Wen Gui answered causing Yin Rentian to look up from his monitor. He stared at Wen Gui as if he was some sort of alien who was spitting nonsense, he wanted to send him to prison. Him of all people? He was the most beautiful mer in his family.
With his sharp upturned eyes that were as delicious and hypnotizing as red and violet wine. With his hair which scattered behind him like waves and his slender yet muscular figure, with his looks he was the best seducer and weapon in the Yin family. One who brought the biggest and the most beneficial projects home.
This mer was dreaming if he thought that he could send him to prison.
This was why Yin Rentian snorted and looked at Wen Gui with blatant disregard and contempt before saying, "You need to wake up old mer, do you think that you can send me to prison? Like hell, you can."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: