
Stay away from my daughters —-2

With Mo Yan signing the documents for their release everything went smoothly even though Mo Yan was held in contempt now, she was once revered by everyone. Thus, with Mo Yan helping them both Wen Gui and Madam Lian were able to get out of the police station without any trouble, once they stepped out of the police station Mo Yan turned to look at her husband and her colleague, she wanted to say something but then held herself back. 

" I will go and bring the car, wait for me here," she then turned to look at Madam Lian and asked, " Can you go back home or should I drop you at your house?" 

" I have already called my husband, he will come looking for me soon," answered Madam Lian with a dispirited look on her face, clearly she did not wish to have her husband drive her around but she had no choice, they were exiled and could not afford to keep servants.

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