
Red Hair


*2 years ago*

Perseus POV

We then arrived at this barely lit alleyway, which, no offense, the cops should really start patrolling here or at least put cameras there, there are just too many accidents happening in alleyways.

Ezra arrived at the location way before me, I really need to learn to go faster, I'm too slow to be doing any of this.

Ezra is currently in that alleyway where we see this group of people pulling along a person with long red hair to this old shabby metal door, I can't hear whatever they're conversing about, but I can see Ezra phased through the door right before it opened. The group of people then went in and the alleyway was quiet once again.

I waited there and I can see Ezra came out of the door and quickly climbed up the building.

"Can't you burst into flames and fly or something?"

"Oh yes, great idea, why don't I just do that?" he replied sarcastically

"And I've been having this question for a long time, do you like phase through things by will? Is that why you don't fall through the ground?"

"Yes, I'm not a ghost." he facepalmed

"Most complicated dead person ever. So what's happening down there?"

"They're holding some sort of event where people gather for an illegal cage fight." he replied "They've gathered people by grabbing them off the streets and sedating them and placing them into a cage with an illegally captured angel who's forced to kill them."

"Oh, how many sorcerers and armed personnel are down there?"

"3 wizards, all around level 3." he answered "And around 20 armed personnel."

"So how the fuck did they manage to capture an angel who on average is level 4?"

"This one got no right arm." he answered "They probably stole it from a military base or a nearby small guild."

"How are they forcing an angel to fight? Why won't the angel just kill itself, they do it all the time, why is it listening to orders?"

"They got this magic hock color around their neck, can't do crap without being stopped. And angels will kill humans regardless, the angel doesn't listen to orders regarding the killing of humans." he explained "It looks weak, probably starving too, not that we can wait for it to die of starvation."

"How many civilians are in the cage?"

"12, all are gonna die if we don't do something, cops can't help with wizards down there, not that they'll make it in time." he stated "Get in there, 1st password is cheese pizza, listen to a bit of gibberish and reply with barbeque wings, they'll let ya in."

I then got on my bandana mask and put a beanie on to cover my hair before heading down.


I got in, there were about 60 people in there, and they were all gathered around the cage, inside was the angel with on one side while the other side got some member in the audience hosing them awake.

I can see the boss or organizer of this event watching through a glass wall high up from this office space on the northern wall. he also got the 3 wizards guarding him, you can tell from the talisman on their hips, they got only the basic talisman, so they are either from a military background or a dropout from the 4 great academies.

I can see the 2m tall angel in the cage facing all the frightened people who are now given some weapons to fight back such as crowbars, a broken metal pipe, a sword...etc.

Even though there ain't a lot of people yet, by mingling with them, it seems that they're expecting more in an hour or so for the man match where they have a group of the 3 wizards come in to finish off the angels, this is just the warm-up.

I then head to the nearest bathroom to put on my usual disguise, which isn't much, I've pretty much already covered myself from head to toe, long pants, long sleeve shirt under my short sleeve hoodie, the hood over my head, gloves, and finally a demon mask over my face.

"Take a breather first, you're still barely fit for this." Ezra advised "We got a good 10 minutes at least, I'll formulate a game plan for you. Also used that disposable phone to call law enforcement."

Minerva POV

When my parents say that I shouldn't walk alone at night, they were right. It's a habit of mine to go on a small jog at night after dinner, and unlike any other day, I was surrounded by this group of men.

I realized that I was being followed, but too late, they caught me and inject me with something that made me feel feverish and dazed.

But once I broke out of that stance, I realized that I'm now in this large cage with a group of other people being hosed down.

In front of me was an injured angel, and now the group of people are cheering and shouting at us to approach and fight the angel.

We were scared, but there was nothing we can do about it as the angel got up and head our way, and at our backs, the people were holding spears through the holes and pushing us forward.

"Fight for your freedom." a voice said through the speaker and I can see the person talking from inside this looking glass "It's your only way out, you have our words that we'll let you go...if you survived that is."

I then pat my clothes down and can still feel the wand I brought with me, but I don't think I have enough spells in it to save everyone here, not enough to kill the angel either.

"Close your eyes!" Someone shouted as a talisman then flew right into the air in front of us and started to glow.

I closed my eyes as I then heard people screaming 'my eyes' and something along those lines as they were blinded.

"A wizard's here, scram!" one person shouted in the audience

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts
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