
Rob a bank

"Ah!" Xiao Bo jumped when a sentient fox came to stand next to him. He looked up at the male fox and raised his hands in the air. "Don't hit me! I am not here to harm anyone." 

"What's going on?" The rest of the sentient foxes came to where Xiao Bo was hiding. When they saw him, one of the foxes couldn't help but exclaim, "Hmm? Are you not the loser Panda who ended up being mocked on the Beast Net?" 

As she spoke, the fox sensed that the others were looking at her with confusion on their faces. 

"Lily, what are you talking about?" one of the male foxes asked Lily, who smiled at him and said to the rest, 

"It's nothing. He is a beast merchant if you can count him as one," Lily said mockingly. "I heard from my friend, Zi Zi, that he was harassing a female panda and had his arse handed to him. Hahaha!" 

The fox laughed out loud, causing Xiao Bo's face to burn heavily. 


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