
A nasty or thrilling surprise (2)?

Yin Fu felt like he was going to come then and there. Because it was not what many women wanted from them, his past lovers wanted him to be sweet and gentle, something that he wasn't and he knew it too. Because they wanted him to be this homely mer when his body was running on mere aphrodisiacs. 

Sweet didn't do for him but wild didn't work for his lovers. They wanted a sweet and elegant mer, not a freaking wh*re who would make them embarrassed. Thus, his relationships had never lasted, never going past the point of holding hands and a few pecks on the cheeks as they didn't have what he wanted. 

Mo Qiang held his legs in her hands as she rammed down on him, her bottom moving up and down, as she grounder herself against him. Took him like she was demanding his waist to give up and his head to be filled with nothing but her, he knew why it didn't work for him with anyone else. 

Because they were not Mo Qiang. They were not his wife, who could drive him crazy. 


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