

The 42nd day since he entered the Spring of Abundant Life ended when his vessel was finally complete. He didn't know how it was possible or what exactly he had done, but his vessel was complete—and perfect.

Daniel Fang looked down on his fair, unscathed hand, a bright smile on his face. His hand had been covered in scars and calluses from the thousands of hours he'd spent training and fighting. The fairness of his skin surprised him as well. It felt like eons, and he had such fair skin. Danny couldn't remember the last day he had such fair and smooth skin. It was probably long before he manifested his War Rune.

A wry smile formed on his lips as he looked back to that time. He sighed deeply and looked at the unconscious boy lying next to his feet. The boy's long hair covered a good portion of his face – a bright, smiling face. The silver strands of his hair stood out, highlighting his already great appearance.


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