
Did not last five minutes

Once the examination was over, Mo Xifeng brought Mo Qiang to the small pharmacy that was just a few steps away from the clinic. Their family had little to no money after they were kicked to this star even though her mother's guilt was not proven it was enough to make the imperial family throw them all in this place.

Thus, even though their mother was the baron of this place it was more of a chain bound to their mother's feet such that she will not be able to leave or run away.

They were already having a hard time with the lack of money and resources in this place where they did not have a decent business from which they could take taxes and Mo Yan was not someone who would push the resident to the edge of death by asking them to pay taxes when they did not even have enough to feed themselves!

Mo Xifeng looked at the small amount of money that was in her account and sighed as she paid the bill for the medicine. Mo Qiang who was looking over her new sister's shoulder to see how the people paid money here was stunned when she saw that hundred thousand yuan being withdrawn from the account of Mo Xifeng's bank, she was stunned.

"That's a lot of money," remarked Mo Qiang as she looked at the blue screen of the monitor which was in the shape of a watch that was tied to Mo Xifeng's wrist. " Are medicine really that expensive here?"

"It's not expensive," replied Mo Xifeng who was getting used to Mo Qiang asking her question like a curious child. She turned to look at Mo Qiang sideways and then stated with a calm look on her face, " This is the cheapest medicine in the shop, usually a capsule costs more than a million but the pharmacy owner knows me. I once helped her which is why she gave me a discount."

When Mo Xifeng saw that Mo Qiang was looking at her with a stunned look on her face, she raised her brow and then said, " Don't tell me you even forgot that after fruits, vegetables and oxygen —- Medical expenses are the most expensive ones."

Mo Qiang shook her head causing Mo Xifeng to sigh again as she pointed to the front of the road and then said, " Follow me and don't run amok, I will bring you back home and make sure that you remember every turn and building which comes on our way to our home, I don't want you to go missing."

Mo Qiang's lips twitched when she heard Mo Xifeng say such words, did she think that she was a kid who will get lost? But when she looked up and saw the negative favourability that was like a death sign, Mo Qiang could only nod her head without replying.

Just wait! As long as this favourability turns zero I will show you how sharp my tongue is! Mo Qiang thought as she followed after Mo Xifeng who was leading her back to the house where they lived. As the two walked towards the house, Mo Qiang looked around so fast that her neck was creating afterimages behind her Mo Xifeng who could sense what her elder sister was doing felt her head throb.

Why was it that now that her thug-like sister was gone, the one who replaced her was a child-like one? Who was the one who was the kid sister here?

" Sister pay attention!" Mo Xifeng sternly told Mo Qiang who stopped her assessment of the place and pouted, she was only looking around to see how bad the situation of this place and to her surprise, the condition of this place was really bad. Other than the red clouds that covered the sky, Mo Qiang could not see anything —— not even a single river! Trees were simply impossible.

" I was just curious," said Mo Qiang as she stopped her antics and then started to follow her sister who was walking ahead of her properly. She suddenly remembered something and then turned to look at Mo Xifeng as she asked, " Do we have some debts left or something?"

If she was not wrong she did saw a few faces that looked like thugs in her memory that were demanding money from her mother.

Mo Xifeng turned to look at Mo Qiang and then closed her eyes as she turned her head in front and opened her eyes again before replying, " Mother has to pay compensation to the imperial family because she was deemed as a traitor by the officials."

" But she is not a traitor right?" Mo Qiang asked in a questioning voice, she was not sure since the owner of this body had always doubted her mother.

" Of course not!" Mo Xifeng paused and turned to look at Mo Qiang with a glare which made Mo Qiang take a step behind her. Seeing her act like this Mo Xifeng felt her head throb as she calmed down and then said, " Of course, Mother is not a traitor, she was framed by the Wei family who has always taken credit for her work. Why else do you think that our family was thrown to this place instead of being executed? There was no proof but the imperial family has always been suspicious of its officials."

" Oh, I see," Mo Qiang nodded as she felt a weight lift from her shoulders, as long as the mother of this body was not a real traitor everything was fine. As she raised her head after patting her chest, she looked at Mo Xifeng who was looking at her with a dubious look on her face and asked, " What?"

" You are not going to ask whether I am lying or not?" Mo Xifeng questioned as she looked at Mo Qiang who frowned and shook her head as she replied, " No." She paused and added, " And you don't look like you will lie to me, little Xifeng."

As she spoke to Mo Xifeng, she raised her hand and patted Mo Xifeng on the shoulder. Though she was an orphan, she had often seen her colleagues praise their siblings like this, she only hoped that this will work on Mo Xifeng as well.

Mo Xifeng looked at the smile of her sister who had always looked at her with a gloomy expression like she owed her millions of gold coins and her eyes widened as soon as her eyes widened, a ding echoed in the ears of Mo Qiang.

[ Favourability + 1

Current Favourability: - 150.]


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