"You see that?" Looking smugger than ever Fei Jinrou looked at Shao Hui who was staring at the box dumbfoundedly. "Now tell us. Tell us, how you got your hands on this gift box if you didn't do anything behind Miss Mo's back?"
Shao Hui raised his head immediately but instead of quibbling with Fei Jinrou, he turned to look at Mo Qiang and said to her, "I didn't do it. I swear… I have no idea, how this box got into my pockets."
He was certain that he threw it away when the woman came to him and tried to shove it in his hands. She had first pestered him to dance with her and when he didn't agree, she tried to shove this gift box in his hands which he refused to take and then threw it away.
What was going on? How did this box end up in his pockets?
Mo Qiang didn't say anything. Instead, she bent down and picked up the box that was lying on the floor. She carefully studied it before raising it in the air and unwrapping it.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: