
The Faes (4)

Shawn POV

After a few hours or so, everyone came back with supplies and we reported to each other on what happened. The fairies earlier even dropped off some fruits on their visit, which was what we ate as we then start prepping all our other food and water.

We can't really drink the water made of magic, it's made of mana and can be toxic to the human body, we can only do that as a last resort.

As we talked, Professor Everett kept the information of me being the so-called changeling out, which I appreciated, as I still need to let it properly sink in.

The fairies have placed a lot of these enchanted crystals around to jam a lot of signals, but we still got these signals for us to call back to the Japanese base, only audio calls though. But nothing else, we can't be tracked or anything.

As they were preparing the meat, I just went out to walk around the forest a bit, just to get my thoughts a bit organized a bit, I didn't stray far, I was within visible range in case anything goes wrong.

The mood is bad, everyone isn't too happy about the current situation. Discovering the existence of angels is one thing, and having them help us is good, but...no one believes that they can help us escape the island, they can only make our stay feel a bit better.

I think the fact that my brother was called a blessed one made people gave everyone an unsettling feeling as well, I'm just hoping that none of us here goes crazy and starts saying that him being what he has attracted the angels.


Perseus POV

As I stepped into the denser part of the forest with the group of fairies, an air of magic enveloped me. There were these towering trees, and sunlight danced through the leaves, casting light spots within the shadows on the forest floor.

The path ahead was filled with wildflowers, their vibrant colors got past my bandana as well, it's a bit too colorful in my opinion, but I'm not gonna judge too much.

The air was filled with a delicate fragrance, a sweet blend of blooming flowers would be the best way I can describe it. I then got to the entrance and as I pushed aside a curtain of leaves, I see that the fairy village was more lively than I thought, and it was definitely a bit tiny.

The houses clung to the branches, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. They were crafted from vibrant leaves, and intricately woven twigs, and adorned with petals of every color imaginable. Each house had a unique design, really like something off a story you hear in a fairy tale.

Some fairies were engaged in the delicate art of nurturing, tending to miniature gardens that bloomed with an array of radiant flowers. Other fairies, with mischievous smiles and twinkling eyes, fluttered from branch to branch, engaged in playful games. They darted through the leaves like streaks of light, their laughter mingling with the gentle rustling of the forest. Some played hide-and-seek, disappearing and reappearing with a wink, while others engaged in acrobatic displays, twirling and spinning through the air.

Doesn't act like the group that escorted me at all, the ones who escorted me here are more silent and serious, they might just be nervous that I'm here or something, but we'll see.

As I looked around a bit more, I see a gathering area, a central clearing where the fairies would come together, probably for certain gatherings and celebrations.

But currently, they're doing some sort of storytelling. They formed a mesmerizing circle and recounted ancient tales of heroes, mythical creatures, and the different stories of God, the existence that's now spread around everywhere.

"Alright, what do you need from me?"

"It's a weird request, but would you mind giving us a portion of your blood?" Hisoka asked, "When mixed with certain herbs and juices, it's said to be a great rejuvenating miracle drink that can help make us healthier. In return, I can have my people visit your location weekly and deliver some food to help you, we can end guides to help you as well."

"Eh, sure, when can I start? We'll just do this quick and I'll head back for some rest. Though before we can do this, can my brother come along the next time I come here?"

"I'll talk with the other elders, but with me confirming him to be a changeling, he'll be welcomed and taught of his origin." Elder Hisoka answered.


3rd Person POV

Principal Von and Principal Arthur are called to the base in Japan to be briefed on what happened to their students, they couldn't come earlier and sent representatives instead while they try to find proper substitutes back at the academy to teach their current class while they're away.

They were briefed by their representatives and are briefed again, but even with their wisdom and authority, both of them can't suggest anything more than a small voluntary rescue group.

"So 15 max?" Arthur asked for confirmation.

"Only 15." the representative from UPF answered, "We've asked Irene Everett, but she said that she can't leave her other daughter alone, she'll be coming here in a few days though."

"How many have stepped forward?" Von asked

"Since there's a requirement for it, one being that they have to be at least a level 6, only 4 have so far, even then, this group would need 2 level 7 and one level 8 if they want any chance of making back with a handful of people." the representative answered, "But even then, the priorities are the Everetts and Juliette Blanc."

"What about my students?" Arthur asked

"Unfortunately sir, the Silvers are not deemed to be of the same value." the representative answered, "There are suggestions of having Perseus Silver over Sterling Everett, but some are against it since he is also considered a criminal for illegally practicing magic before the allowed age."

"Have you told this to their father?"

"We have, but he has taken it well, he said that he is more than sure that his sons will make their way back home."

"We'll see how this go for now then."

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts
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