various groans across the room could be heard, as everyone started to wake up.

"Ah, what happened?" Yui asked.

"Where are we?" Kuroiro scowled.

"This doesn't look like the U.A. infirmary?" Juzo pointed out.

"You in my house."

Everyone looked to their left, and saw Yami, patiently staring at them while sitting in a small red chair.

They all paused for a minute, noting his appearance and how similar it was to monsters they fought.

"You brought here after my Grimm beat you," Yami explained.

"Wait, are you the one that made all those monsters we fought!?" Manga asked him, his head becoming a question mark.

Yami nodded. "My Grimm. I make them with my quirk. It's very strong quirk."

"I would have to agree." Ibara shivered. "To think a child could command such an army of demons."

"Wait does that mean we got out buts kicked by six-year-old!?" Kamakiri shouted

"Damn that sucks!" Setsuna added.

Many of the class 1B members groaned at the humiliation they suffered, getting absolutely demolished by a boy who didn't look older than 10.

"Now everyone don't despair!" Monoma said. "Our defeat to this child is not the embarrassment you may think! It's not as if we engaged a child in 1 vs 20 combat, he sent an entire army our way! We fought hoards of terrifying beasts before we fell! Don't forget that!"

"That does make it less embarrassing," Rin admitted.

Kendo sighed. Not feeling any of her frustration deplete. "Still we failed the exercise."

"No, you didn't," Yami said.

"Huh?" Most of the class gave him confused looks.

"Uh kid, we were told to get here, and we didn't," Sen explained. "Sounds like we failed to me."

Yami shook his head. "Nezu said you can't fail. Because task was impossible."

"...Eh?!" Shouted the entire class.

It was then that the door opened, and Recovery Girl came in. "Yami dear, I told you not disturb them while they were recovering."

"Sorry." Yami apologized. "Got excited."

"I understand dear but go wait with your father for now. You can hear from them later." Recovery Girl told him.

Yami nodded, and obediently left the room, just as Momo entered.

"Yaoyorozu!?" Kendo gasped, shocked to see her here. "What are you doing here?"

"Let me guess! Class 1A was given the same exercise as we were, hmm. I bet you didn't get anywhere near as close as we did." Monoma gloated. "And for that matter-agh!"

Thankfully Yanagi cut him off but using her quirk to hit him in the head with a nearby metal tray.

"Well, it's rather difficult to explain," Momo said. "To start with, you are currently located in the infirmary of the Midoriya Foundation Estate."

"Wait, Midoriya Foundation?" Shishida paused. "Wasn't that the foundation owned by the young man who was nearly assassinated not too long ago?"

"That's correct," Momo said. "The Midoriya Foundation is essentially a place for overly powerful children whose parents leave them for one reason or another, are to be raised, such as Yami who you just saw."

"A place for O.P. kids, ok that makes sense," Setsuna said. "But still, what's a member of 1A doing here? Weren't you guys on a trip?"

"This is the trip," Momo explained. "We were sent here to assist Midoriya after he fell ill, he is currently...understaffed, so we're acting as temporary staff, while also fulfilling or academic duties and training. And as temporary staff, it is also my job to inform you that Midoriya and Principal Nezu are waiting for you in the main office. If you want more of your questions answered, then you'll likely need to head up there. I can lead you if you'd like."

"That would be great, thank you," Kendo said. "I think we'd all like to figure out what is going on."


Momo lead them all to Izuku's office, where Izuku himself was waiting for them at his Desk, with Nezu also being present, having pulled up a chair beside Izuku, behind the desk. Yami was also present, sitting beside the desk, waiting patiently.

"Ah, class 1B!" Nezu greeted them. "I'm glad to see you're awake. It seems Recovery Girl did another fantastic job! Ms. Yaoyorozu, if you would."

"Of course." Momo promptly left the room, leaving only class 1B, Izuku, Yami, and Nezu.

"Well, then, I suppose you all must be very confused," Nezu said. "So allow me to start from the beginning."

Class 1B looked at him attentively, finally ready for an explanation.

"As you may have heard, Mr. Midoriya here was the victim of an assassination attempt," Nezu explained. "As such, he was looking to improve his security system. Using the Grimm little Yami over there creates as guards."

Yami waved, and Kendo gave an awkward wave back.

"And so he developed a new security system, but had no way to test it." Nezu continued. "And that is where you came in."

"Wait! So you used us as lab rats!?" Kamakiri shouted in outrage.

"No of course not." Nezu laughed at the accusation. "Being a lab rat only benefits one person, whereas this is mutually beneficial. He gets to test his security system, and you all get experience!"

"Experience?" Kuroiro scoffed.

"Yes, thought this you gained many new experiences," Nezu said. "Experience in fighting multiple opponents, experience in fighting clever opponents, flying opponents, stronger opponents, fighting forest, being trapped. There is so much valuable information that can be gained from this exercise, that your next class will be entirely about analyzing your time here, and how you could have improved."

"Of course we didn't expect you to actually complete the exercise." Izuku jumped into the conversation. "Not to say you guys aren't powerful or skilled, you guys actually made it farther than we thought you would. It's just that some of the Grimm we have, and the number we have them in is a bit much for most people. I'm honestly glad you didn't make it to level 4. The Grimm at those levels are...brutal to say the least."

"Wait! Level 4?" Sen interrupted. "What do you mean level 4?"

"The level system was made so that way threats are taken care of, appropriately. The deeper you get into the forest, the higher the security level gets, and more dangerous Grimm get added." Nezu said.

"That explains why things kept getting harder the deeper we went into the forest." Kendo surmised. "And we didn't even make it to the maximum level."

"Well to be fair you made it to level 3 out of 4, so you got pretty far," Izuku said to comfort them.

"To think there are things worse than that hell hound." Ibara shivered, as did the rest of the class.

"Ah yes, the Hound," Nezu said fondly.

"That one was an exception," Izuku told them. "The Hound is an intelligent, ever-adapting Grimm. The only kind of Grimm that can think on a human level. It's probably one of the toughest Grimm Yami has ever created. But since it's intelligent and can adapt, I don't have to worry about accidentally killing someone, so it can act at any of the security levels."

"Well thanks for the nightmares greenie, that thing will haunt my dreams for at least the next few months," Setsuna said bitterly.

"My apologies, Nezu didn't tell me that he wouldn't be informing you of what you'd be facing." Izuku gave a brief bow. "Also, I would like to ask what you thought of my security system in general? And if you have any advice on how to improve it."

"How to improve it!?" Manga asked, shocked as hell. "Who's trying to kill you the U.S. army!?"

"We don't know who is currently after Mr. Midoriya's life, as such it is better safe than sorry," Nezu added.

"Well." Kendo thought about it for a moment. "I feel like the difference between your air troops was too big. The bird things were rather easy to dispose of, while the flying lions were far more dangerous. I feel like there could be something between the two, that is both more numerous and more difficult to defeat."

"Something between the Griffons and Manticores." Izuku paused. "Come to think of it, no new air-based Grimm are added in level 2. In fact level 2 was actually had a somewhat disappoint performance. So maybe more kinds of Grimm can be added there?"

Yami jotted this all down on a notepad he brought, listening very closely to what everyone was saying.

"Other than that everything seemed pretty solid," Kendo told him. "I doubt anything other than an army of powerful villains could get through. Although having not seen level 4, I can't give you my full opinion."

"That's completely fair, thank you for your input, and thank you all for your time," Izuku said, opening one of his desk's draws, and pulling out a stack of checks.

"Excuse me?" Nezu's expression didn't change, but he seemed but surprised and slightly displeased by this. "This was not what we agreed upon."

"I said the same thing to you when you had them go into that forest blind." Izuku reminded him as he put the checks on the table. "And you said, and I quote, but it's not, not what we agreed upon."

"Touche Mr. Midoriya. Touche." Nezu replied.

"Oh sweet we're getting paid!" Kurorio was the first to grab his check, with the others swiftly following.

"Oh man look at how much this is!" Setsuna said, admiring the check. "This makes getting beat up by a giant dog almost worth it!"

"Heck yeah! Thanks, Midoriya!" Tetsutetsu said.

"Are you sure this is ok?" Kendo asked. "This is a lot of money."

"It's fine, this won't even make a dent in my wallet," Izuku told them. "And it's the least I can do after you helped test my security system."

"Yes, yes, be very grateful for Mr. Midoriya's generosity," Nezu told them. "That being said, the school day is coming to a close, so I believe it's time we took our leave."

"That would be for the best," Izuku said. "Thank you all so much for your contribution to keeping my children safe. I know you'll all become fantastic heroes."

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