
Favor Repaid

Perseus POV

After the meeting, I went off to meet Sterling, I had called him a meeting earlier and I wanted to finish it quickly since Dad agreed to meet the Everetts for food together, it's going to be a nerve-wracking experience, that's for sure, so I'm gonna need some time to prepare my head after this.

I met Sterling in a nearby family diner, and once we enter the establishment, the staff escorted us to an isolated corner while seating everyone else far away, they even put up reserved signs on nearby tables.

"Don't worry, the camera won't even turn in our direction." Sterling reassured.

"Your members really are everywhere."

"Yeah, really nice having connection everywhere, I can eat at a discount."

"Lots of benefits, huh?"

"Not too late to join us. Congrats by the way."

"Thanks, does this mean that meetings like this will become less frequent because I would prefer to not meet with your so-called syndicate."

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