
Chapter 42: Q&A part 1

It was about the time.

The stream had already started, however, the camera wasn't turned on. And so the viewers waited anxiously for their queen to arrive.

And then, the real show started.

"Greetings my faithful servants!" Kiba introduced.

The camera layout was different from her normal one.

This time it was more panned out, and farther away, although the reason for this was obvious as instead of just showing Kiba and perhaps one other person, this time there were nine.

Izuku, Kiba, Fu, Sansan, Yonda, Shiruku, Kei, Otoko and Netsu were all sitting at one of the big tables in the cafeteria. Izuku having a computer in front of him, showing that he was the one setting up and controlling the stream.

Izuku was also wearing a green and purple cloak. One that he had Shiruku make for him, that allowed him to hide his face.

Oh my god, it's the whole family!

Wait it's not the whole family there are a few missing.

Where is Kai?

Who cares! So many cute kids!

Who is that guy in the cloak?

A servant?

Maybe an older brother?

Maybe he's the mysterious caretaker?

Nah he looks too young.

Maybe he's just short.

You think Caretaker is that big guy in the cloak? The guy that looks like he's made of moss?

I don't know.

Why is one of them on fire!?

Why wouldn't one of them be one fire?

"As you all know, today is the family Q and A I have been preparing for quite some time!" Kiba announced, before motioning out towards her family. "As such, I have gathered as much as my family as I could. Unfortunately. Some are rather averse to the camera, and will not be joining us. But! I did manage to finally convince Caretaker to show himself!"

Kiba pointed at Izuku. "My servants, this man is Caretaker. The one who made all of this possible. Feel grateful for his time. It is precious after all."

Wait THAT is Caretaker!

He's so smol!

He looks like a teenager!

I can't see his face!

Not what I was expecting.

Big things come in small packages.

I'm going to assume you didn't mean that in the perverted sense.

Alien Queen: Hey guys! It's me, Mina! Can't wait for the questions!

"H-Hey." Izuku timidly introduced himself. "Thank you all for watching Kiba's streams. She takes a lot of pride in her viewership. And Uh...yeah I am a bit young."

"Caretaker's age doesn't really matter. So let's not waste time discussing it!" Kiba dismissed. "Now to introduce you to my siblings."

Kiba motioned towards Fu, Sansan, and Shiruku. "You all should already be familiar with these three. My right hand Fu and Kyosei. My arch-rival Sansan, and my other rival Shiruku."

"Please stop calling me that." Shiruku sighed in annoyance. "Just because I'm strong. Doesn't mean I want to fight."

It wasn't that Shiruku was averse to fighting. She would if she felt like it. But because of her strength, Kiba viewed her as a rival. And would challenge her to contests and fights, far more often than she cared for.

"Noted and Ignored. Now allow me to introduce those who you all may be less familiar." Kiba announced.

"Hi! I'm Kesseki! But don't call me that! Call me Kei! Don't make that, Mi-snake!" Kei giggled.

Everyone but Izuku and Netsu proceeded to groan at her terrible joke. Even Otoko.

And while Izuku was holding in a groan, Netsu was giggling a bit. "Heh. Mi-snake."

Oh god no.

Oh no, she puns!

Why have I been hurt in such a way?

It wasn't that bad.

Yes, it was.

Her snakes are so cute!

"Oh! Oh! My turn! I'm Netsu! My quirk is Flame Dominance! It lets me control fire! And I'm gonna be the number 1 hero!" Netsu said with enthusiasm.

Aw, it's like a little Endeavor. But happy.

If he's happy then he's not like Endeavor.

Sorry, little one but that position belongs to Lady Kiba!

"Hah! We'll see about that!" Kiba smirked at Netsu, who smirked back.

"You two, behave," Izuku told the two of them, causing them to settle back down.

Oh man, daddy stepped in.

I still can't believe he's their dad.

Alien Queen: Me neither!

Froppy: It's pretty hard to believe.

"Y-Yeah." Izuku sighed, before looking over to Yonda and Otoko. "Kiba shouldn't you introduce them?"

"Oh, right! Thank you, caretaker." Kiba quickly cleared her throat. "Those two are Yonda and Otoko. They're mute...kind of. Otoko is fully mute, but Yonda can speak telepathically. Unfortunately, you can't hear it over a camera, so Caretaker will be telling you what she's saying. And since Otoko can't speak, Yonda will use her mind-reading ability, to speak for him, which Caretaker will then say out loud."

Wow sounds complicated.

Does that boy even have a mouth?

That thing is a kid! He's so tall!

What a cute girl!

"Now it's time to introduce the last person who will be joining us!" Kiba said "Caretaker!"

Izuku nodded and started pressing a few keys on the computer.

Then, in the corner of the screen, another screen popped up, showing a camera feed of Kai in his room.

"Kai you're on," Izuku said into the laptop's microphone.

"I am! Hello everyone!" Kai greeted.



He is here!

I guess he would have been a bit too big to be with everyone else.

Big boy!

Biggest boy.

"Kai was a bit too big to be with us so Caretaker came up with this idea," Kiba explained. "Once again, remember to give him your thanks."

"There's really no need." Izuku blushed under his hood.

Thank you, Caretaker!

Thank oh great Caretaker for delivering this unto us.

Red Riot: Thanks, Bro!

Alien Queen: Thanks Midori!

Uravity: Yes there is a need.

Izuku blushed even more and hid his face even more.

"Now! This has gone on long enough! Let us move onto the questions!" Kiba announced impatiently. "Now, naturally I will not be able to answer all your questions. Caretaker will be selecting them, so please try to gain his attention if you'd like your question to be answered. Now. Begin!"

Immediately after Kiba said that questions started flooding in, and Izuku was having a hard time keeping up with everything.

"A-Alright...let's start with...this! What are all of your quirks?" Izuku asked.

"A simple question to start with. My quirk is Blood Boost. When the life-juice of my victims flows through my fangs, my body regains its true power and allows me to-" Kiba got cut off.

"Blood Boost allows her to enhance her strength, speed, and toughness whenever she consumes blood. The more she exerts herself the faster her blood reserves drain. If she doesn't drink enough blood. She dies." Fu explained, much to Kiba's annoyance.

Wait she just dies!

I would gladly give all my blood to lady Kiba!


Alien Queen: Same.

Invisible Girl: Same.

Can I just give like...a quarter of my blood?

No. All your blood.

"Hey! Kiba protested.

"Kiba we have a lot of questions so try to answer these as quickly as possible," Izuku told her.

Kiba folded her arms and pouted. "Fine."

"My quirk lets me regenerate from any injury, so long as I've eaten enough meat. If I'm low on meat, then I'll go into a zombie-like rampage, and try to eat any meat I see." Fu explained. "Including human meat."

Oh wow, he really is a zombie.

Oh, so that's why he's dangerous! At first, I didn't think a regeneration quirk was all that problematic, but the problem isn't the regeneration it's the eating people part.

Wait does that mean Fu could die if he doesn't eat enough!?

"My quirk also makes me immune to a lot of things like poisons and most mental quirks." Fu continued. "And it makes me immune to pain...and feelings...kind of. I can' taste anything either."

"Which sucks. Cause food is great!" Netsu added. "Oh! My quirk lets me control fire! But it's like...really, really strong! So it's hard to control! Which is why I'm on fire! Because I can't turn it off!"

Wait so he's always on fire?

Kinda basic.

Simple but effective.

Shoto Todoroki: Trust me. He's plenty powerful.

"My qwirk mwakes my body acid!" Sansan jumped in.

Like an upgraded Sludge Villain.

Goodness, she is overpowered.

Can't even hit her.

Poor Kiba.

"My turn! My quirk turns people to stone when they look at my eyes!" Kei eagerly explained. "And it gives me snakes for hair!... I don't know why! But I love them!"

Too bright! Too pure!

Sunshine snake child!

So that's why she's wearing that thing on her face.

Would that work through screens?

I don't think so.

"No. Kei's quirk doesn't work through screens," Izuku explained. He thought people might be afraid of being turned to stone, so he decided to put those fears to rest before it started hurting the viewership. "Kai, why don't you go next?"

"Okay, dad! My quirk makes me...me!" Kai explained simply.

Well, that was quick.

To be fair it's pretty easy to figure out what his quirk is.

"Don't forget about the poison blood." Fu reminded him.

"Oh right. My blood is poison." Kai had honestly forgotten about that part.

Wait what!?

Like the actual Hydra!

"I'll go next. My quirk is Spider Queen. It gives me all the abilities of a spider, and it lets me command spiders." Shiruku explained, allowing a spider to crawl up her arm to demonstrate.

She really is Muffet!

Insert spider dance.


"The last two are Otoko and Yonda," Izuku explained on their behalf. "Otoko's quirk, on top of mutating him to look the way he does, also makes it so that way if you touch him while feeling any significant amount of fear, you will combust into flames."




That explains why he looks like that.

Now that all makes sense.

"And Yonda's quirk basically replaces all her auditory sense with telepathic abilities." Izuku continued. "Instead of speaking, she can communicate with people telepathically. And instead of hearing people's voices, she can hear their thoughts."

Oh, so there is like, no privacy around her.

So she's kinda deaf but not really?

Secrets begone.

Relationships are gonna be hard for her in the future.

That last comment got Izuku thinking. Oh my god, it will be hard for her to sustain a relationship in the future...well I guess I just have to hope that all works out.

"Caretaker!" Kiba shouted, snapping Izuku out of his thoughts. "Please move on to the next question!"

"S-sorry." Izuku apologized, before quickly looking through the chat for more questions. "Alright so...Kei, what is your favorite hairstyle? Snake style?"

Kei frowned for a moment. "Just this. I can't have a snake style because forcing my snakes to stay still in a style for so long hurts them."

"Don't despair sister, you only need the one hairstyle to look beautiful," Kiba told her while petting one of her snakes.


Wholesome queen!

Wholesome queens!

Press X to stan.







Izuku smiled and made a note to praise Kiba for this later before he dived back into the chat for questions. "Ok...Shiruku is it true you make clothes for everyone in the house, and that you make them out of your silk?"

"Yes!" Shiruku answered proudly, before thinking about it for a moment and frowning. "Well...not everyone. Sansan refuses to wear clothing, and I haven't met Fukunoko so I can't make clothing for her. I also can't make clothing for Netsu because he's always on fire. I can't make really make Kyosei clothes either because he's inside Fu."

"I say making clothes for me counts as making it for both of us," Fu added.

"Ok then. The only people I haven't made clothes for are Sansan, Netsu, Fukunoko, and Kai. But I'm working on making Kai something!" Shiruku continued.

"Oh! Oh! What is it!" Kai asked, shaking his heads in excitement.

"You'll have to wait and see," Shiruku said, crossing her arms with a very satisfied smile on her face.

Is it a scarf?

How much silk would that take?

All their clothes come from her butt.

Can Kai wear pants?

A neck sock!

Izuku looked, once more, for a new question. "Netsu. Since you're always on fire, do you ever take a bath? Is the only time you're not on fire is when you're fully submerged in water?

"Nope! Whenever I go into water it all just turns to steam!" Netsu explained. "But I don't need to take a bath, because I'm always on fire, no germs can get on me!"

"Still is kinda gross," Shiruku muttered.

Probably always smells like fire.


Germs getting fired.

"Ok, next one, Oh my Queen of Darkness I must ask will you still stream for us lowly peons while still being a pro hero?" Izuku repeated one of the questions.

"Hmph. Of course! Did you think I would continue doing this if I didn't find it amusing?" Kiba asked haughtily. "I do this for my amusement, not yours. So of course I'll be continuing this for quite some time. So long as you all continue to entertain me."

Of course lady Kiba!

We live to serve you!

Thank you, lady Kiba!

Hail lady Kiba! And long may she stream!




Izuku smiled at how excited the chat got. All of them were eager to watch his daughter's antics. All of them loved her.

He was so glad that she could finally get the affection she deserved.

There were, of course, a few detractors. But he quickly blocked them before the kids ever got to see them.

"Alright, this one is for Yonda. I know this may seem dumb since you can read minds, but do you know sign language? I know it's redundant but I'm just curious." Izuku read.

Yonda shook her head.

There were a few moments of silence as Yonda's mouth moved but nothing came out. The viewers realized that she was giving a response, they just couldn't hear it.

"Yonda says that it's pointless to learn sign language," Izuku explained.

Yeah does seem like a lot of work to do something she could ultimately do with her quirk.

Not everyone even knows sign language.

She doesn't even need to use it to talk to other deaf people.

"Ok, new question for Sansan. How do you feel about being Kiba's rival? And have you ever lost to Kiba?" Izuku asked.

Sansan looked at Kiba and smirked. "Nwop. Never. Kiba's strong. She's a good rival. And she's hard to fight. But she can't hurt Sansan. So I always win."

"Hmph!" Kiba pouted and looked away from Sansan's smug look. "Her quirk acts as a counter to mine that's all! One day I will overcome this obstacle, and triumph over her! Mark my words."

"Hmmm." Sansan just continued to look smug.

One day my lady. One day.

I really don't see how someone with a quirk that lets them punch really hard beat a person who is immune to punching.

All she has to do is be as strong as All Might and do what he did to the Sludge Villain.

You can do it Lady Kiba!

Red Riot: Yeah she can! Trust me, she hits HARD!

Dark Shadow: Can affirm. She hits like a truck. No, twenty trucks.

Tsukuyomi: She still has a long way to go before she gets that strong.

"Ok, next question." Izuku searched for a new question. "Kai, do you ever go on casual flights around the area for fun or does Caretaker not let you do that because it could cause a panic."

"Dad, let's fly! I even have this special thing that opens up my roof and lets me fly out!" Kai explained enthusiastically. "I can only fly around the forest, but it's fine! It's still fun! I take my brothers and sisters with me sometimes!"

"Yeah flying around with Kai is a blast!" Netsu spoke up, pumping his fist to show his excitement. "He's a bit slow sometimes, but he's so big that it's kinda fun to fly around him and between his heads."

"Although you do crash into him a lot." Kiba pointed out smugly. "I also like to fly with them on my Manticore. We're thinking of making some special games we can play in the sky together!"


Imagine just being able to casually say have a Manticore.

Imagine just casually being able to go flying.

God, I wish I could do that.

Uravity: One day. One day I'll be able to fly.

"Okay, next one is about Otoko. Otoko is your size difficult to deal with sometimes, and how do you feel about being so much taller than everyone else except Kai." Izuku asked.

There was a bit of silence as Otoko had to think out his answer, and then Yonda had to say it with her telepathic ability.

"Ok, so Otoko says that it's weird. It's weird to see people so short and think that they're the same age or older than him. It's actually the same with Kai. Seeing something so big and knowing that it's close to his age is kinda freaky." Izuku explained.

"I know right! When I look at Kai I think he's some ancient monster! But he's just like us!" Netsu said.

"It is kinda weird. But everything in this house is weird." Fu shrugged.

"Being abnormal simply means you're better than normal," Kiba stated proudly.

"That is...a positive way to look at it," Izuku said.


Alien Queen: Yeah! That's the way Lady Kiba!

She has blessed us with such wise words! She truly is a queen!

Invisible Girl: I love you Kiba!

Froppy: Honestly not a bad way of thinking.

"Ok, next question. Caretaker, do you have a favorite child? If not, who is the easiest to take care of?" Izuku read out the question. "Well, I don't have a favorite child. I love all of them equally, regardless of how much trouble they can cause at times."

All the children then proceeded to look, directly at Kiba when he said that.

Kiba squinted at them with suspicion. "Are you all trying to imply that I am the most difficult to care for!?"

"Yes." Said all the kids, including Yonda(although the viewers couldn't hear it).

"No one here has broken as many things in this house as you," Shiruku told her. "Not even that time me and Sansan destroyed some entire rooms. And if Fu weren't Fu you would have killed him a long, long time ago."

"That's not even mentioning that out of everyone, despite your quirk, you somehow manage to hurt yourself more than anyone else," Fu added.

"Well, it's not my fault! My power is just so immense that sometimes I can't control it, and things like that happen." Kiba defended herself.

All the kids gave her looks that showed they weren't buying it, and so Izuku decided to step in.

"I haven't really thought of, who is easiest to take care of," Izuku said out loud. "I'd have to say...Yami. Most of the others can occasionally cause issues with their quirks, but he's actually been nothing but helpful."

"What about Eri?" Kei asked with a cute head tilt.

"Well, I love Eri, but um…" Izuku knew Eri was watching. And so he didn't want to say, she could accidentally kill me if I'm not careful while helping her train her quirk. "Her quirk can be...somewhat difficult to handle at times."

Yeah, I guess the kid who can make an army for you would be the most inherently useful.

Ya think?

Imagine having a demon wolf help carry your bags.

Kiba's worth the trouble.

Alien Queen: Hard Agree.

Invisible Girl: Hard Agree.

"Alright." Izuku dived back into the chat. "Next question."

Next chapter