
Chapter 47: Shorts 11

Little Purple Book.

Nara was in the training room, practicing her quirk. She had just finished using one of her transformations and was now waiting for her quirk to recharge.

I need to improve more. Nara said, drinking a bottle of water to refresh herself. I can't let Ken beat me anymore.

Given that both of them wanted to be heroes, Ken and Nara often sparred against each other. And more times than not, Ken won. Which was infuriating for multiple reasons, most of which was that it fueled his ego. She knew she was smarter than him. She had always gotten better grades in school, and she studied karate...from a book but she still studied it. And she never slacked on her training so why did she still lose?


Nara looked towards the door and saw Fu walking in, with a notebook in his hands.

"Oh. Hello." Nara greeted the younger boy. "I'm Nara. I'm new around here."

"Fuhai. But just call me Fu." Fu introduced himself before one of Kyosei's tentacles came out. "And this is Kyosei. Yes, he lives inside me. Don't worry about it."

"O-Ok?" Nara was taken aback by the idea of someone living inside someone else, but she'd seen Ghostfreak do similar things so it wasn't too strange.

"I heard about you and your brother's quirk from dad. I find it very interesting." Fu complimented.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool huh?" Nara casually bragged, gladly taking in the praise.

"It is. All those forms that can do all sorts of different things." Fu took out his notebook. "Like that Lodestar form. Do you think you could use it to fly? You know, since its body is made out of magnets?"

"No, I tried, and for some reason, that doesn't work." Nara frowned. She remembered being really disappointed when she tried that.

"Interesting...are magnets different from other metals? Maybe your metal controlling powers don't work on magnets?" Fu speculated as he jotted down some notes.

Nara paused. "I...never thought of that. I'll need to try that sometime. Who knows, maybe the magnetic force of Lodestar's body is so strong or dense or something it can't be manipulated."

"Interesting. Also, have you thought about maybe trying to get on top of a piece of metal and using that to fly?" Fu asked her.

Nara's eyes widened a bit. "I...no...I should really try that! That sounds like it could work! I'd have to work on my balance but it sounds plausible!"

She turned to Fu to thank him for his idea but found that he was furiously scribbling down notes, enraptured in his own little world.

"Uh. Fu?" Nara waved a hand in front of him.

"Huh?" Fu snapped out of his trance and looked back at Nara. "Oh sorry. We really like analyzing quirks and writing them down. It helps us come up with creative ways to use our quirks."

It was at that moment that a light bulb went over Nara's head. "That's it! Why don't we have a brainstorming session right now!"

"Alright." Fu shrugged. "But let's do that in the library."

A few minutes later, in the library.

After walking from the training room to the library, Fu grabbed a blank, purple notebook for Nara to write stuff down in, and the two sat down at one of the tables.

"Alright so have you used XLR8 to run on water yet?" Fu asked.

"Yup. It's weird and if I slow down or stop I fall into the water, but I can do it." Nara wasn't perfect at running one water, and she hadn't been able to practice it much until now, but she knew she was capable of it.

"Alright." Fu jotted that down. "What about Diamondhead? Can you just make diamonds or can you control them? Like making them float around in the air and stuff?"

"That's...a good question. Another thing I'll have to try." Nara jotted that down as a reminder. "And speaking of Diamondhead, I should try and see if I can use his diamonds to reflect sunlight into someone's eyes."

"Or you could use all the dust from running as XLR8 and get that in someone's eyes." Fu brought up. "Or water, that also works."

"And I could use that water to put out fires!" Nara imagined it, running on water so fast that the water followed behind her, and then she would turn and create a massive wave that would crash into a burning building or something, putting the fires out and saving the day.

Suddenly Fu paused, as a thought occurred. "Hey...why aren't you using Grey Matter?"

Nara gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean right now? Why aren't you using Grey Matter?" Fu asked her. "We're having a brainstorm so why aren't you using the form which is only good for thinking?"

Nara's eyes went wide for a moment, and then immediately facepalmed. "Oh my god, I forgot I had that! I don't really...use Grey Matter for anything. I can't really use it in a fight too much, and schools obviously didn't let me use it. So I just kinda forgot about it. Alright, let's try it!"

She moved her hands down to her Omnitrix, and she pressed the button, and the dial popped up, she moved the circle around until she found Grey Matter's silhouette.

After pushing the dial down, suddenly half the room was encompassed with pink light.

When the light died down, Fu saw...nothing. Nara had seemingly disappeared.

"Ah! Gah! Gah!" Fu saw the slightest bit of Grey Matter's head, coming up, as Nara jumped, trying to reach the table.

Deciding to help, Fu extended one of Kyosei's tentacles over to Nara, and grabbed her, lifting her onto the table.

"Thanks," Nara said, her voice was a bit weird and nasally while in this form.

She picked up the pencil, which was now almost as big as her, and walked over to her notebook. "Now let's continue."

What's Underneath

"Yeah! Yeah, take that!" Ken shouted out, as he mashed on the controller.

"We're almost there! He's almost dead!" Netsu yelled at the top of his lungs.

The two boys were currently playing Sumo Smashers 2 on Co-op and were on the third boss.

Despite having a too cool for anyone attitude, his conviction to be a lone-wolf fell apart when he realized that being alone sucked and some of the people here were pretty cool.

Like Netsu. Someone whom he quickly befriended, due in part to his personality, and also because he reminded him of Heatblast.

Then the boss's health bar depleted, and celebration music played.

"Yeah!" The two boys dropped their controllers and jumped onto the couch, throwing their hands up in celebration.

However in his jubilation, Natsu accidentally lost control of his quirk, and fire burst out of the bottom of his pants, and onto the couch.

"Ah!" Ken quickly jumped off the couch, which was now partially on fire.

"Aw not again." Netsu lamented.

"Don't worry. I got it!" Ken quickly activated his Omnitrix and turned the dial until he found Heatblast's silhouette.

He pressed down and after a flash of green light, there stood Heatblast.

"Time to cool this place down." Ken quipped as he extended his hands out.

The fire suddenly moved towards him and was sucked into his hands, and then after a few moments, the fire was gone. Absorbed into Ken.

"Wow! That's so cool!" Netsu exclaimed, admiring the Heatblast transformation. "You took in all the fire!"

"Yeah, I know, I'm awesome." Ken quickly gloated before looking at the half-burnt couch and realizing there was about to be trouble. "But it didn't save the couch! Aw man, this thing is toast! That Izuku guy is gonna be pissed."

"Not really."

"Huh?" Ken looked behind him and saw a Seer orb floating behind him. "What the heck?"

The Seer Grimm had detected a fire and reported it to Izuku, and so now it was here on Izuku's behalf.

"Don't worry, I'm just speaking through the orb. It's like a camera and a speaker." Izuku said through the Seer. "And don't worry too much about the couch. The reason you guys are here is because you have a hard time controlling your quirks, so I knew something like this would happen. I have a few replacement couches in storage. I'm replacing it now."

At that moment a Beringel came into the living room, picked Netsu off the couch, and then picked the couch up over his shoulder, before carrying it off. And then another Beringel came in with a new couch, identical to the old one, and then set it down, before leaving.

"Wow, that was fast," Ken noted, before looking back at the Seer. "So are we...not in trouble?"

Back with Ken's old family, if they destroyed something by accident with their quirks, not only would they get grounded for a month, but he and his sister would get brutal tongue lashings, in a way that could be considered verbal abuse.

"No. It was just an accident that happened because of Netsu's quirk. I can't blame him too much." Izuku admitted. "And you actually helped, if you hadn't put out the fire then the sprinklers would have gone off and some of the things in the room would have gotten damaged and I would have had to replace them. You saved me a lot of trouble, if anything you deserve to be rewarded, how about some extra Ice Cream tonight?"

"Really!" Ken exclaimed in excitement. "Awesome!"

"Well, I'll leave you two alone now. I have some things I need to get back to. See you at dinner." Izuku said before the Seer slowly left the room.

"You know for someone who works with the Government, that guy is pretty cool," Ken admitted.

"Yeah, Dad's great! He doesn't yell at us or punish us unless we hurt each other...or ourselves." Netsu explained. "Um...so you can absorb fire right?"

"Duh. You just saw me do it!" Ken pointed out.

"So...if you absorbed enough of my fire...could we see what I look like?" Netsu had never actually seen what he looked like under the fire. Sure if he got doused with enough water, then he would eventually get put out, but that wouldn't last long enough for him to actually see himself.

Ken's eyes widened a bit, as he realized that that could be possible, he smirked and said. "Let's go get a mirror."

A few minutes later.

After quickly borrowing a mirror from Kiba, they put it up into the training room, and Netsu stood in front of it.

"Alright! I'm ready!" Netsu was bouncing with excitement, he had to do everything he could to keep from flying right now.

Ken stood behind him and moved his hands towards Netsu.

Netsu's fire started moving towards Ken, as he absorbed it into his body.

After a few moments, the fire seemed to peel off of Netsu's body, slowly revealing the boy underneath, until it was gone, and they could finally see what he really looked like.

"Woah." Netsu stared in the mirror at his true appearance.

His eyes were amber, and his hair was scarlet red. His skin was very tan, and he had freckles, like Izuku. His entire form was glowing, and fire still poured off of him as Ken absorbed all the flames that tried to engulf him.

Netsu only got to look at himself for about half a minute, before they heard a sound come from the Omnitrix.


Ken looked down at the Omnitrix and saw it was blinking red. "Uh oh."


There was a flash of red, and then Ken was back into his normal form. "Aw, man."

Immediately Netsu's body burst into flames, and he was also back to normal.

But unlike Ken, he wasn't too upset about it. In fact, he turned to the other boy with a huge smile. "That was awesome! Amazing! Thank you so much!"

"Aww, it's not a big deal. Sorry, you couldn't see it for much longer. Stupid time limit." Ken lamented, scowling at his Omnitrix.

"It's ok. It was cool. But I still think being on fire all the time is more awesome!" Netsu admitted. On one hand, being on fire all the time could be a huge nuisance, and dangerous in a lot of ways. But on the other hand, his fireproof gear mitigated a lot of those issues, and it just looked so cool.

Seeing himself without fire was a novelty, but overall he preferred his usual look.

"Hey, let's see who's fire is stronger later!" Netsu challenged.

Ken smirked. "You're on!"

Twice the Strength vs Twice the Arms.

Ken was just sitting in his room, casually watching some T.V. in a beanbag chair, while dumping popcorn down his throat.


He almost jumped from how loud the knocking on his door was. Gah! Who knocks that loud!

Now a bit annoyed, he paused the T.V. and turned to the door. "Who is it?!"

Taking that as "come in" the culprit behind the knocking opened the door, revealing herself to be Kiba.

"Greetings newbie. I am Kiba. It is your honor to meet me." Kiba introduced herself arrogantly.

Ken raised an eyebrow. "My honor? I think you got that the other way around. It's YOUR honor to meet me. You're looking at the future number one hero after all."

"And that is why I am here," Kiba explained. "You see there are many living under this household who believe that they are the future number one hero. But we all know there can only be one number one. And that of course will be me! But, to prove this I must crush any of those who would question my power. And now it's your turn to be crushed."

"Oh really." Ken stood up and looked down cockily at the smaller child. "Well, then I guess we have to settle this. One on one."

"My thoughts exactly!" Kiba said, returning the cocky smirk. But we must settle this tonight. I have preparations I must make. I will be live streaming our battle for my hundreds of thousands of minions to enjoy."

Before she had his interest. Now, she had his attention.

"Wait, so I get to have hundreds of thousands of people see how awesome I am while I kick your butt?" Ken smiled as he imagined a large crowd of people cheering him on. "Heck yeah!"

"If you mean that hundreds of thousands of people get to see your shameful defeat. Then yes that is what will be happening." Kiba told him. "Until then, I bid you goodbye."

And without another word, Kiba left.

Ken smirked. I'll show that girl who's boss.

Little did he know he would regret that mindset come tomorrow.

Later that night.

Ken and Kiba were outside in a clearing in the forest. Staring down each other while about ten feet away.

Nara was on the side, having volunteered to be the camera girl, partially because she was hoping to see her brother get his butt handed to him.

Fu was also present, managing the live stream on a laptop.

"We're on," Fu shouted.

Nara held up the camera, and the audience saw Kiba and Ken square off.

"Hello, my minions! Recently we have received new arrivals at the house. One of which is the one you see in front of Ken." Kiba introduced.

"Hey," Ken said, crossing his arms trying to look cool.

"And the other one is the one holding the camera. Her name is Nara." Kiba explained.

"Hi." Nara waved her hand in front of the camera.

"Today I will be having a battle with Ken, to prove who is superior," Kiba announced. "Now without any further delay, Ken. I will give you ten seconds to transform before I start attacking. Choose whichever form you'd like. And choose wisely."

"Heh. Well then." Ken smirked as he pressed the button on his Omnitrix. "Let me show you what Four Arms can do!"

After a flash of green light, Ken's form was replaced by Four Arms.

"Guess we're starting." Nara pressed the button on her own Omnitrix, and selected and transformation, and after a flash of pink light, she was XLR8

"You ready for a beating little girl!" Ken asked cockily, as he cracked all of his knuckles. "I'll let ya get the first shot."

Kiba smirked, and dramatically threw her cloak off of her body. "Thank you. What a gentleman."

Suddenly, Kiba dashed towards him at horrifying speeds.

All four of Ken's eyes widened as he could barely see Kiba coming at him, but he couldn't react before Kiba jumped up and dropkicked him right in the chest.

"GAH!" Ken shouted out in pain, as his body flew back dozens of feet through many trees.

His body tumbled through the dirt until he managed to grab the ground with all four of his hands and dig his fingers into it, slowing himself until eventually, he stopped.

"Okay...she's fast, and she's strong." Ken pulled himself up and rubbed his chest. "This might be a bit harder than I thought."

A second later, Kiba jumped out of trees and went to dive kick, Ken.

Ken just barely managed to react to this and grabbed Kiba out of the air by her foot and slammed her into the ground.

Now with the overconfidence being literally kicked out of him, Ken didn't relent and started pounding Kiba into the ground with all four of his arms, and all of his strength.

The earth shook slightly with each blow, and Kiba sunk further and further into the ground.

After a few seconds, she grabbed two of his arms, and tugged him closer to her, before kicking his chest, causing him to go flying off of her.

"Ahhhhh!" Ouf!" Ken flew through the air for half a minute, before coming crashing down into the ground, a few feet away from Kiba.

Both kids took a few moments to recover, before rising to their feet and staring each other down.

Knowing she was faster than him, Ken decided to rush forward first, charging at her with his arms outstretched to grab her.

Kiba did the same, and the two clashed, locking hands. Although, Ken's hands were way bigger than Kiba's

Fortunately, while Kiba's hands were busy, Ken had another pair, and his lower arms punched Kiba in the face two times.

"Grrr," Kiba growled and grit her teeth.

She pushed back against Ken, immediately overpowering him and causing him to move back, keeping his lower arms out of range of her, while still having their arms locked.

No way! She's stronger than Four Arms. Ken's eyes widened in horror, as he realized just how badly he underestimated his opponent.

Kiba broke free of Ken's grip, and charged at his legs, kicking them out from under him and causing him to fall to the ground.

Then before he could get back up, she grabbed his legs and started spinning him around.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah!" Ken put his hands over his mouth to keep himself from throwing up, as he spun even faster and faster, the world around him becoming a blur. "I'm...gonna...hurl!"

"What! Ew!" Not wanting him to throw up anywhere near her, Kiba threw him high into the air, far away from her.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Ken screamed as he went flying through the air for almost a full minute before he started falling.

Fear built up inside of him as he saw the ground get closer and closer. He put his arms over his face to protect himself and then-


He hit the ground, hard. So hard it kicked up an eruption of dirt and dust.

When the dust cleared, Ken was left lying there in a crater, his body splayed out and in pain.

"Owwww." Ken groaned as he continued to lay there and let the pain wash over him.

A few seconds later, Nara came speeding in, still pointing the camera at him.

"You are getting thrown around like a ragdoll." Nara snickered. "You ready to give up yet, dork?

"Agh. Not on your life." Ken started to raise himself up, and onto his feet.

"Well, then you better be ready. Because she was right behind me." Nara warned him.

Just at that moment Kiba came rushing out of the bushes and lunged at him.

Ken moved to the side just in time to miss Kiba, whizzing past him like a bullet.

I can't let her get close to me or I'm toast! Ken thought, looking around to see if there was anything he could use to his advantage.

He saw a rocky cliffside about ten feet away from him, and immediately knew he had to head towards it.

Of course, there was the issue of how he was gonna make it there without Kiba making it to him first.

A question he would have to answer soon, as Kiba was once again lunging towards him.

With not much time to think, He swung back his arms, before bringing them back forward with a thunderous clap that sent a shock wave forward, right at Kiba.

The shockwave hit, Kiba dead on, causing her to go flying back.

Not letting this moment go to waste, Ken booked it towards the rocky cliffside, making his way over to it in a couple of seconds.

Meanwhile, Kiba had gotten back up, and was about to make her way back to Ken, when suddenly she got pelted in the face with a rock. "Gah!"

Ken was now ripping rocks out of the cliffside, and throwing them at Kiba, rapid-fire.

"Gah! Ah! Bah!" Kiba put her hands out in front of her as she was hit with rock after rock, every other second.

After a few more moments of this assault, eventually, Kiba just said screw it and charged through the onslaught of rocks, tanking the blows to get closer to Ken.

Quickly realizing that the rocks wouldn't buy him any time, Ken jumped up a few feet, causing Kiba to dash straight into the cliff, hitting herself against the rocks and causing a massive impact crater.

Ken dug his fingers into the rocky cliff, making an indent so he could stay on the wall and away from Kiba.

Kiba looked up at him with a scowl. "For a so-called future number one hero, you seem to be fond of running away rather than fighting me!"

"It's called tactics. Look it up." Ken quipped before he went back on the offensive.

He dug his two upper arms into the cliffside to keep him up there, while his lower arms started ripping chunks of the cliff out, and threw them at Kiba.

"This again!" Kiba shouted in rage, as she started zipping around the area to avoid the rocks.

However, after losing her patience she soon developed a new plan.

She simply just jumped at him.

"Gah!" Ken shouted as Kiba hit his back, forcing his face into the wall.

The vampire girl clung to his back, kicking away Ken's lower arms as he tried to grab her feet.

She then grabbed his head, and started smashing it into the cliff, over and over, and over again.

Then, she moved over to his neck, and bit into it with her fangs, and started sucking the blood out of his body.

"AHHH! Why you little!" Ken flipped around, facing his back to the cliff, and smashing Kiba into it, but she held on and kept sucking his blood.

Ken grabbed Kiba's head with one of his arms and tried to pull her off of him, but Kiba's strength was too immense, and he wasn't making much progress in getting her off.

He quickly gave that up and started smashing his back, and by proxy, Kiba into the wall repeatedly. But even then he wasn't getting anywhere.

Out of options, Ken had one last idea, he flipped around again, facing his back away from the cliff, and then leapt off it, falling towards the ground with Kiba going with him.

With not much time before she hit the ground, Kiba took her fangs out of Ken and kicked him off of her.

Her intention was to then flip around, and land on her feet in a classic superhero landing.

Of course, that would require a lot of practice and experience, which she did not have, so what actually happened was that she flipped around, positioned her feet towards the ground, and then tipped over and fell on her face.

"Agh." Kiba groaned as she pulled her face out of the ground. "Curses."


Ken fell a few feet away from her, attempting to do the same thing, with the same results. His face planted firmly into the dirt.

Nara giggled in the background.

The two pulled themselves up and entered another staredown.

"You're clever shapeshifter, I'll give you that." Kiba complimented as she panted and breathed heavily. Her dress was dirty and tattered, and she had more than a few cuts and bruises on her face.

"Yeah...and you're a lot stronger than I thought," Ken admitted. His clothes were also torn and his body was just as battered and bruised as Kiba's. "But just cause you're a little stronger and faster doesn't mean you've beat me."

Kiba smirked. "Heh. It's funny that you still think you can win. Even though you've already lost. You see, as clever as you thought you were, you've made the biggest blunder you could have made, by forgetting about your biggest weakness."

"What do you-" Before Ken could finish the question, he was interrupted by a familiar sound.


Ken's eyes widened and he looked down at Omnitrix which was now flashing red. "No."


"Your time." Kiba started her sentence.


"Is up," Kiba said, finishing it.


In a flash of red light, Ken was returned to his normal form. "Aww, man!"

Before he tried to do anything else, Kiba dashed at him at speeds he could no longer react to and swept his legs out from under him causing him to fall on his back, and then put her foot on his chest.

The vampire girl, high of victory, looked down at her defeated opponent and gave the biggest shit-eating grin he had ever seen.

"Victory! Is mine!"

Next chapter