
Arrival (3)

Perseus POV

For today, we're just stationed at our post for standby. And while we're at the base, we're mostly on our tablets and checking for our written assignments to complete.

And sure enough, our instructor left some for us to complete for the next 3 weeks, we're asked to do intern works for the police as well, but it's not like we mind, it's pretty much easy work. We even got our own office space for our privacy.

The day went mostly smoothly for today, I think I got a good chunk of my work finished before 2 pm, and I then rested for an hour or so, just when the peaceful day was going smoothly, it got stopped abruptly when some came to us and tried to rush us out.

"We got a dropout, let's go." Mr. Satou instructed

Mr. Souta Satou, a 37-year-old inspector of this station, is 2 ranks below the superintendent (which is the equivalent of the captain), he's around 172 cm tall and got black hair and dark brown eyes. He's a wizard with an earth and water affinity, he used to study magic in the military and joined the police after.

Wizards like him aren't unusual, many sorcerers usually end up in the police force right after, a lower-risk job, and those who are licensed wizards in the force get paid slightly better as well.

As for the term 'dropout', you can already tell from what the word is, they are basically people who drop out from either the 4 great academies or the military, very dangerous, they can use basic magic or even advanced ones depending on how far they made it. But the dangerous thing about them is when they turn to a life of crime, though the term isn't always associated with the criminal context, to have a wizard intercept it means that we are to deal with a criminal sorcerer.

Shawn looked like he wanted some action with that stupid smile on his face, but he saw my look and put back this serious expression. We got out and Mr. Satou drove us to the scene of the crime, it was a nearby temple.

We were briefed on the way, apparently, this man we're trying to apprehend is a distraught father who lost his daughter to the mana drainage disease, a rare disease for young sorcerers. I don't know much about it, but...I'll explain it the best I can.

The disease shows no symptoms at first, but once it reaches a certain stage, the mana will overpower and replace some of the cells in the human's body, and it will slowly kill the person from the inside, the body will then try to expel the mana by slowly draining it out, but at that point, the mana has replaced a good portion of our cells, so by draining it out, the body will expel your own vital cells out along with the mana, there is no particular cure, but there are treatments to slow it by a decade or so, or at least make it painless.

The disease is usually associated with sorcerers who practice magic early, though the chances are increased only by a minuscule amount, but that minuscule amount is more than enough for the UPF to use it against the MSS.

"The father was tricked by a conman he met at the temple." Mr. Satou explained "He was there to pray for his daughter's health, and the conman offered him some medicinal alternatives to treat the disease, the 'treatment' however, required him to pull her out of the hospital since the medicine was supposedly so good that it was not approved by our government since they want to make money.

"The father was desperate and he followed the instructions." He then sighs "His daughter passed painfully, and the father is now attacking the temple in search of that same man."

"How'd you know all this? Did I miss it somewhere in this-"

"Well, he came to us before." Mr. Satou cut me off "He wanted to find the man and kill him with his own hands, we are still actively searching for the conman in question, but it seems that his patience runs low."

"So that's who he's shouting for at the temple..." I realized "But no offense, why would a conman come back to confront the victim?"

We think that the father's goal is to hurry the investigation to find the man by taking the people at the temple hostages, but the station is undermanned after the last attack or whatever, so for now, we just have to stop this man.

"And that's why God sends angels to eliminate humanity, Percy." he replied "Humans are terrible, and even in times of divine punishment, we choose to be selfish and greedy, it's up to us at the force to salvage what we can. Shawn, repeat our mission."

"Apprehend the distraught father, with no harm if possible." Shawn responded "We're also to lead people away as you calm him down."

"Good." Mr. Satou said "If he shoots out any spell, intercept it, he was a second year, but he can only use the basic talisman, and even though he doesn't plan on killing anyone, still expect the possibility that he can hurt someone."

We arrived at the sight and rushed to the scene as fast as we could, Mr. Satou tried to calm the man down while the 2 of us split to avoid his sight and try to get around him the best we can.

But just as I made my way to the hostages, I sensed a fireball coming my way, so I intercepted the attack by quickly casting a weak light beam to hit the spell which caused it to explode midair.

Shawn then shot a gale of wind that blew a lot of dust and debris at the man, I think some of it got into the father's eyes as well as he now pull his hand up to cover his eyes as Mr. Satou rushed in quickly and tackle him.

"Let me go, it's all your fault that I resorted to this." the father shouted

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