
Teacher's Regret (7)

Shawn POV

After my turn, I went to lean against the railings with my brother who opted to go last, the reason for his wanting to be a part of the Hokkaido reclamation project is to remove the 'mark' left on him, he knows about it more than me, but it seems that he's really bothered by it.

"Ya reckon that killing these angels and participating in a program that captures angels will anger God?"

"Eh," my brother just shrugged "We already angered him enough that he sent angels to invade the planet, what could be worse? He's gonna make a deal with demons and let them invade us too."

"Well, there are rumors of humans' meetings with demons." Captain Ida chimed in

He came to the railings and leaned on it too.

"To many, the existence of demons is pretty much confirmed at this point. Angels exist after all." he said "But, no demons have been spotted, only rumors of them making deals with humans, and that also the question of whether other deities exist, if God exists, why can't the others?

"And another question regarding the demons, when they make deals with the human race, are they on humanity's side? Or are they only cooperating temporarily because of a common enemy? And if the latter is so, will they become humanity's next enemy? Either way, if you were to somehow encounter a demon, I'd advise you to never listen to their offers, even if you're desperate."

That's fair, I do believe in the existence of demons, and I definitely believe in them being humanity's next enemy, but I try not to think too much about it, the world is already messed up as is, and I'd prefer if I'm wrong, the angels are already more than enough, any more would actually push me over the edge.

"It's a sunny day, but the temperature's not bad, it's pretty mild."

"Well sunny or not, I at least don't need to wear sunglasses like you lot." Perseus replied.

"Not everyone can live their lives like you."

"Yeah, you're the only wizard I know who purposefully restricts their vision." the Captain agreed "I'm surprised that you do so well."

"What can I say? I'm a genius." Perseus replied sarcastically.

"No genius would call themselves a genius." the captain pointed out "Even if an arrogant one does, pride comes before the fall."

"I'd better have a graceful fall at the very least."

I then turned to look out towards Hokkaido before I went inside to get some water for everyone, but on my way back, an alarm was sound, I see a red alarm on the walls blaring on the patrol boat, which means an angel or a group of them is approaching.

"Man, why can't I just live my life in peace?"

I then ran outside and once I'm with the others, I dumped the water bottles in the cooler so they won't get in our way.

"Just our luck." Professor Everett then let out a few curses under his breath as he's looking in the air with his binoculars "2 captains and 23 regular angels, fast, we can't get out fast enough, so we'll have to fight them, arm yourselves."

No wonder they told me to always have my talismans on me, something like this could happen at any time. Some of the navy officers then rush outside and got on the machine guns on board, the mana bullets used in the navy are usually explosive, it's more expensive and effective against angels, the navy is usually its main consumer due to their lack of sorcerers.

We then got our noise-canceling earpiece in, it works similar to a video game's proximity chat, so it's like as if we're talking normally while canceling the loud machine gun noises as it opens fire.

The angels got within range and the officers opened fire, it'll be quite a bit longer till it's the sorcerer's turn since we want to be more accurate, I precast several storms of wind sickles in the air, but I let them just float around for now instead of just shooting it.

My attacks won't really damage them, but they can help boost the other's magic, maybe amplifying fire magic and expanding its area of damage. Besides, I threw up a pack of dirt particles to dirty some of the wind sickles so that they'll explode and burst to help slightly limit the range of the angels.

They got close and I then let it off as the others started shooting their spells as well. One of the captains then broke off from their formation and flew in a more chaotic manner as it charged at our boat.

Professor Everett intercept it by casting several talismans that flew to float a bit over the water, the water spells used the water and formed this flock of water swans that flew in the air and charged at the sole angel while everyone else focus on the rest of the angels.

Perseus hasn't cast a spell yet, but I can see that he's currently holding 2 regular talismans, he's stopped using the basic ones.

"I'll take one captain, Sir Ida, can you take the other?" Professor Everett asked

"Yes, but I'll need some help, I'm not used to fighting on water, and last time, I had both my arms with lesser scars on this now slightly crooked face." Captain Ida replied

"Boy, can you get both of them close?" the prof then turned to Perseus "You were pretty fast last time, and help provide firepower for your mentor, the others will focus on the other angels."

"Gotcha Prof." Perseus replied before casting his blue floating surfboard again and flying quickly upwards.

But his head then whipped to our backs, I turned too and I can see a swarm of angels approaching from that direction too, 1 captain and about 11 regular ones. Our situation couldn't get any worse as that group then cast a gale wind so strong that it pushed us closer to Hokkaido, the territory of angels.

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts
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