
Divide and conquer

"Was it really okay for you to provoke the officials like that?" Mo Xifeng asked as the two sisters walked out of the Imperial Court. The two of them were headed to the chambers of the Empress as per the orders of Fu Zhao who had asked them to come and see her in the office after the morning session was done. 

"Hmm?" Mo Qiang raised her head and looked at her sister. Upon hearing her words, she smiled at Mo Xifeng and said to her, "Do you think that I was a bit too hasty to attack them?" 

"I just think that there was no need to get in a quarrel with them," Mo Xifeng said with a light voice. They turned to another left before Mo Xifeng continued to say, "If you target them from the start wouldn't they come after you together?" Currently, the entire Imperial Court was in a state of wait and watch but if Mo Qiang was to provoke the officials from the start, there was a chance that the officials might unite temporarily to deal with her. 


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