
Angry Shao Hui —-2

There was a silence so loud on the other end of the line that for a second Yin Fu thought that his brother had ended the call but when he pulled the phone off his ear and saw the call running, he was surprised to see that the call was still running.

" Big brother?" Yin Fu called his brother who seemed to have snapped out of his daze and then said, " You stay where you are, I will call you on the monitor."

With that, the call was ended only for Yin Xi to send a video call request on the monitor. Yin Fu did not even think twice before answering the call and no sooner did he answer the call, Yin Xi's three-dimensional image popped like a hologram in front of him and he heard his brother say, "What did you say? Can you repeat that for me?"

Yin Fu looked at his brother who was more good-looking than him with his beautiful violet eyes and platinum blonde hair as he repeated what he just said, " I said that my wife is fine with me cheating on her."

No sooner those words left his lips, his brother vanished and instead of him, a black screen came in front of him followed by a low thunk on the side. Yin Fu knew that his brother was too shocked to hold his phone and dropped it which was why he patiently waited for his elder brother to pick up his phone.

It took only a couple of seconds for Yin Xi to pick up the phone that was lying on the ground and when he appeared back in front of Yin Fu, he was still wearing the shocked look on his face. " Are you being serious? Your wife really said that?" He questioned sounding completely befuddled and when he saw his younger brother nod, his eyes only popped even more out of his eyes and then he muttered, "Is your wife even a woman? How can a woman even think of accepting getting cheated on? And even agree to it?"

Yin Fu pursed his lips and solemnly answered, " She does look like a woman to me."

"That's not what I …oh forget it," Yin Xi took out a mouth refreshment and then popped it in his mouth as he turned to look at Yin Fu and said, " But no matter what it works in your favour right? You did say that you liked her sister more than your wife, so why are you pulling that long face…Don't tell me you wanted your wife to drag you away in cavewoman style and proclaim you as hers while ravishing you?"

" Oh shut up, I don't even know why I listened to you in the first place," Yin Fu snapped as he ended the call ignoring his brother's scream to listen to him. With a huff, Yin Fu went to lie back down on the bed as he looked at the ceiling his hair fanned out on the bed while his blue eyes shimmered with the glowing orb light that was hovering around the ceiling. " There is no way I wanted her to claim me while apologising to me."

But as he spoke the image of the current Mo Qiang forcing him onto the bed popped in his head and Yin Fu blushed heavily. " Get out!" He snapped at the dirty thoughts that were making their way into his head.

" Wh..what? Where do you want me to go, Brother Fu?" Shao Hui who just returned with Xie Jie asked in a dubious voice when he heard Yin Fu tell him to get out. " Oh, I was not saying that to you."

Yin Fu who was lying on the bed turned to look at Shao Hui and Xie Jie, his gaze dropped to Shao Hui's bed leg before he raised his eyes back up and looked at Shao Hui's face before asking, " How was the appointment? What did the doctor say?"

" He asked me to eat more calcium tablets and meat, saying that I am underweight," Shao Hui answered in a grumble because he was going to debut as an idol in the past he had always kept a close check on his diet but with the sudden change in their living conditions, he could no longer afford the chicken breasts and eggs causing his weight to become worse. Even milk had become a luxury to him much less water and a balanced diet.

Yin Fu looked at Xie Jie with worry in his eyes as he looked at his empty hands and asked, " Were the tablets rather expensive?"

" Yes, they were selling a box for three hundred thousand golden coins," Xie Jie answered as he sat down on the bed, his eyes glimmering with worry as well. If this was before he could have easily afforded such a small sum but after he was kicked out of his agency because of the fuss that Mo Qiang made after watching him almost kissing his co-actor and sending the latter to the hospital, he could no longer afford such luxurious medicine.

"That's a lot of money," Yin Fu knitted his brows as he looked at Xie Jie and Shao Hui. He now felt regretful that he did not stop Shao Hui from breaking his leg, if he had stopped him at least the latter wouldn't be suffering like this.

" Hah! This sum of money would have been nothing but alms to me if our wife did not go to my agency and have them cancel my contract," Shao Hui gritted out, sounding very upset as he recalled the past. He clenched his hands when he remembered how his future and dreams were shattered to pieces because of his wife.

" If she had the ability to call me a lowly courtesan then she should have the ability to provide for us. What has she been doing ever since Mother was kicked to this horrible place? Nothing but causing trouble! Even today when I and Brother Jie crossed the market street everyone ran away after looking at us, you have no idea how terrible I felt. And if anyone talked to us then…." Shao Hui laughed mockingly and continued,

" It was only to ask when Mo Qiang was going to repay their debts!" Shao Hui turned to look at Yin Fu and then snapped angrily, " She asked the butcher on the street for three hundred golden coins and is yet to pay her back! Can you believe it? The daughter of the once famous general is now begging for alms like this!"


if this book reaches 1000 ps this week then I will release 4 chapters next month extra!

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