

Michael didn't feel too great. The Essence entering his body was overwhelming, forcing Michael to close his eyes and focus on digesting everything as fast as possible. The rage and fury that had fueled him left through the Final Thrust of the Wicked Spear Arts, leaving Michael satisfied, yet also a little sad.

He wasn't sad about the Primal's death. If anything, Michael was the most satisfied that Primal Xerx was finally dead. Still, his secondary body's death and the death of so many Rebels bothered Michael. 

His eyes were closed, revealing an unfamiliar scenery before his mind's eye. 

He was in the middle of nowhere in a pristine white room. There, Michael looked at…himself. However, it wasn't actually himself whom Michael looked at. It was the secondary body.

"I am sorry we had to go this far. I didn't expect the Primal to sacrifice one of his Doppelgangers to get to me." Michael apologized to the secondary body, who shook his head slowly.

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