
Chapter 2 Shitty body

Just as I closed my eyes, I couldn't breathe no that's not right I could breath but not through my nose, my nose was blocked by some weird sticky fluid which I thought might be blood.

I could move my body though with a lot of difficulty, and I could feel a warm and thick liquid all around my body but since I could not smell it i could not tell what it was and I wasn't brave enough to taste it.

After what felt like an eternity there was finally some movement, to my horror the walls of my fleshy prison began closing in and squeezing me guiding me out of who knows where.

A few minutes later and the obstacle course from hell was over and I was out, the first thing that hit me was the cold, it was freezing as I involuntary shivered, i couldn't open my eyes as each time I did the sticky fluid went in my eyes and the light from my surroundings

attacked my eyes, My ears were barely able to pick up some sounds but they sounded like weird murmurs.


Before I could try to decipher the sounds I heard a sharp clap followed by a stinging pain on my ass, it hurt way more than it should and much to my embarrassment i couldn't help but cry out as I fell asleep due to lack of energy.


I woke up no longer feeling wet and sticky but I still had that awkward uneasiness while moving my body, as if I wasn't in my own body.

I looked around at my surroundings everything was big as if...no it wasn't that everything was big it was me who was small, I wondered as realisation hit me, I looked at my chubby hands and feet and only one thing came to my mind.



A year went by as I could now talk in gibberish and walk though awkwardly, I came to terms with me being reincarnated and decided to forget about my previous life filled with war and tension and enjoy my new carefree life,

I learned that my new name in this world is Shigeo Susumu.

"Here comes the aeroplane~"

and this woman is my new mother her name is Yumeru Susumu, she was a beautiful lady in here mid 20s she has jet black hair and purple eyes, and currently she was feeding me mashed potatoes, even though I don't complain and ate it quietly she decided it was a good idea to over dramatise it and "flew" the spoon in my mouth while making it do loops in the sky.

After that she breastfed me and I let my exhaustion take over and drifted to sleep, seriously all this shitty body does is eat, poop and sleep.


After some time I woke up just to see my father standing over my crib with a weird black object and a goofy smile.

His name was Koiichi Susumu.He was a handsome man with sharp features, white hair and black eyes.


The object in his hand made a clicking sound and produced a flash that blinded me, for a second i thought my own father was trying to kill me, but then he just looked at the back of the object and with the same goofy smile, ran out the room to get my mother.I just laid there wondering what happened.


2 years passed and now I could talk complete sentences, i realised I probably travelled back in time to Japan as my parents spoke in Japanese, thankfully I learned it in my previous life.There were many things that I didn't recognise, one thing I did recognise that confirmed my doubts of having went back in time was that the vehicles still moved on wheels and used petroleum as a fuel, while I was studying mechanical engineering I saw a picture of the vehicles used in the ancient times this included the cars that ran on petroleum.

Our family, by no means was stupidly rich but we were at least upper-middle class as we had a decently big house, my father worked as the manager of one of the restaurants of a nation-wide fast food restaurant chain so we could live an easy life.

One more thing I noticed about the world was that people here could use weird powers called "quirks" one day I asked my mother what a quirk was and she said that it was a power that you were born with and a majority of the people had quirks, some used them for evil and were called villains while those who used their quirks to stop the villains and protect the civilians were called heroes, I asked her if our family has quirks, she said the a quirk awakened at the age of 4 years.

"Your dad's quirk is sticky feet, he can stick to any surface with his feet, and as for me...I don't have a quirk"she said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

After that info dump I had my lunch and went to sleep.


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