
Chapter 69...hehe

Perseus POV

"What are you doing here?"

"To check up on you, you goofball." Minerva replied, "The guild leader is here herself, I saw her this morning, I'm here to make sure you're dressed properly."

"I'll give you some space." Dad said before leaving me and Minerva alone.

Shawn and Simmons, my now new agent, left too, but I can see their eyes staring straight in my direction, it was obvious. Minerva was now checking my collar and basically my clothing to make sure I was properly dressed.

When I asked to talk to a proper representative, I didn't mean the fucking queen herself needed to come, heck, even the principal himself was surprised and had gone first to greet the guild leader to distract her while giving me time to prepare.

I think that there's a crowd outside the hotel as well, I seriously am more nervous than before, I know that I've made my decision, but this is too nerve-wracking, even for me.

"Why don't you have a tie?" Minerva asked, breaking me from my trance.

"I thought that today will be semi-casual, heck, I was told that I didn't need it, so I just got the closest fancy things I got and just put em on."

"You look good, but if it's to meet such a prestigious person, you should treat it as if you're meeting your favorite fictional character."

"That won't be good, I'll just be on a beanbag playing video games in a T and shorts."

"When I heard from Dad that you were invited to such a guild, I was really happy for you, you know, and then I heard that you were hesitating and were heavily considering rejecting it, so I'm here to tell you to accept it no matter what."

"Ok, but I'll deal with this, you can sit back and relax."

"Relax, are you insane?!" she then quiet down once she realized that everyone was looking at us and started to whisper, "Perseus, dearest?"

"Yes, princess?"

"After that meeting, my parents want to invite you and your family for dinner, as thanks for helping me and comforting me, and if you accept and sign the contract, it'll also be a congratulatory dinner, how about it?"

"Uh, sure, I'm sure my dad won't mind, he's been dying to meet you. unlike your dad."

"My mom's the same." she sighs, "Should I call your dad, father, or Mr. Silver? The former feels too close while the latter feels too formal."

"Just Mr. Adam would, calling him Father should wait for maybe 2 or 3 more years."

"Yeah, I thought so, anyway, sign the contract, you ray of sunshine. And if you can, get an autograph for my younger sister, she's a big fan of the queen of arts."

"Gotchu. I don't mind doing my girlfriend a favor."

"I'll kiss you later, now go get the job."


We were escorted into the meeting room, I felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness gnawed at my gut. The strong presence of one of the strongest witches in the world sent shivers down my spine. What could she possibly want with me? Why is she here personally?

Her appearance matched the rumors I had heard about her eccentric nature. Her vibrant robes swirled with intricate patterns, and her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glimmer.

It was clear that she was not your typical witch.

Trying to mask my surprise, I greeted her with a polite smile. Well, as polite as I can possibly give anyway.

"It's an honor to meet you. I must admit, I wasn't expecting this kind of invitation."

The rest followed and introduced themselves as well before taking our seats.

She responded with a boisterous laugh, her voice carrying an infectious energy. Only made me more nervous, so I channeled my deepest fears and tried to push this nervousness off, there are scarier things that I've seen and experienced in life, but this is nothing.

"Oh, darling, I never do anything expected. Life is too short for that! Besides, I have a keen eye for spotting talent, and you, my dear, have that spark I've been searching for." Frida said, "You can make a decent model yourself, would you like to be one in your spare time, I have many connections."

"I would humbly decline."

Agh, the way I'm speaking is making me cringe so hard. I can see Shawn pinching his leg, a method he uses to stop himself from laughing, that fucking bastard, I'll get you back for this, just you wait.

"I can assure you, Ms. Frida, his talents is good enough to even start professionally now, he is just that good." Principal Arthur said.

"I know, but I want to hear what he wants to say." she pointed at me

"So, what brings you here to recruit me?" I asked, attempting to hide the mixture of uncertainty and curiosity in my voice.

The witch's eyes widened, and she leaned forward, her voice carrying a mischievous tone.

"Oh, my dear, when I saw you fight, I sensed a spark within you, a flame waiting to be unleashed." she said with a child-like glee, "You may see yourself as ordinary, but I see the extraordinary potential that lies dormant within. The world needs individuals like you, those who can bring style and unpredictability to the world of magic."

"Of course, style, and unpredictability." she nodded, "You were good, you know, but I feel like I can be the one who can draw it out even further. I used to be interested in that Minerva girl, but...you've caught my attention, so? What do you say, you're just several signatures away."

Principal Arthur then passed the contract in front of him to Simmons, who is now checking the contents of the paper while I sat there in silence.

"I can see a burning talent." She continued, "A talent whom the others will regret not making a move sooner. I can assure you, even if you reject my offer, you can still keep my gift, and...the lawsuit will be withdrawn from you, the Maddox household wouldn't want to pursue a case against a recruit who has my interest.

Vote with power stone and add to library please

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